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SEWIP sensitivity driven to State of the Art


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
The sensitivity of the Navy’s new block of upgrades to the SLQ-32 surface ship electronic warfare system is so great that it is a challenge to pick out the emitters of interest from the plethora of emitters detected by the system.

“We have driven sensitivity to the state of the art,” Capt. Doug Small, the Navy’s major program manager for Above Water Sensors, told an audience April 15 at the Navy League’s 2015 Sea-Air-Space Exposition, referring to the Lockheed Martin-built Block II version of the Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program (SEWIP) upgrades to the SLQ-32.

“We need to be able to pull emitters out of very dense environments,” Small said, speaking of the fact that the more sensitive Block II is intercepting signals previously not detectable, and operators used to older systems are needing to re-adjust their operations to take advantage of the wealth of new information on their display.

Small said the Navy has a human systems interface group working on the operator issues to maximize operator effectiveness.

Small also said that the SLQ-32(V) 6 Block II SEWIP system “is going to unleash new tactics for the fleet.”

The Block II has been installed on USS Bainbridge, an Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer and has been going through Initial Operational Test and Evaluation.

SEAPOWER Magazine Online
Nice find:tup:

All around the US military it looks like they are stepping their game up to a whole another level in term of EW.

If block II is this good, I can only imagine how amazing block III will be with the improved electronic attack capability. Make it more compact then put it on the SSC as the new EW system that they wanted :woot:
Navy Awards SEWIP Block III Contract to Northrop Grumman - USNI News

always one step ahead:usflag:
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