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Scores injured in clashes between Palestinians, Israeli police at Jerusalem’s Al Aqsa

K Shehzad

May 18, 2019
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Israeli police fired rubber bullets and stun grenades towards rock-hurling Palestinian youth at Jerusalem’s Al Aqsa Mosque on Friday amid growing anger over the potential eviction of Palestinians from homes on land claimed by Jewish settlers.

At least 205 Palestinians and 17 officers were injured in the night-time clashes at Islam's third-holiest site and around East Jerusalem, Palestinian medics and Israeli police said, as thousands of Palestinians faced off with several hundred Israeli police in riot gear.

Tension has mounted in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank during the Muslim holy month of Ramazan, with nightly clashes in East Jerusalem's Sheikh Jarrah — a neighbourhood where numerous Palestinian families face eviction in a long-running legal case.

Calls for calm and restraint poured in on Friday from the United States and the United Nations, with others including the European Union and Jordan voicing alarm at the possible evictions.

ens of thousands of Palestinians packed into the hilltop compound surrounding the mosque earlier on Friday for prayers. Many stayed on to protest against the evictions in the city at the core of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

But following the evening meal that breaks the Ramazan fast, clashes broke out at Al Aqsa with smaller scuffles near Sheikh Jarrah, which sits near the walled Old City's famous Damascus Gate.

Police used water cannon mounted on armoured vehicles to disperse several hundred protesters gathered near the homes of families facing potential eviction.

"If we don't stand with this group of people here, (evictions) will (come) to my house, her house, his house and to every Palestinian who lives here," said protester Bashar Mahmoud, 23, from the nearby Palestinian neighbourhood of Issawiya.

Calm down and be quiet'
Palestinians react as Israeli police fire stun grenades during clashes at the compound that houses Al Aqsa Mosque on Friday.  — Reuters

Palestinians react as Israeli police fire stun grenades during clashes at the compound that houses Al Aqsa Mosque on Friday. — Reuters

An Aqsa official appealed for calm on the compound through the mosque's loudspeakers. "Police must immediately stop firing stun grenades at worshippers, and the youth must calm down and be quiet!"

Israel's Supreme Court will hold a hearing on the Sheikh Jarrah evictions on Monday, the same day that Israel marks Jerusalem Day — its annual celebration of its capture of East Jerusalem during the 1967 Middle East war.

The Palestine Red Crescent ambulance service said 108 of the Palestinians injured were taken to hospital, with many hit with rubber-coated metal bullets.

One of the injured lost an eye, two suffered serious head wounds and two had their jaws fractured, the Red Crescent said. Most of the rest of the injuries were minor, it added.

A police spokeswoman said Palestinians had thrown rocks, fireworks and other objects towards officers, with about half of the 17 injured requiring medical treatment in hospital.

"We will respond with a heavy hand to any violent disturbance, rioting or harm to our officers, and will work to find those responsible and bring them to justice," the spokeswoman said.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said he "held (Israel) responsible for the dangerous developments and sinful attacks taking place in the holy city" and called on the UN Security Council to hold an urgent session on the issue.

Violence has also increased in the occupied West Bank, where two Palestinian gunmen were killed and a third critically injured on Friday after they opened fire at an Israeli base, police said. After that incident, Israel's military said it would send additional combat troops to the West Bank.

Playing with fire'
Sheikh Jarrah's residents are overwhelmingly Palestinian, but the neighbourhood also contains a site revered by religious Jews as the tomb of an ancient high priest, Simon the Just.

The spokesman for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said the evictions, "if ordered and implemented, would violate Israel's obligations under international law" on East Jerusalem territory it captured and occupied, along with the West Bank, from neighbouring Jordan in 1967.

"We call on Israel to immediately halt all forced evictions, including those in Sheikh Jarrah, and to cease any activity that would further contribute to a coercive environment and lead to a risk of forcible transfer," spokesman Rupert Colville said on Friday.

Washington was "deeply concerned about the heightened tensions in Jerusalem," said US State Department spokeswoman Jalina Porter.

"As we head into a sensitive period in the days ahead, it will be critical for all sides to ensure calm and act responsibly to de-escalate tensions and avoid violent confrontation," Porter said.

The European Union, Jordan and the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council have expressed alarm at the potential evictions.

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said Jordan had given the Palestinian Authority documents that he said showed the Sheikh Jarrah Palestinians were the "legitimate owners" of their homes.

Israel's "provocative steps in occupied Jerusalem and violation of Palestinian rights, including the rights of the people of Sheikh Jarrah in their homes, is playing with fire," Safadi said in a foreign ministry statement on Twitter.

Israel's foreign ministry said on Friday that Palestinians were "presenting a real-estate dispute between private parties as a nationalist cause, in order to incite violence in Jerusalem". Palestinians rejected the allegation.

Pakistan strongly condemns violence
The Foreign Office said in a statement on Saturday that Pakistan "strongly condemns the attacks on innocent worshippers in Al Aqsa mosque by the Israeli Occupation Forces".

It added that the attacks during the month of Ramazan were a "contravention of humanitarian norms and human rights laws".

"We pray for the speedy recovery of the injured, reiterate our steadfast support to the Palestinian cause, and once again urge the international community to take prompt action to protect the Palestinian people.

"For lasting peace in the region, we once again underscore the need for a two-state solution in accordance with the relevant United Nations and OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) resolutions, with the pre-1967 borders, and Al Quds Al-Sharif as the capital of a viable, independent and contiguous Palestinian state," said the FO statement.

Where are the two custodians of Al Qods, Jordan and Morocco? Probably both cleaning Netanyahu bidet….

Israeli settlers storm Aqsa Mosque; Palestine warns of consequences​

Sunday, 06 February 2022 11:29 AM [ Last Update: Sunday, 06 February 2022 11:36 AM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Israeli settlers storm the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the occupied Old City of al-Quds on February 6, 2022 under the protection of the regime’s forces. (Photo by Shehab news agency)
Dozens of Israeli settlers have stormed the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the occupied Old City of al-Quds under the protection of the regime’s forces, with the Palestinian Foreign Ministry warning Tel Aviv against the settlers' increasing atrocities.
The Islamic Endowment Department in al-Quds said in a statement that the settlers entered the compound through the Moroccan Gate, also known as the Mughrabi Gate, on Sunday morning, Palestine's official WAFA news agency reported.
They performed provocative tours at the site, which is venerated by Jews, Christians and Muslims.

The settlers also conducted Talmudic rituals near Bab al-Rahma, which is the eastern gate of al-Aqsa Mosque.
Israeli legislators and settlers regularly storm the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the occupied city, a provocative move that infuriates Palestinians. Such mass settler break-ins almost always take place at the behest of Tel Aviv-backed temple groups and under the auspices of the Israeli police in al-Quds.
The al-Aqsa Mosque compound, which sits just above the Western Wall plaza, houses both the Dome of the Rock and the al-Aqsa Mosque.
The Jewish visitation of al-Aqsa is permitted, but according to an agreement signed between Israel and the Jordanian government in the wake of Israel’s occupation of East Jerusalem al-Quds in 1967, non-Muslim worship at the compound is prohibited.
Israeli settlers raze Palestinian land to expand illegal West Bank settlement
Israeli settlers raze Palestinian land to expand illegal West Bank settlement
Israeli settlers raze Palestinian-owned land in order to expand a nearby settlement in the occupied West Bank.
Last May, frequent acts of violence against Palestinian worshipers at the al-Aqsa Mosque led to an 11-day war between Palestinian resistance groups in the besieged Gaza Strip and the Israeli regime, during which the regime killed at least 260 Palestinians, including 66 children.
Palestinians want the occupied West Bank as part of their future independent state and view al-Quds’ eastern sector as the capital of their future sovereign state.
Palestine holds Israel responsible for settlers’ practices
Meanwhile, Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates held the Israel “fully and directly” responsible for settlers’ practices in the West Bank and warned of dire consequences.
The ministry called on the UN Security Council and the United States to take necessary measures to stop the occupying regime’s “crimes and violations” against Palestinian people.
It noted that Israel as the occupying power must adhere to international will for peace and legitimacy in order for the credibility of international institutions to be preserved.
Palestinian PM warns of escalating Israeli settlers’ violence against Palestinians in West Bank
Palestinian PM warns of escalating Israeli settlers’ violence against Palestinians in West Bank
The Palestinian prime minister warns of escalating Israeli settlers’ violence across the occupied West Bank and denounced their arbitrary actions.
The Palestinian foreign ministry then called on the US and the Security Council to “fulfill their legal and moral obligations towards the continued suffering of Palestinian people as a result of occupation, [illegal] settlements and the large-scale ethnic cleansing they are subjected to.”
The ministry expressed its "great surprise over Washington’s and the international community’s silence on the violations and crimes” being perpetrated by Israel in the occupied Palestinian lands.
“Israel’s disregard for the Palestinian cause and escalation of crimes against our people are clearly evident that the regime is not willing to be a partner for peace,” it stated.
“The settlers’ violations against defenseless civilians, their land, property, and trees throughout the West Bank, and East al-Quds, are taking place without any punishment or deterrent,” the ministry highlighted.
“The Israeli settlers’ practices are a direct reflection of the Israeli government’s policy and decisions regarding the Palestinian cause,” it said.

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