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Saudi Royal Palace reportedly divided over normalizing ties with Israel


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Saudi Royal Palace reportedly divided over normalizing ties with Israel
September 19, 2020, 01:09 PMlatest revision September 19, 2020, 02:06 PM
2 min read
Head of Saudi Royal Palace King Salman of Saudi Arabia (right) and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Riyadh on November 20, 2019
Bandar AL-JALOUD / Saudi Royal Palace / AFPHead of Saudi Royal Palace King Salman of Saudi Arabia (right) and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Riyadh on November 20, 2019

The announcement of the deal reportedly took Saudi King Salman by surprise
The Saudi royal palace is said to be divided over establishing official relations with Israel, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday evening.
According to the US daily newspaper, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) is in favor of a normalization agreement with the Jewish state and interested in trade cooperation and an alliance against a common enemy, Iran.
But the country's leader, King Salman, is a longtime supporter of an Arab boycott against Israel, and supports the Palestinians' demand for the creation of an independent state.
According to senior Saudi officials, the announcement of Israel's sealed diplomatic agreements between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain greatly surprised the 84-year-old king, unlike his son, who was aware of the deal.
The prince, who has a close relationship with White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, reportedly kept his father in the dark over the emerging agreement fearing his opposition, which would have prevented the UAE from establishing links with the Jewish state.
After learning about the Abraham Accords, the king ordered his foreign minister to re-declare the kingdom's commitment to establishing a Palestinian state, without mentioning the normalization of relations.
At the same time, Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saoud, a member of the royal family and former Saudi ambassador to the United States, considered close to the king, also wrote a column in a local newspaper in which he reiterated his commitment to the Palestinians and implied that the Emirates should have put more pressure on the Israelis for more concessions.
"If an Arab country follows in the footsteps of the United Arab Emirates," he writes, "it must demand a price in return and it will have to be a high price."
This was expected. Mark my words Saudi royal family don't supports MBS ideology and his actions. The level of hypocrisy in royal family is at peak in recent times.
Saudi Royal Palace reportedly divided over normalizing ties with Israel
September 19, 2020, 01:09 PMlatest revision September 19, 2020, 02:06 PM
2 min read
Head of Saudi Royal Palace King Salman of Saudi Arabia (right) and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Riyadh on November 20, 2019
Bandar AL-JALOUD / Saudi Royal Palace / AFPHead of Saudi Royal Palace King Salman of Saudi Arabia (right) and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Riyadh on November 20, 2019

The announcement of the deal reportedly took Saudi King Salman by surprise
The Saudi royal palace is said to be divided over establishing official relations with Israel, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday evening.
According to the US daily newspaper, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) is in favor of a normalization agreement with the Jewish state and interested in trade cooperation and an alliance against a common enemy, Iran.
But the country's leader, King Salman, is a longtime supporter of an Arab boycott against Israel, and supports the Palestinians' demand for the creation of an independent state.
According to senior Saudi officials, the announcement of Israel's sealed diplomatic agreements between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain greatly surprised the 84-year-old king, unlike his son, who was aware of the deal.
The prince, who has a close relationship with White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, reportedly kept his father in the dark over the emerging agreement fearing his opposition, which would have prevented the UAE from establishing links with the Jewish state.
After learning about the Abraham Accords, the king ordered his foreign minister to re-declare the kingdom's commitment to establishing a Palestinian state, without mentioning the normalization of relations.
At the same time, Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saoud, a member of the royal family and former Saudi ambassador to the United States, considered close to the king, also wrote a column in a local newspaper in which he reiterated his commitment to the Palestinians and implied that the Emirates should have put more pressure on the Israelis for more concessions.
"If an Arab country follows in the footsteps of the United Arab Emirates," he writes, "it must demand a price in return and it will have to be a high price."
It's argument over right time not about accepting Israel. Israel openly use the KSA space, gas line from UAE, 81 strike over Iraq, toppling the most beloved Saddam who had been supported ME war for 8 years .... just accept the Israel ,why later .....
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This was expected. Mark my words Saudi royal family don't supports MBS ideology and his actions. The level of hypocrisy in royal family is at peak in recent times.
I think MBS will be taken out internally within the family. HE is a maniac and murderer
If the king is the king, he needs to show it. The world expects MBS to stay quiet until his father passes to move forward as he sees fit.

The king is wise to know if he settles cheaply and normalize relations before he can pressure the other side into adhering to the two state solution with Al-Quds the capital of the Palestinian state, he will have diminished the status of the Saudi state and played into the hands of Iran and Turkey.

Saudi Arabia has the kind of Soft power and influence in the Muslim world that UAE and Bahrain don’t command. In an age when oil is Becoming less important they should be weary of losing soft power along with their principled stance.

For any peace deal to last, all side must feel they have not lost. Any deal the undermines the legitimate needs and desires of the Palestinian people is a deal that will leave open the possibility for future conflict. Saudis can be a good partner in peace by doing the hard task of holding the US to the two state solution before any normalization. The king seems to be for this approach but for it to work, this is the time to act, unless he is also waiting to see what happens after the election.

Either way, The king needs to show he is still the King.
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MBS is going to go down in the history of Islam as one of the most treacherous man who betrayed the Palestinian cause. Probably that will lead to the fragmentation of OIC, expansion of Zionist state and eventually losing control of holy sites from under the control of Saudi's. Just imagine him visiting Pakistan again and the reception he gets.
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I think MBS will be taken out internally within the family. HE is a maniac and murderer
Not going to happen anytime soon. He diminished his rivals in the whole family. He locked them up in hotel rooms. The only thing that could happen to him is assassination which is highly unlikely because of his tight and potent security. If his own cousin or any one shoots him that would do the thing. But again all of this is highly unlikely.
Saudi Royal Palace reportedly divided over normalizing ties with Israel
September 19, 2020, 01:09 PMlatest revision September 19, 2020, 02:06 PM
2 min read
Head of Saudi Royal Palace King Salman of Saudi Arabia (right) and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Riyadh on November 20, 2019
Bandar AL-JALOUD / Saudi Royal Palace / AFPHead of Saudi Royal Palace King Salman of Saudi Arabia (right) and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Riyadh on November 20, 2019

The announcement of the deal reportedly took Saudi King Salman by surprise
The Saudi royal palace is said to be divided over establishing official relations with Israel, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday evening.
According to the US daily newspaper, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) is in favor of a normalization agreement with the Jewish state and interested in trade cooperation and an alliance against a common enemy, Iran.
But the country's leader, King Salman, is a longtime supporter of an Arab boycott against Israel, and supports the Palestinians' demand for the creation of an independent state.
According to senior Saudi officials, the announcement of Israel's sealed diplomatic agreements between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain greatly surprised the 84-year-old king, unlike his son, who was aware of the deal.
The prince, who has a close relationship with White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, reportedly kept his father in the dark over the emerging agreement fearing his opposition, which would have prevented the UAE from establishing links with the Jewish state.
After learning about the Abraham Accords, the king ordered his foreign minister to re-declare the kingdom's commitment to establishing a Palestinian state, without mentioning the normalization of relations.
At the same time, Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saoud, a member of the royal family and former Saudi ambassador to the United States, considered close to the king, also wrote a column in a local newspaper in which he reiterated his commitment to the Palestinians and implied that the Emirates should have put more pressure on the Israelis for more concessions.
"If an Arab country follows in the footsteps of the United Arab Emirates," he writes, "it must demand a price in return and it will have to be a high price."
This was expected. Mark my words Saudi royal family don't supports MBS ideology and his actions. The level of hypocrisy in royal family is at peak in recent times.
It's argument over right time not about accepting Israel. Israel openly use the KSA space, gas line from UAE, 81 strike over Iraq, toppling the most beloved Saddam who had been supported ME war for 8 years .... just accept the Israel ,why later .....
I think MBS will be taken out internally within the family. HE is a maniac and murderer

Their are schisms in the royal family and matter of time it comes out and consumes them. What MBS has been doing has alienated the royal family at large than unite it.
After the death of a Ruler there will be some dispute between the people. At that time a citizen of Madina will flee (from Madina) and go to Makkah. While in Makkah, certain people will approach him between Hajrul Aswad and Maqaame Ibraheem, and forcefully pledge their allegiance to him.
Thereafter a huge army will proceed from Syria to attack him but when they will be at Baida, which is between Makkah and Madina, they will be swallowed into the ground.”

Yeh, he did. By allowing Israel the use of Saudi airspace.
Your right

At least MBS is open about what options his predecessors have left him with; all the Saudi money invested in the west and the value of oil at rock bottom prices.

had Saudi invest even a third of that money a generation or two ago, (GCC countries have approx $3-4 Trillion invested in the west) into Egypt, Pakistan, and other heavily populated Muslim countries, they could have had the equivalent of a Chinese level of industrialize diversification partners from which to negotiate Middle East peace from.
Sounds very fishy..no one knows what is going on in the palace.. let alone about the king and the crown prince.. just forget these speculative news..
Saudi elite are side with money, since... always. Money is their real god.

If they want to go on living in their lives of luxuries and money spending, they can't afford a Israel-Iran war that it will close Hormuz strait and turn the region into a hell.

So pay to Israel and shut up.
Saudi elite are side with money, since... always. Money is their real god.

If they want to go on living in their lives of luxuries and money spending, they can't afford a Israel-Iran war that it will close Hormuz strait and turn the region into a hell.

So pay to Israel and shut up.

Should Trump win re-election, expect any and all means to go into full speed to undermine the Iranian regime. Should Biden win, expect a half hearted approach. All parties in the Middle East are waiting to see what happens in November. In the mean time, the Arabs and the Israelis are arming up to either go in with the US or on their own if need arises.
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