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Shaikh Anjem Choudary shuts down zionist interviewer

Dude Allah (swt) should bless those people in Gaza..

or Allah(swt) favours someone else ?
Hamas ISIS LET kills innocents in the name of Allah..Its obvious to the world who is exposed...:crazy:
Love the way Shaikh Anjem Chaudhary destroys and exposes this hypocrite zionist.

who is this bearded fake-muslim munafiq "shaikh" anjem chaudhry to talk about world affairs and muslim affairs?? he better go measure his wife's burqa length or whether her eyebrow might be sinfully visible.

i didn't bother watching the interview.

what does this "shaikh" have to say about the nato invasion of iraq in 1990 and 2003?? and his learned views on the nato invasions of libya and syria in 2011, please. and about the deaths in those lands of 2 million ( iraq ), 200,000 ( libya ), 150,000 ( syria ).

someone please suit-up this "shaikh" and send him among the brave syrian arab army who are actually fighting the "zionists" and their puppets ( al-qaeda/taliban/fsa... ) in syria, especially near golan heights, where the "shakih" will be pleased to know that he will find the israeli army.

britain is filled with stupid south asians like this "shaikh", especially indians... dirtying the air with their beards, burqas, temples, ugly shops, stupid accent...

actually, the western governments promotes people like this "shaikh" so that the western peoples will look at these idiots and start hating islam. will the bbc or cnn or any other western media give so much interview time to real muslim leaders like muammar gaddafi, saddam hussain or even bashar al assad??

i call upon everyone to watch the very intelligent interviews of bashar al assad given not only to syria-friendly media like "russia today" but also to hostile western media. and also please watch the various speeches of muammar gaddafi, fidel castro and hugo chavez. you will see what real world leaders sound like.

allah muammar libya bas.
allah sooriya bashar oo bas.

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You made this terrorist a Shaikh?
He might be arrested sooner or later as he poses a threat to UK's security. UK being too liberal is being lenient on him.
They tried but they can't. I love his courage. You shoould be proud since he is of Pakistani origin.

what does this "sheikh" have to say about the nato invasion of iraq in 1990 and 2003?? and his learned views on the nato invasions of libya and syria in 2011, please. and about the deaths in those lands of 2 million ( iraq ), 200,000 ( libya ), 150,000 ( syria ).
someone please suit-up this "sheikh" and send him among the brave syrian arab army who are actually fighting the "zionists" and their puppets ( al-qaeda/taliban/fsa... ) in syria, especially near golan heights, where the "shekih" will be pleased to know that he will find the israeli army.
He addressed those issues in the video. So watch it then judge him.
"Shaikh" Anjem Chaudhuary is a professional troll.

He addressed those issues in the video. So watch it then judge him.

what nonsense are you talking about?? i watched because you asked me to, and i wasted maybe 3 mb of download balance, before i closed the window.

within the very first minute, he said "muslims are being oppressed by bashar al assad, being oppressed by russian government in chechnya, being oppressed in china".

did you even read what i wrote above??

now, like you asked me to watch him and then judge, i will do so now.

anjem chaudhry is a munafiq indian idiot who deserves to be shot forty times by the syrian arab army, the russia government and the china government.

and before that, set fire to his beard. because what his gay followers have done in syria and libya is much much worse. google for "libya rebel atrocity" and "syria rebel atrocity".

can you @mujhaidind tell me, what is the religion of british prime minister who allowed anjen chaudhry to grow old without worry, and then what is the religion of bashar al assad ( and his beautiful wife, asma ), and the religion of the president of the chechen republic within russia??

i ask this because the "grand shaikh", shri shri anjem chaudhry, spoke of syria and chechnya.

I love his courage.

to be a munafiq like him in britain, doesn't need courage. the british government has been training idiots like him since the 1950's to go fight proxy war against real muslim societies like egypt, libya, democratic republic of afghanistan, iraq and syria.

i ask you, @mujhaidind are you a tableeghi??

It doesn't, I liked him better when he was a failed med student out partying in Southampton.

so what happened to him?? of course, alcohol is haraam, truly bad, for self and society... but from **** magazines to burqa?? that's quite a jump.

actually, he's like those hippies of the 60's, who got bored and went to india to smoke hasheesh, took to wearing saffron clothes and saying "om". "shaikh" anjem chaudhry is the south asian "muslim" version.
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