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Sectarian atrocity: 29 killed in Mastung, Quetta ambushes

This is getting really awful.

Our government does not really bother to get their ar*** out of their comfy homes and see the plight of people and do something about this.

When the news ticker comes that the cabinet/ PM/ president expressed grief and sorrow over this and that, it really irks me.

A government is not supposed to be grieved, the common man who cannot do anything is supposed to be grieved, the government is supposed to take action against these people. Really poor response from the political goons.

Wonder what kind of people vote for these jacks?

This govt is totally useless, they will be kicked out of office.
Assalam alaikum

it is a sad incident. Those who did this must remember shia community was always a minority and will remain so, if we were killing them like that they would not have survived till now do u think our forefathers were wrong or they were tolerant with them? yes tolerance is required if u think they r offending u and killing everyone who is shia is not a solution

Having said that it is very easy to put the blame on arbi money and blame our policies but there is another factor also. The hate material and the abuses to the symbol of islam ( about the ummahat almomeneen and sahaba ) that is coming from outside of pakistan or within. that must have to be stopped or do something about it soon


An election will take place, and if the other lot - don't do their job - they will also be kicked out - it's called democracy.

democracy comes from the words δῆμος (dêmos) "people" and κράτος (Kratos) "power" :cool:
History suggests Otherwise!

Either Islam is faulty or The Good Muslims are Incompetent to the Core to handle the 1% Dudes!

no need to troll

yours is also not a glowing example
where smashing the heads of the lower castes was done for good luck and still a lot is done that doesnt get reported

any extremist can use nationism, race, religion, caste or colour to justify its violence so nothing unique about Islam here.

I know its tempting for you to take a swipe at Islam but for the sake of the dead give it a break
Having said that it is very easy to put the blame on arbi money and blame our policies but there is another factor also. The hate material and the abuses to the symbol of islam ( about the ummahat almomeneen and sahaba ) that is coming from outside of pakistan or within. that must have to be stopped or do something about it soon


this is the line used by Sipah Sahabah and TTP to kill the shia
same line used to kill our school children and even sunnis for our support of Armed forces

what I dont know is how do these killer knew that these travelling shia had committed any offence?

ok you tell me what excuse did the Kharijites use to kill the Muslims in the past?
which Sahabi did Ali had abused?

lets not look for excuses shall we? there is a difference between criticism and insult, fist is fine later is not and who ever does that actually insults the Islam itself. I am aware of the hate material against the Sahaba spread by the Nosahri people who claim to be shias but that’s nothing compared to what I read in an intelligence report about the Azam Taqiq of Sipah Sahabah, his speech was that of a sex obsessed sick maniac and it appeared he had no link to Islam, in his obsession to hate shias he went as far as talking ***** about prophet’s family that is hard to read and believe.
It is better that we keep the prospective here. Killing Pakistani Christians and Hindus because we are upset with India or the west is wrong and so is killing shias because some of us cant accept Iran as a peaceful neighbour.

I remember a laughable demand back in the late 80s by Sipah Sahabah saying Pakistan should be declared a Sunni state….. Why? Because Iran is a Shia state………!!!

You what? What does Iranian religion have to do with what Pakistan is? Is the rest of the Arab peninsula already not a bastion of wahabism? What if Iranians decide to be hindus will there be a demand in Pakistan to become Budists or Sikhs?

Coming to the topic, these killers belong to a group that Holy Prophet PBUH prophesised that it will spill the blood of the innocent Muslims like water in the name of Islam, they will recite Quran but it will not go down their own throats, they will have long beards and their foreheads will have marks from repeated and heavy prayers yet they will be ruthless and savage and they will leave Islam like the arrow leaves the bow.

Look around you and tell me, out of the 35000 Pakistanis how many have been killed by these so called soldiers of Islam?
My own family members have been attacked by these scumbags, but we are a Warrior people - we will live to see these people hanged for their crimes/
If this goes on unchecked then the day is not far away when the ethnic Hazara joins hand with the Baloch nationalists in their struggle against Punjabis as I think LeJ is a South Punjab based org.

The Govt of Pak must take steps to address the situation.
Coming to the topic, these killers belong to a group that Holy Prophet PBUH prophesised that it will spill the blood of the innocent Muslims like water in the name of Islam, they will recite Quran but it will not go down their own throats, they will have long beards and their foreheads will have marks from repeated and heavy prayers yet they will be ruthless and savage and they will leave Islam like the arrow leaves the bow.

These are lines of quran.....Quran already predicted these people 1400 years ago....and call them Jahnami ....
Just in case you have short memory about the role of the state in perpetuating these outrages:


Lashkar-e-Jhangvi leader provided police guards
By Asad Kharal
Published: July 23, 2011

RY Khan DPO says more guards will be deployed if needed.


Two police men have been assigned security duties at the residence of Malik Ishaq, recently released from a Lahore prison.

Rahim Yar Khan district police officer Sohail Tajik told The Express Tribune that the guards were deployed at the Mohallah Islam Nagar house of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi leader in view of the threat posed by a large number of people visiting him everyday He said more officials would be deployed to the place if the need arose. The LeJ has been declared a terrorist organisation and banned.

A Rahim Yar Khan police security branch official speaking on condition of anonymity said four guards of a private security company were also performing security duties at the place.

Talking to The Express Tribune, Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ) Punjab president Shamasur Rehman Muavia expressed satisfaction over security arrangements at Ishaq’s home.

Ishaq has been acquitted in 34 of the 44 cases against him involving killing of 70 people, most of them belonging to the Shia sect. He has been released on bail in the remaining 10 cases, including the attack on Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore.

‘Prisons will not stop our mission’

“Lashkar-e-Jhangvi is not a terrorist outfit. It was set up to ensure proper respect for the companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH),” Malik Ishaq said on Friday.

He was speaking to a delegation of clerics belonging to the Majlis Ahrar-i-Islam at his residence. He said foreign powers were responsible for terrorism in the country. He said these powers using as front an organisation named International Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.

He said it was this organisation that had been accepting responsibility for terrorist attacks in the country and not the LeJ he had belonged to. Criticising Interior Minister Rehman Malik for accusing LeJ of terrorist acts, he said Malik appeared to be a spokesperson for the ILJ and not the federal government.

Ishaq also said he was committed to continuing his fight mission of defending the companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) against slander and irreverence. He said he would not abandon the mission even if he was again jailed for it.

“Our struggle will continue from the platform of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jammat,” he said. He said hundreds of LeJ workers had laid down their lives for the cause.
History suggests Otherwise!

Either Islam is faulty or The Good Muslims are Incompetent to the Core to handle the 1% Dudes!

and what history are you reading??? when muslims took over juresalam SALAHUDDIN forgave all!! while king richard killed 3000 muslims after amnesty was given to chirstians! christians slaughtered jews in nazi germany!

hindus killed in golden temple,babri masjid & gujrat riots!

in all these cases are religions supposed to be blamed???? if so then yes islam is not peaceful too!
If this goes on unchecked then the day is not far away when the ethnic Hazara joins hand with the Baloch nationalists in their struggle against Punjabis as I think LeJ is a South Punjab based org.

The Govt of Pak must take steps to address the situation.

Wishful thinking there you racist person, before going all out against Punjabis don’t forget the sizable part of Indian Punjab and its Sikh population.


Hazara ARE Baloch, just like the Marri, Mangal, Bughtis, jamalis, Lagharis & Jogazais etc are.

No one has more right to this land than anyone else. For you, Bramdagh is a Baloch, but for us he is a Bughti because we are also baloch and so is our chief justice and our president and our prime minister Mir Zafarullah Jamali. The tails of the Baloch oppression and the resistance by some Baloch chieftains looks very romantic and makes a goof feed for internet armchair community but reality is different. Bughtis/ Mangals have been in power in Balochistan as governors & chief ministers and continued to extort money from the foreign and local companies but when that wasn’t enough and the federal government starter to intervene they suddenly decided to raise the noble flag of nationalism.

If you look at the mine workers and the common tribesmen that are living under these chieftains then I am sure you will cry a river. They don’t allow any infrastructure or health and civic facilities and then use the lack of them as the excuse to blame the government. And what they do? They will the labourers, and they don’t stop to check who they are, if they are Punjabis then very well if they are Pushtons who cares and if they are native baloch then doesn’t matter.

For an outsider your observation is very limited and you don’t know what you are talking about. Hazaras are hated by the Baloch rebels because they don’t associate with their militancy and thus get targeted by BLA terrorists.

Your observation about LeJ is correct, indeed it stemmed from its mother organisation Sipah Sahabah that is the founding organisation of all the affiliate TTP sub-organisations and belongs to Jhang in Punjab.
But there is yet another organisation that is Baloch based and is equally vicious and has been operating in both Iran and Pakistan and is chronically anti shia and has spilled the blood of the innocent in mosque ans other religious processions.

When Musharraf decided to side with American WoT, there was a procession I saw in Quetta which was organised by local Sipah Sahabah activists and these were their chants
Death and curses to Americans
Death and curses to Musharraf dog
Death and curses to Shia Kafirs

The reason to steamroll shias in all this was because, apparently American invasion of Afghanistan meant that the systematic and mass cull of the Shias at the hands of the Taliban had been halted. Something these bigots in Balochistan couldn’t stomach.

Lastly I will tell you how Hazaras have so far reacted to all these atrocities, I am sure you are peace loving person and will appreciate they join the security forces.
And Pakistanis have audacity to constantly remind us of Godhra incident even after 10 years since it happened. Its as if their country is a beacon of just system. What a joke.
And Pakistanis have audacity to constantly remind us of Godhra incident even after 10 years since it happened. Its as if their country is a beacon of just system. What a joke.

then Indians should stop commenting on Pakistani issues, so that we don't have to remind them of their past
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