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Shaikh Anjem Choudary shuts down zionist interviewer

Hes Pakistani. He speaks the truth.

to me, anyone with beard or burqa is irani or indian... i speak of him following "indian culture"... i live in india and know that most modern muslims over the last 20 years have become brain-washed ( hindu ) and have adopted anti-islam practices like burqa, ugly beards and honor killing etc. if you live in india yourself, you will have seen that.

i am true islami and modern socialist, i do not believe in nationality. please see who is in my profile picture.

as for truth, please read from my first comment in this page.
to me, anyone with beard or burqa is irani or indian... i speak of him following "indian culture"... i live in india and know that most modern muslims over the last 20 years have become brain-washed ( hindu ) and have adopted anti-islam practices like burqa, ugly beards and honor killing etc. if you live in india yourself, you will have seen that.
So growing beard and wearing a burqa makes you a Hindu? What kind of Muslim are you?

Don't offend devout Muslims.
Why does his past matter?
Exactly. Very typical desi chutya mentality that will never change with even the most progress. I personally dislike his views as being too extreme but if he has reformed and is a practicing muslim regardless ohsome retarded views, no one can call him out on his past.
Exactly. Very typical desi chutya mentality that will never change with even the most progress. I personally dislike his views as being too extreme but if he has reformed and is a practicing muslim regardless ohsome retarded views, no one can call him out on his past.
Yea exactly. But it takes a lot of guts to expose hypocrisy of westernerns in their own land. I love his courage.
So growing beard and wearing a burqa makes you a Hindu?

wearing a burqa makes one a zarthusth ( zoroastrian from iran ), growing a stupid mullah beard makes one a orthodox jew, practicing honor killing and forcing marriage on daughters make one a hindu.

What kind of Muslim are you?

a real one. like jamal abdul nasser, muammar gaddafi, iqbal, faiz, saddam hussain and bashar al assad.

Don't offend devout Muslims.

you mean modern deobandi tableeghi indian "muslims" such ask yourself??

these "devout muslims" as you call them, were created by british east india company, the american cia and the israeli mossad. go look at the history of the deoband mullah school, the "ikhwaan ul muslimoon", khomenei, al qaeda, taliban, jemah islamiyah, al shabaab, fsa, hamas etc.

what were these "devout muslims" doing when 2+ million people were killed in iraq, 200,000+ killed in libya, 150,000+ killed in syria?? who were they killed by?? the western militaries. and what were the "devout muslims" doing?? oh, yes. going to their munafiq tableeghi mosques in the morning and sitting in american airforce planes in the afternoon and then by night, begin murdering iraqis, libyans, syrians.

i don't call most modern indian muslims as muslim at all. they are munafiq to me. if you want to just pray, fast and have twisted beliefs, you are free to join another religion.

by the way, do look at this thread and my comments and the responses ( Is this the end of Islam? or there is some silver-lining? | Page 10 ).

this is 2014. why don't you know all this??

lasttly, since you are on pdf, ask the pakistanis about taliban. ask them whether they want the "devout muslim" taliban or someone like musharraf or better, someone like jinnah.

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