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Sean Penn visits Ukrainian Armed Forces for new documentary exploring ‘consequences of Russian aggression’


Jul 18, 2021
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Sean Penn visits Ukrainian Armed Forces for new documentary exploring ‘consequences of Russian aggression’
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Nola Ojomu
Friday 19 Nov 2021 3:33 pm

Sean Penn is visiting Ukrainian Armed Forces near the frontline for a new project (Picture : AP

Hollywood actor Sean Penn has been pictured wearing combat gear as he began filming a new documentary in Ukraine on Thursday.

The 61-year-old took time to meet up with Ukrainian military service personnel for his new project about Russian aggression in the region.

The actor and producer visited positions near the frontline with Russian-backed separatists in the Donetsk area.

Ukraine has been fighting a years-long proxy-war against Russia, which supports separatist rebels in the country’s eastern regions.

It is reported that Milk actor’s documentary will explore how the Donbas region has been impacted by the battles with pro-Moscow rebels.

The actor made the visit to the settlement of Priazov, which has been at the forefront of the ongoing conflict.


He was seen wearing a helmet and combat gear in the images (Picture: Ukrainian Joint Forces Operation Press Service via AP)

In images shared by the Ukrainian Joint Forces Operation Press Service, the I Am Sam actor was seen wearing a helmet and surrounded by military protection

His arrival in the region came as Russian President Vladimir Putin accused the West of ‘escalating’ tensions around Ukraine by building up forces on his border, even as thousands of Russian troops, tanks and artillery pieces sit close by.

The proxy-war stems from the 2014 rebellion which ousted pro-Moscow president Viktor Yanukovych and led to Russian annexing Crimea in the aftermath.


His documentary is about Russian aggression in the region (Picture: Ukrainian Joint Forces Operation Press Service via AP)


The aim of the project is to ‘tell the general public about the events that are currently happening’ in the country (Picture: Ukrainian Joint Forces Operation Press Service via AP)

Crimea juts into the Black Sea and contains an important Russian naval port with easy access to the Mediterranean.
The conflict has so-far claimed some 13,000 lives.

A post on the Joint Forces Operation Headquarters Facebook page on Thursday said the I Am Sam actor was visiting ‘to see with his own eyes the consequences of Russian aggression’.

The post added that the idea of the documentary was to ‘tell the general public about the events that are currently happening in our country’.

LOL Hollywood fail project. What is this old fool going to do? Put his captain America suit on?
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Yep. Have you seen the BBC's documentary 'Putin's Women' ? Yes, evil Putin is oppressing Russian women.
Remember, the CIA used defending Afghan Women as the excuse for continuing the Afghan war.

I'm waiting for the BBC's documentary ' Putin beats his donkey.'. Yes, we must go to war with Russia to save the donkeys...:dance3:
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