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SCS Standoff Continues

The Filipinos got it totally wrong. They took our routine annually fishing regulation as "fishing ban". But there is no "fishing ban" only regulations which is too complicated that beyond Aquino III's simple mind.
Phillippines may as well give up. Philippines hold no cards. Look at the American Propaganda newspaper Voice of America, they spell out America's position rather well:

. And certainly the United States and China getting into a shooting war with each other over any of the Spratly so-called islands would be insane," he said. "Neither the United States nor China is going to knowingly enter into an insane situation based on pieces of paper....

"Of course," says Roy, "the Philippines has an interest in taking the strongest possible interpretation of the Mutual Defense Treaty with the United States - that is roping in the United States as strongly as possible. But we should understand here that all the players have their own specific agenda

Philippines Looks to US Treaty in China Dispute

America will not get involved in territorial disputes for the Philippines. period.

Now you have to ask yourself... what has the Philippines gotten from this encounter other than bruised egos and damaged relationships and economic loss? Time to settle this peacefully, and realize that getting into territorial disputes with the regional power with no chips is a no-win situation.

Better to put this on the back burner and exit gracefully.
Sir that's just one country we got many voicing their concerns about your country its moves and its arrogance so why are people celebrating like you want a war? Just because its Russia? its just concern about its Interest! don't get so cocky about it.

Again the only why to solve this issue is the UN nothing more should be done.

The philipines are the one who got cocky at the very beginning. Sending gun men to hijack China's fishing ships like pirates.
Aquino, Dempsey tackle Scarborough Shoal standoff


Philippine defense and civilian officials on Monday briefed General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, on China’s aggressive posture in the West Philippine Sea and reiterated to him the urgency of the Philippines’ need to have a credible defense in the disputed waters.
Dempsey also called on President Benigno Aquino in Malacañang, where he had “broad discussions” of the standoff between China and the Philippines over Scarborough Shoal and security in the West Philippine Sea with the President and other Philippine officials.
Dempsey arrived in Manila on Sunday after attending a security forum in Singapore where the United States announced details of its new military strategy involving a shift of most of its naval forces to the Asia-Pacific region by the end of the decade.
Malacañang did not tell the media about the meeting between Dempsey and the President, although presidential spokesperson Edwin Lacierda said he had known about Dempsey’s visit since Friday.

Aquino, Dempsey tackle Scarborough Shoal standoff | Inquirer Global Nation
Let's hope your President, Aquino, be more diplomatic and will not bad mouth us in UK, otherwise everything we worked for the past 2 weeks will come to nothing.
The Filipinos got it totally wrong. They took our routine annually fishing regulation as "fishing ban". But there is no "fishing ban" only regulations which is too complicated that beyond Aquino III's simple mind.

Arrogant much? you people are simply mind idiots here! why not claim the whole world arrogant @$$hole

The philipines are the one who got cocky at the very beginning. Sending gun men to hijack China's fishing ships like pirates.

Pirates your the one claiming all and leaving nothing to anyone arrogant people you people are! claiming the whole sea comply with International law china is not above it arrogant Sons of B***$

Let's hope your President, Aquino, be more diplomatic and will not bad mouth us in UK, otherwise everything we worked for the past 2 weeks will come to nothing.

Well typical chinese monsters from HK if you people have nothing good to say Shut the F up! why is it to you if we go to other countries?

Wut's a rusting juggernaut's function in a shallow water shoal? can Pinoys load it with your leaking cockpit airplane (LCA)?

functionless Pinoy, that guy is a false flagger. :rofl:

Ya and you are all knowing and truthful not!!!

When China found, ruled the HUangyan Islands, the Phil Locals were in stone age.

So what that was a long time ago this now its part of our national Territory whats your point your maybe an old civilization but your people and nation are still stupid and immature this the 21st century we have International laws to follow your just being stupid if you think being part of an older civilization makes you better that's just stupid

When China found, ruled the HUangyan Islands, the Phil Locals were in stone age.

So what that was a long time ago this now its part of our national Territory whats your point your maybe an old civilization but your people and nation are still stupid and immature this the 21st century we have International laws to follow your just being stupid if you think being part of an older civilization makes you better that's just stupid
Your ugly words reflects nothing but your ugly soul and a facet of the uncivilized state of Phil people.

Arrogant much? you people are simply mind idiots here! why not claim the whole world arrogant @$$hole

Pirates your the one claiming all and leaving nothing to anyone arrogant people you people are! claiming the whole sea comply with International law china is not above it arrogant Sons of B***$

Well typical chinese monsters from HK if you people have nothing good to say Shut the F up! why is it to you if we go to other countries?

Ya and you are all knowing and truthful not!!!

So what that was a long time ago this now its part of our national Territory whats your point your maybe an old civilization but your people and nation are still stupid and immature this the 21st century we have International laws to follow your just being stupid if you think being part of an older civilization makes you better that's just stupid

So what that was a long time ago this now its part of our national Territory whats your point your maybe an old civilization but your people and nation are still stupid and immature this the 21st century we have International laws to follow your just being stupid if you think being part of an older civilization makes you better that's just stupid
Your ugly words reflects nothing but your ugly soul and a facet of the uncivilized state of Phil people.

Really WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? TO SAY THAT TO US? YOU HAVE NO MORAL STANDING TO MAKE THAT STATEMENT SIR! your the uncivilized here not us! we are not claiming the whole world! unlike us who are following the agreements that whole world made each other.
Philippine-American Ties Warm Amid South China Sea Dispute
June 5, 2012, 12:05 p.m. ET

Philippine President Benigno Aquino III is scheduled to arrive in the U.S. on Wednesday on a visit to strengthen warming ties between the two countries, even as tensions continue between Manila and Beijing in the contested waters of the South China Sea.

On Tuesday, those tensions appeared to cool slightly, after the Philippine government said that China and the Philippines had pulled back maritime-surveillance vessels from the center of a contested shoal, where they have been locked in a weekslong standoff over territorial rights.

The Philippines' Department of Foreign Affairs said China withdrew two coast-guard vessels from a lagoon at the middle of Scarborough Shoal, 119 nautical miles, or about 220 kilometers, off the Philippines' northeast coast. A Philippine fisheries protection vessel also partially withdrew in a move the Philippines said it hoped would ease tensions.

"We have been conducting diplomatic consultations with China and the result is the pullout," said Philippine Foreign Affairs Department spokesman Raul Hernandez. "It is part of the process of defusing tension in the area."

Aquino to Visit U.S. Amid China Tension - WSJ.com
Scarborough Role for U.S.?
June 2, 2012

“Pivot” has never been the best word for the Obama administration’s approach to the Pacific. Neither has “rebalancing.” Both terms imply a new state of affairs.

There’s nothing new, however, about the United States’ predominant role in guaranteeing peace and security in the Pacific. It has long been the region’s indispensible power. What the administration is doing is finding new ways to demonstrate America’s continuing commitment to this role.

Notwithstanding the value of the measures it has taken to date, such as new Marine rotations through Australia and littoral combat ships rotating through Singapore, nothing will speak louder to the U.S. commitment than honoring its treaty obligations to the Philippines in the current stand-off with China around Scarborough Shoal.

Scarborough Role for U.S.? | Flashpoints
Philippines president visits U.S. as allies eye China

By Paul Eckert

WASHINGTON, June 7 (Reuters) - Philippines President Benigno Aquino arrived in the United States on Wednesday for a visit that will highlight the Southeast Asian archipelago's growing importance in U.S. strategic thinking, as the White House "pivots" to Asia and both countries worry about China's intentions.

Aquino, well-regarded by the U.S. government, not least for his battles against corruption, is being accorded a White House meeting on Friday with President Barack Obama.

That meeting comes as Washington has begun helping Manila beef up its modest military capacities in the face of a confrontation with China over contested South China Sea reefs.

The United States, colonial ruler of the Philippines from 1898-1946 and a treaty ally with Manila since 1951, has embraced the Philippines as part of a policy that makes the Asia-Pacific region the center of U.S. security and economic strategy.

"The meeting between President Aquino and President Obama will lay the groundwork for the future of the strategic partnership between the Philippines and the United States," said Jose Cuisia, the Philippines ambassador in Washington.

Aquino will also meet senior U.S. lawmakers for "discussions on our bilateral economic and defense cooperation, the shift in the focus of the United States toward the Asia-Pacific and ways to revitalize our alliance," the envoy said in a statement.

Washington's "rebalancing" of forces to the Asia-Pacific region, a post-Cold War strategy two decades in the making, has accelerated under the Obama administration as a response to China's rapid military modernization and growing assertiveness in that region.

A U.S. official said Washington saw Aquino as a leader who is "trying to do the right thing" to tackle the corruption, cronyism and red tape that have held back the economy of his nation of 93 million people.

But the United States is moving cautiously in solidifying defense ties with Manila. The Philippines evicted the U.S. military from Naval Station Subic Bay in 1992, and nationalist sentiment remains high.


Even as it fought wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States kept more than 70,000 troops in a network of military bases in Japan and South Korea that date back to the 1950s.

The Obama policy has focused on Southeast Asia and crafting flexible arrangements with other allies in Asia, Australia and the Philippines, and ship visits to Singapore and Vietnam.

No new U.S. bases are envisioned under this scheme, although 2,500 U.S. troops will rotate through and train in Darwin, Australia. Any new arrangements with the Philippines would be smaller than the Australian program, U.S. officials say.

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said last weekend the Pentagon will reposition its naval fleet so 60 percent of its battleships are in the Asia-Pacific region by the end of the decade, up from about 50 percent now. The move drew a pledge from China's People's Liberation Army to increase its vigilance.

In upgrading its military capability to protect its interests in disputed areas of the South China Sea, Manila has been looking to Washington for ships, aircraft and surveillance and equipment to build a credible defense posture.

After high-level bilateral security and diplomatic talks in late April, the Obama administration pledged to increase its annual foreign military sales program to the Philippines to $30 million, about three times the level of the 2011 program.

"We've been working with the Philippines on military modernization for 12 or 13 years, very intensively," said Walter Lohman, a Southeast Asia expert at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative Washington think tank.

"The only thing that has changed is the urgency of this and the seriousness the Philippines has shown under the Aquino administration," he said.


Manila's new urgency stems from a months-long showdown with China at the Scarborough Shoal, a horse-shoe shaped reef near the Philippines in waters both countries claim.

The United States is formally neutral on South China Sea territorial issues, complex disputes which also pit China against Vietnam and other Southeast Asian nations.

Washington, however, has promoted multilateral diplomacy to handle the disputes - challenging China's insistence on bilateral talks with its weaker neighbors.

"The United States has the dilemma of balancing the many, many vital interests we have in our relations with China, with our interests in Southeast Asia and it really is a balancing act," said Southeast Asia security expert Don Weatherbee.

Weatherbee, emeritus professor at the University of South Carolina, said that while Manila could not expect a "blank check" from Washington in a territorial conflict with Beijing, U.S. credibility would face scrutiny.

"It's not just a question of U.S.-Philippines relations. It's a question of the American security guarantee in East Asia and the Asia-Pacific and what is actually meant by the word guarantee," he said.

This week's meetings in Washington will also take up the prospect of the Philippines joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a free trade pact in the Asia Pacific region with nine members that is also examining applications by Japan, Canada and Mexico. (Additional reporting by Andrew Quinn and Manuel Mogato in Manila and David Alexander in Singapore; editing by Todd Eastham)

Philippines president visits U.S. as allies eye China | Reuters
Manila Takes on the Goliath
By Javad Heydarian
June 7, 2012
With the standoff over the Scarborough Shoal (“Huangyan Island” to the Chinese and “Panatag Shoal” to the Filipinos) having entered its second month, many are wondering how long the tiny Philippines will stand its ground as Beijing steps up its diplomatic and military pressure.

If this were simply a legal matter, the deck would surely be heavily stacked against the Chinese. The shoal is located clearly within the country’s 200-nautical-mile Exclusive Economic Zone

Manila Takes on the Goliath | New Leaders Forum
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