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Shanghai customers unimpressed with iPhone 15 launch

There is nothing impressive in iPhones anymore for many years, since Steve Jobs dies. Only sheeple people buy iPhone, mediocre product, exorbitant price still remains relevant because of the sheeple population.
There is nothing impressive in iPhones anymore for many years, since Steve Jobs dies. Only sheeple people buy iPhone, mediocre product, exorbitant price still remains relevant because of the sheeple population.

Not sure true to what extent, Steve Jobs was quite reluctant to recruit too many Indians, especially putting them in senior management.

When every establish big tech is Hindus, Apple is very white when Steve Jobs was around.

Intel, facebook, microsoft, Qualcomm, Cisco, Microns, Twitter, ALL Hindus.

Now Tim Cook is Hinduphille.

Actually flooding in large amount of Hindus and groom them is actually Anglo Jews plans to destroy the smart and hardworking Chinese, preventing the Chinese from rising. It is also a deal with GoI to pivot India state against China. Nothing to do with meritocracy.
If you guys believe in reincarnation, those Native American Indians the Anglos masacred have to reborn somewhere. Those Hindus taking up management positions in American companies -- karma for killing them in the past life! American Indians reborned as Hindu Indians...
Maybe, no?

Check up all youtube videos from this "China Observer". Remind me of SerpentZa.

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