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Shabaz Shareef biggest achievement in Punjab


Sep 7, 2008
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TERRORIST ACCORDING TO PUNJAB GOVERNMENT SHOT IN FACE. Punjab Government and Punjab police are both terrorist organizations.

Listen Shabaz Shareef + PMLN, you cant hide behind Judicial comission and save yourself. Justice will be served on streets this time.


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Now is not the time to be starting political feuds, Pakistan is in the middle of a war, and it needs the full attention of everyone. While this incident disturbs me greatly, there are more urgent matters to attend to, like the 200,000 IDPs that needs help from Pakistan's establishment. Instead of trying to bring down the government and derail democracy, how about we start making a priorities list and following that?

Oh, and by calling the Punjab's government a terrorist government, you're giving more fuel and ammunition to anti-Pakistani idiots. You're basically justifying those people that say Pakistan is nothing more than a terrorist state.

Think before you idiots speak.

Finally, is there any source for the picture? Instead of posting a picture of a dead little girl, and shamefully using it to score political points, how about you give some evidence as to the background of the picture's origin, with evidence?
Now is not the time to be starting political feuds, Pakistan is in the middle of a war, and it needs the full attention of everyone. While this incident disturbs me greatly, there are more urgent matters to attend to, like the 200,000 IDPs that needs help from Pakistan's establishment. Instead of trying to bring down the government and derail democracy, how about we start making a priorities list and following that?

Oh, and by calling the Punjab's government a terrorist government, you're giving more fuel and ammunition to anti-Pakistani idiots. You're basically justifying those people that say Pakistan is nothing more than a terrorist state.

Think before you idiots speak.

Finally, is there any source for the picture? Instead of posting a picture of a dead little girl, and shamefully using it to score political points, how about you give some evidence as to the background of the picture's origin, with evidence?

Sir these idiots are playing politics in bad a time. We waited 5 years for PPP term, worst ever. Lets wait another 4 for N, and then vote for PAT if you guys love Tuq so much.
Sir these idiots are playing politics in bad a time. We waited 5 years for PPP term, worst ever. Lets wait another 4 for N, and then vote for PAT if you guys love Tuq so much.

Sharif should not have sent police to break up the protest, stupid move on his part.
Sharif should not have sent police to break up the protest, stupid move on his part.

dumbest ever move one could take in this day and age. I don't know wtf they were thinking. It may cost them next election but wait 4 years for that.

Police was removing barriers according to court order, but Tuq workers stopped them. But who ever gave order to kill them was grade a idiot.
Sharif should not have sent police to break up the protest, stupid move on his part.
First of all, whenever there are protests, police presence is always required to make sure the protesters don't get violent.

Since we're speculating, I think what most likely happened was that someone from the police's side panicked, which started this whole mess. It was probably a stupid mistake, which no one should be surprised about, considering how incompetent and under trained Pakistan's police force is.
First of all, whenever there are protests, police presence is always required to make sure the protesters don't get violent.

Since we're speculating, I think what most likely happened was that someone from the police's side panicked, which started this whole mess. It was probably a stupid mistake, which no one should be surprised about, considering how incompetent and under trained Pakistan's police force is.

The police is always present but as incompetent as they are they will not shoot unless ordered to do so.
The police is always present but as incompetent as they are they will not shoot unless ordered to do so.
You don't know that, incompetency breeds such incidents. The police in Pakistan are known to be corrupt, can you honestly tell me that there is no small amount of chance that it was just a stupid mistake that a police officer may have made? Or does it always have to be an order from higher ups? Sometimes a spade is a spade, so this could just be a spade.
First of all, whenever there are protests, police presence is always required to make sure the protesters don't get violent.

Since we're speculating, I think what most likely happened was that someone from the police's side panicked, which started this whole mess. It was probably a stupid mistake, which no one should be surprised about, considering how incompetent and under trained Pakistan's police force is.
There is talk of a petrol bomb, don't know if it's true or not!
There is talk of a petrol bomb, don't know if it's true or not!
If true, then the police was justified in using force, though I do think lethal rounds should not have even been brought to the protests. The chief of police should be fired.
If true, then the police was justified in using force, though I do think lethal rounds should not have even been brought to the protests. The chief of police should be fired.
Have you ever seen Pakistani police using non-lethal rounds?
You don't know that, incompetency breeds such incidents. The police in Pakistan are known to be corrupt, can you honestly tell me that there is no small amount of chance that it was just a stupid mistake that a police officer may have made? Or does it always have to be an order from higher ups? Sometimes a spade is a spade, so this could just be a spade.

Can happen but I am skeptical.
Have you ever seen Pakistani police using non-lethal rounds?
Good point, having said that, Pakistani police do have tear gas, and other means of dispersal, my point is that shooting live bullets was a stupid thing to do.

Can happen but I am skeptical.
Be skeptical, it's a sign of a healthy mind, but don't close your mind of to the possibility that the answer to this question may be straight forward.
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