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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

I have just one observation on this.. The countries involved served two weeks notice to Qatari citizens to go out of their respective countries... Now, Egypt has about 200,000 citizens working in Qatar.. What happens to them??? May be Egypt didn't think it through....
we have military base and starategic cooperation energy and defence industry with qatar i hope we go on support qatar and MB but this times will be difficult for turkey in the result turkey is not superpower against america and its allies (pkk/pyd,saudis+egypt) . Time will say everything
Do you think the relationship between Turkey and GCC will deteriorate?
We all know you have very strong relationship with Qatar in the history, Ottoman Empire was Qatar's biggest patron in the history. You have 300 soldiers stationed in Qatar now.

What are you writing brother?

Qatar Airways suspends all flights to Saudi Arabia....
the Qataris have to pay the price for flying all those persian boys to europe and canada with the modest Qatar airways , cause otherwise they were supposed to fly the Emirates . it also has something to do with Qatar drilling for gas like iran does , and russia too :D if you ask me it's an OPEC thing
we have military base and starategic cooperation energy and defence industry with qatar i hope we go on support qatar and MB but this times will be difficult for turkey in the result turkey is not superpower against america and its new allies (pkk/pyd,saudis+egypt) . Time will say everything
support MB are you fvcking insane? you want us to pick sides. you akp don't learn anything. did the Syrian civil war not thought you a lesson.
but it's funny non theless the shia's protest in Bahrain and Qatar turns out to be the pro iran state there .
Do you think the relationship between Turkey and GCC will deteriorate?
this is possibility in the future if we will reach enough the power . but firstly we get rid of energy dependency like oil
My Biggest question: What will happened of potential Qatar citizens/residents, if they want to proceed to Haj?
We will back Qatar, Gcc have sponsored the coup in Turkey so now we will backing Qatar against despotism.

Qatar will survive this, i don't see them bombing Qatar:-). Al saud will come to Turkey over and over to stop backing qatar. And will pressure us about Milgem ahahah.
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