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Saudi Prince Khaled makes progress with F-35 deal

Check post # 8 again just edited it..
It only seems obvious and non surprising if RSAF as well as UAEAF go for Fifth Gen now. It has been quite some time since UAEAF go on a buying spree post B60.

Whereas, RSAF requires F-35 for strategic requirements more than any other in the region.

I wonder what is Qatar planning on for the Fifth gen jump.
I would if I had not seen him spamming 2-3 Saudi Arabian/Arab related threads just within the past 1 hour on this section and the Middle East and Africa section.

Yes, KSA should start shooting down civilian airliners full of our own citizens a few km away from our capital and parade North Korean and old USSR tech (slightly reversed) as our own while using gullible Shia cannon fodder/terrorist proxy groups from across the world to fight wars that we have no ability to fight on our own in our name. Yet to win a single war against Arabs as well.
Report the post, Move on. If you believe someone is stupid or annoying, You yourself shouldn’t fall to such level, I personally don’t give a sh*t to serious retarded trolls, Move on.

Just think of it, They aren’t biting you, Just an irrelevant post, If you ignore, Many others ignore as well. Chill out your mind.

If Saudis want to kill, they should make their own equipment.

Pakistan makes its own JF17, Iran makes its own missiles, Turkey makes its own drones. US military industrial complex supplying unlimited weapons to the region is a menace and has no positive effects.

The only weapons that belong in this region are the ones made in it. I have no problems with the Saudis having military equipment but they should make their own like Pakistan, Turkey, and Iran. Saudis should spend their money building their own equipment instead of buying it from the US. It will benefit the Saudis.

Just in your dreams..
Have you ever seen a Saudi F-15 knocked down.. or maybe in your dark dreams too..

If Saudis want to kill, they should make their own equipment.

Pakistan makes its own JF17, Iran makes it missiles, Turkey makes its drones. US military industrial complex supplying unlimited weapons to the region is a menace and has no positive effects.

The only weapons that belong in this region are the ones made in it. I have no problems with the Saudis having military equipment but they should make their own like Pakistan, Turkey, and Iran. Saudis should spend their money building their own equipment instead of buying it from the US. It will benefit the Saudis.
You will see poor people sourcing wood, Screws and other materials to make a room furniture themselves at home as per their wish and budget.

Then comes people who can afford normal furnitures but not quite often, but they have the power to buy at retail.

Then comes people who buy furniture from famous expensive outlets and every now and then keep on changing them. Just because they can afford, However, Their variety is restricted and their own creativity cannot be applied.


F-35 is coming to KSA and UAE.. no doubt about it..
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I want to remind you of the fact that KSA has much more powerful missiles with a bigger payload and a much longer range (been the case since the 1980's courtesy of China) and in the meantime KSA has been working on its own ballistic missile force so every sane person can imagine what is in the arsenal as of 2020), than anything Iran has and a stronger missile defense system and a much larger territory. Wars are not won by missiles either. Not that there will ever be such a war even though I am sure that you would be a cheerleader.


If Saudis want to kill, they should make their own equipment.

Pakistan makes its own JF17, Iran makes its own missiles, Turkey makes its own drones. US military industrial complex supplying unlimited weapons to the region is a menace and has no positive effects.

The only weapons that belong in this region are the ones made in it. I have no problems with the Saudis having military equipment but they should make their own like Pakistan, Turkey, and Iran. Saudis should spend their money building their own equipment instead of buying it from the US. It will benefit the Saudis.

It was not downed.. that is well known as it went back to its base and repaired.. it was slightly hit..
You will see poor people sourcing wood, Screws and other materials to make a room furniture themselves at home as per their wish and budget.

Then comes people who can afford normal furnitures but not quite often, but they have the power to buy at retail.

Then comes people who buy furniture from famous expensive outlets and every now and then keep on changing them. Just because they can afford, However, Their variety is restricted and their own creativity cannot be applied.
Well KSA is the 3 of them now..
It is making its own weapons..It is buying from time to time any technology and weapon systems it needs and it is also buying high end weapon systems..

So out of 100's upon 100's of failed attempts in the a past 5 years, they finally managed to make some material damage at last. What is sad about all this is that the damage was fixed almost right away and that it was not the work of your beloved Iranian Mullah regime (they would not dare to attack KSA directly) but the work of likely some of their terrorist militias in Southern Iraq.

As if such an attack could not have been repeated by KSA at oil installations in Iran just across the pond using terrorist proxies in Al-Ahwaz or Southern Iraq. What a huge "victory", really changed anything on the ground in Yemen or KSA, lol.
If Saudis want to kill, they should make their own equipment.

Pakistan makes its own JF17, Iran makes its own missiles, Turkey makes its own drones. US military industrial complex supplying unlimited weapons to the region is a menace and has no positive effects.

The only weapons that belong in this region are the ones made in it. I have no problems with the Saudis having military equipment but they should make their own like Pakistan, Turkey, and Iran. Saudis should spend their money building their own equipment instead of buying it from the US. It will benefit the Saudis.


Is this a teenagers wishful imagination---?

So if your mama and Dada ( daddy ) and little sisters are dying of Corona Virus---you won't allow the usage of a vaccine made in china or the US or Japan if one was available to save their lives---?

It has to be made in pakistan---for all practical purposes. Oh I am sorry---you have dual flag---you accept the US made---.

How about if it was made in India---or IRAN?
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