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Shaheen-3 Missiles 90 Seconds To Delhi

I based my comments on facts and figure , if you want a analysis , give facts ,that supports your argument , not something like islamic brotherhood and all , something sensible please
You based your comments on hyper nationalistic bias with little to no knowledge of the actual systems either country possesses, kindly leave the thread unless you want to have a un-biased discussion, which you will inevitably lose at anyways.
I based my comments on facts and figure , if you want a analysis , give facts ,that supports your argument , not something like islamic brotherhood and all , something sensible please

You offered no evidence.

Nuclear capabilities are state secrets.

What evidence do you have for India having credible hydrogen bomb?

To this day no one can say for sure what Israeli nuclear capabilities are or if it even exists . Or how many nukes the Chinese have.

India might be less capable than North Korea for all we know.
You based your comments on hyper nationalistic bias with little to no knowledge of the actual systems either country possesses, kindly leave the thread unless you want to have a un-biased discussion, which you will inevitably lose at anyways.
Nothing hyper nationalist in it , you want to discuss ,give a point , this is just plain emplty threat you are trying here .

Tell me where i made a wrong argument
You offered no evidence.

Nuclear capabilities are state secrets.

What evidence do you have for India having credible hydrogen bomb?

To this day no one can say for sure what Israeli nuclear capabilities are.
I didn't said we have hydrogen bomb .

My whole discussion is on payload delivery vehicle and their interception .

If a bomb is destroyed in mid space , it's useless
Pakistan claims to be a nuclear state , and boast of being the sole islamic country to have such capability . But deep down they know , they don't have technical capability to make a good carrier vehicle for that missile .

Pakistani missile are neither light ,nor manuverable in upper stage nor in re entry , they boast of mirv ,but what will you do if your whole missile us intercepted before deployment of mirv ??

Indian agni 1p have a range of 2500 km and that too with high manuverability in all stages , moreover it is just 12 ton in weight and shorter too , that gives it capability to travel in atmosphere for reduced ranges but low chances of interception . Additionally it has jet thrust control in terminal stage to make it more manuverable (MaRV ) , which is not as good as Chinese df hgv but good enough to evade any sam system available with pakistan .

Ballastic missile are not too hard to intercept , s 400 and additional indian bmd can intercept it easily , but do pakistan have any bmd capability
Now some will question bmd capability , based on some opinion article by some third grade writer , but can they show excuse to the successful intersection by indian bmd and on global stage by US bmd .

India is developing new age missile starting with agni 1p which is among the best in its class and lightweight too , how will pakistan counter it , china isn't providing top line missile tech of their , all these Shaheen etc are copies of old Chinese design and highly bulky .

Our bmd phase 2 will start trials in end of this year as per schedule , xrsam is too in deveolpment and components are being procured for testing .

We have ourselves covered , if pakistan lauches 10 nukes , we can intercept 5 as of now ,and when the rest of system are in place , we can intercept 9or all ten , but pakistan will get as many nukes launched by india in exact figure .

What's your plan for it ? You abused us ,jokes about us ,but you have a single navigation satellite upcoming ,which we can shoot down with asat , we have many and you don't have it , so those orgasm of using anti ship ballastic missile won't work now , also that requires glide vehicle with precision guidance ,which pakistan lacks as they don't have testing facilities for that too and metallurgy is weak to do it in next 10 years

@Titanium100 @CIA Mole

Pakistani missiles has both North Korean and off the shelf purchase and chinese inputs.
So not to underestimate pakistani capabilities to launch these systems. But again how much technology they have observed that unknown but one thing is all visible any decent self sufficient nation in ballistic missile tech can easily create Sattelite Launch Vehicles atleast with smaller payload for example North Korea and Iran but we are yet to see anything close to a SLV even with minute load tested by Pakistan.
This shows they are yet dependent on foreign sources for any upgrades or off shoots of ballistic missile tech.
You offered no evidence.

Nuclear capabilities are state secrets.

What evidence do you have for India having credible hydrogen bomb?

To this day no one can say for sure what Israeli nuclear capabilities are or if it even exists . Or how many nukes the Chinese have.

India might be less capable than North Korea for all we know.
It’s okay, don’t engage with the trolls, they will leave automatically. They only come to the Pakistani forum to tell Pakistanis how Pakistan is obsessed with India and how India is superior.
Pakistani missiles has both North Korean and off the shelf purchase and chinese inputs.
So not to underestimate pakistani capabilities to launch these systems. But again how much technology they have observed that unknown but one thing is all visible any decent self sufficient nation in ballistic missile tech can easily create Sattelite Launch Vehicles atleast with smaller payload for example North Korea and Iran but we are yet to see anything close to a SLV even with minute load tested by Pakistan.
This shows they are yet dependent on foreign sources for any upgrades or off shoots of ballistic missile tech.
They have used technology from older era , it was good in that time frame .

Even india used foreign input in engine parts , but that's for pritvi 1 , later on its indigenous effort .

Agni 1 ,2 , 3 were older missile with tech that's obsolete against china or any country with some descent ballastic missile defence system , but pakistan don't have anything for now in that category .

And we have upped the game in 2500 km range with agni 1p , it's manuverable in whole flight after accent , also it can move in compressed trajectory .

After k4 ,this one is really a disruptive missile for us .
Pakistani missiles has both North Korean and off the shelf purchase and chinese inputs.
So not to underestimate pakistani capabilities to launch these systems. But again how much technology they have observed that unknown but one thing is all visible any decent self sufficient nation in ballistic missile tech can easily create Sattelite Launch Vehicles atleast with smaller payload for example North Korea and Iran but we are yet to see anything close to a SLV even with minute load tested by Pakistan.
This shows they are yet dependent on foreign sources for any upgrades or off shoots of ballistic missile tech.
They have used technology from older era , it was good in that time frame .

Even india used foreign input in engine parts , but that's for pritvi 1 , later on its indigenous effort .

Agni 1 ,2 , 3 were older missile with tech that's obsolete against china or any country with some descent ballastic missile defence system , but pakistan don't have anything for now in that category .

And we have upped the game in 2500 km range with agni 1p , it's manuverable in whole flight after accent , also it can move in compressed trajectory .

After k4 ,this one is really a disruptive missile for us .
Even the Bismillah for our missiles is done in Pyongyang. How could we ever match up to india.
It’s okay, don’t engage with the trolls, they will leave automatically. They only come to the Pakistani forum to tell Pakistanis how Pakistan is obsessed with India and how India is superior.
When you can't reply with facts ,then you go to these excuses .

I don't know why the hell this inferiority complex is there in you .

You want facts , i will give you facts .
When you can't reply with facts ,then you go to these excuses .

I don't know why the hell this inferiority complex is there in you .

You want facts , i will give you facts .
Nahi Bhai, I’m far too inferior to talk to an Indian. I’m sorry, will not happen again. I simply do not posses the mental capability to talk to someone from Hindustan.
Even the Bismillah for our missiles is done in Pyongyang. How could we ever match up to india.
Stay on topic , why you go in circles ??
I thought we can have a normal factual discussion
They have used technology from older era , it was good in that time frame .

Even india used foreign input in engine parts , but that's for pritvi 1 , later on its indigenous effort .

Agni 1 ,2 , 3 were older missile with tech that's obsolete against china or any country with some descent ballastic missile defence system , but pakistan don't have anything for now in that category .

And we have upped the game in 2500 km range with agni 1p , it's manuverable in whole flight after accent , also it can move in compressed trajectory .

After k4 ,this one is really a disruptive missile for us .

Pakistan's missiles can cover all the way to Maldives and Cairo talk about range.. As for India claiming some sort of tech it is laughable as we already saw how outdated India is in 2019 feb when their pilots lost communication with each other and command center.. Pakistan is always ahead of India in such matters of any tech sphere because they know how to utilize it better and Pakistan is traditionally the ruling state of the Subcontinent historically and this will not change and this was the case for the last 3000 years In the Indus river valley that is where all the elite of the subcontient came from including empires pre-Islam aka the Aryan expansions and during the Islamic millennium this is something that will never change for India. 7 times smaller Pakistan is superior to India in all areas such as world political influence, tactics, intellegence, better at reading situations, better civilization and superior warriors the cap between Pakistan and India is genetic and India won't ever be able to make up for it via large peasant populations that only drag India down while they change nothing in the larger scale of things. Pakistan understands this fully and understands all the vulnerablities on the micro social level
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Relax and take it easy... Neither you nor us have those megatons to produce results which you are portraying in your post.....
Don't need a megaton range of nuke warheads, we have more warhead than you, if Hundreds of Nuke warheads raining down on India how many you will intercept, may be few, and these hundreds of kiloton warheads will produce same amount of Fallout/radiation of few megaton nukes, lol don't live in your fairytales
Don't need a megaton range of nuke warheads, we have more warhead than you, if Hundreds of Nuke warheads raining down on India how many you will intercept, may be few, and these hundreds of kiloton warheads will produce same amount of Fallout/radiation of few megaton nukes, lol don't live in your fairytales
india, supposedly being a nuke weapons state got violated in the bunghole in broad daylight by Pakistan and lost 1100 sq km to China, both also bring nuke weapons states. anything like this has never happened against any nuke weapons state. makes you wonder if india even has nukes or did she role everything back just to make her new boyfriend the ol pervert uncle sam happy... 🤔
Nuclear war nobody can win.... But we MAY come out better than you because of our size, natural wealth in the form of jungles, greenary, long coastal lines etc....
LOL, didn't Japan has a jungles/greenery, long coastlines, when USA drop 2 nukes on JAPAN on WW2, did those greenery, jungles, and mountains saves them from fallouts??? and Chernobyl reactor accident only release radioactive steam into atmosphere in early 80s, and this fallout have been reach western EU (UK) and this fallout recently eliminate in 2016 predicted by various scientists, don't be deluded man
Another pakistani troll , who won't stick to topic but will go in circles .

State your air defence system , it's range , single shot kill probability , seeker tech , time of reaction .

And good luck to you and your army to lauch a nuke , sanction will come to you and stay till kingdom comes , even north korea will feel like a globalist then
Stay on topic , why you go in circles ??
I thought we can have a normal factual discussion
What facts were you presented??? lol
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