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Senior Tigers - The Most Decorated Unit in '65 War


May 24, 2011
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Senior Tigers/ 1 E Bengal in 65 War

1. Let me start with an overview to get the perspective right. PA had only 14 Div in the E. There was no hostilities here, but the public sentiment against Indian aggression was tremendous – possibly more than in the W. This was remarkable phenomenon, and Gov Monem Khan was under pressure to ask Gen Musa to raise a local militia.
2. PA had 6xInf Divs and 1xArmor Divs in the W. In addition 6 Armor Div was under raising. There were possibly another Indep Inf Bde and another Indep Armor Bde. This latter was located in Ft Abbas/ Sulaimanki Headwork area.
3. Battles were fought in Divs, but a Corps HQ, possibly 4 Corps was raised in Kharian with Lt Gen Bakhtiar Rana, MC as the commander. Rana was a tested and a good soldier. Perhaps the Corps HQ would have been actually involved if the war had continued.
4. 7 Div ex Peshawar was launched into attack and had captured Akhnur. Although this should have been a show of 12 Div Commander Akhtar Husain Malik (AOR Azad Kashmir), then CGS Yahya was introduced to make him a hero. Akhtar grumbled a lot and after the war and was posted as ambassador to Turkey where he died broken hearted. Ayub – Musa were to regret bringing Yahya into limelight because he, in collusion with Bhutto, began conspiring to overthrow Ayub immediately on appointment as C in C.
5. Op Gibraltar, the ill conceived, poorly planned insurgency in Kashmir was another conspiracy of Buhtto, then Forn Min. 12 Div had organized this from early 1965 just after the snow had melted in the mountains.
6. Coming downwards, next were 8 and 15 Divs at Sialkot. One was commanded by Tikka, but he was virtually acting as a Corps Comdr. Niazi was commanding a Bde here and was decorated.
7. Around Lahore were 10 and 11 Divs.
8. 1 Armor Div ex Kharian and under raising 6 Armr ex Multan were moved from location to location.
9. 1 E Bengal was under 106 Bde. 11 Div Comdr Gen Hamid was considered a good soldier and a good comdr till that point. Called Barmy Hamid because his mother was Burmese, he was COAS under C in C Yahya in 1971. Bde Comdr Nawazish was also a good officer and was later promoted to Maj Gen and became DGMT.
10. CO of the Bn, ATK Huq ( fondly called ATK)was an outstanding offr in his service group in PA. During the war he again proved his mettle and was awarded SJ. Later he was posted as Pak DA to Burma where he died.
11. Maj Maung Keow, a Rakhine old timer was the 2IC. ATK didn’t like him much, and had him attached to Bde HQ as a Liaison Offr. Maung Keow, the only Buddhist offr in PA, died last year.
12. Lt Ziauddin was the Adj. He later commanded the bn in 71, got BU and became Dhaka Bde Comdr after Col Shafiullah was appointed COAS. Bangabandhu (BB, as Sk Mujib is called by us) dismissed him and he went underground joining the communist insurgent Sharbahara Party. He took over the Party after BB executed Shiraj Shikdar. Eventually Lt Col Zia surfaced during Ershad’s second tenure.
13. Lt Sadeq was the QM. For his exceptional performance he was specially awarded a civil honor TQA. He became a Maj Gen and is now deceased.
14. Capt Ziaur Rahman, later Prez, was A Coy Comdr. He had 2/Lt Mahmud as a Pl Comdr. Mahmud was the GOC during Rezupara raid by the Burmese. He had moved his Div to battle locations immediately this incident took place. However, politicos and bureaucrats were able to poison an inexperienced Begum Zia that Mahmud was Bonapartist. He was posted as ambassador to Turkey, ill treated by colleagues at home, and much like Gen Akhtar Husain post-65, he died a heartbroken man. His widow still insists he had been assassinated. The incidents connected to Mahmud’s sacking and finally his death requires investigation. Such was the pressure on Begum ZiaK that she sacked him exactly one year to the day Mahmud’s Bde had located Zia’s body in Rangunia. Mahmud had not forgotten to remind the Begum on this irony.
15. A popular Punjabi offr, Maj Qureshi was the B Coy comdr. A Bihari Lt was his Pl Comdr.
16. C Coy was commanded by a Punjabi Maj and had no other offr.
17. D Coy was commanded by Maj Butt, a Punjabi. Had no other offr.
18. SM was a Bengalee and a fine JCO.
19. A Bengalee Arty FOO did a fine job. He is now settled in USA. Cannot find his name.
20. ATK was in fact commanding a strong composite bn plus. There was a Troop of tanks and a Coy of R&S Under Comd. Because of his professional excellence and the high morale of his troops, GOC and Bde Comdr had absolute faith in him.
21. Bn was deployed behind Bedian Headwork in Lulliani area. Bn remained in def all through and there were no detachments.
22. The bn, and particularly the RR crews performed marvelously beating back repeated IA armor assaults. Each time the Indians lost tanks. This was an unique location where IA could make no headway, although they were able to capture Barki PS.
23. The Senior Tigers received the highest number of decoration that any bn/regt received in '65 War.

24. As war trophy the Bn, when posted back to E Pak, brought back an IA tank they had captured. The PT-76 is on display at the entrance to The East Bengal Regimental Center, Chittagong.
1.This would interest BA and PA posters. Had Col A T K Huq been alive today he would be a v proud man.

2.ATK was posted into command 1 E Beng from PMA. At PMA he was Term Comdr of 29 PMA Long Course. This Course has the unique distinction of producing max number of generals for BA and PA among the PMA courses pre-1971. Mush became Prez. There were four other three stars in PA. Lieut Shabbir Sharif got NH in '65 War.
@ Thankyou very mujib43 for posting this historic article. I have seen a little bit of 1965 war though I was reading in class two only. In those days in East Pakistan Pakistan army had only 4 Brigade located at Commilla, Dacca, Jessore and Rangpur. There were no armoured regiments here. We had only one anti-aircraft regiment. The Batteries were located at Dacca, Chittagong and Jessore. The PAF Eastern wing had only squadren of Sabre Jet which played a havoc to the Eastern Wing of IAF. Indian carried out some raids at Chittagong port, Dacca airport, Narranganj industrial areas and some attacks in the North Bengal at Sibganj(Thakurgaon Airport) and Lalmonir Hat.

@ The Pakistan army kept one Commando Coy deployed at Thakurgaon with the intention to dislodged the "Silligurri Corridor" though nothing happened practically. Though the Pak army had only 4 Brigrade but they had an strong EPR and "Mujahid" Battalion". I saw all the young lots joined these forces. There were lot of enthusism among the people. No frontal attack took place. Infact in those days Indian army was very weak. They had to guard the Northern front against Chinese and western border against West Pakitan. Moreso, just 3 years back they fought a war against Chinese.

@ Governer Monem Khan hurriedly called on all the political parties for the total co-operation. But surprizingly our great leader Bongobundhu Sk Mujib suggested Monem Khan that " This is the right time to declare independance/ revolt against West Pakistan". Soon after the war he was arrested on the charge of treason. The anti-India sentiment was much more here even from West Pakistan.
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