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Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah in Intensive Care Unit


Dec 8, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah in Intensive Care Unit

Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz has been admitted to an intensive care unit in a hospital.

On Saturday, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Nayef bin Abdul Aziz, the half brother of Saudi King Abdullah was announced dead.

The 79-year-old Nayef, who was also the long-serving interior minister of Saudi Arabia, recently left the kingdom for medical treatment and was seen in Switzerland a few days ago.

Next in line for the position of crown prince is expected to be Nayef’s younger brother, Prince Salman, who is the minister of defense. However, no one has officially been announced to replace the dead crown prince.

HAAHAHAHAHA looks like he will be seeing his brother sooner then he thought. Say hi to Hitler for me when you get there :D
It looks like Prince Salman may take over the head of State responsibilities very soon.
looooolz , aspirations of the iranian no more and no less :rofl:
Okay calm down kid, we don't want you blowing up.
I hope he recovers soon and is a changed man after looking the death from so close. I hope he takes some actions that will make a positive difference in Muslim world
That would be insane if both the crown prince and the King die within 2 days of each other. Saudis need some young blood to be the next crown prince.
keeping in the view the ages and health conditions of the royal family they should start nominating top 5 princes in line to the throne. You never know. Btw get well soon and long live the king
Every living soul shall return to Allah SWT, including Ahmadi Nejaad and King Abdullah. Not a big fan of him but as a human being I shall pray for his health. May Allah SWT give him health and courage. Ameen
That would be insane if both the crown prince and the King die within 2 days of each other. Saudis need some young blood to be the next crown prince.

Do you expect a country like Saudi Arabia with tribal and backward mentality to have the wisdom to choose a young crown prince? In their definition of tribalism the older you get the more you deserve to rule the country. So don't expect anyone younger than 70 to be the next crown prince my friend.

Oh no troll posts again lets post some iranian junk weapons

Oh no, no junk Iranian weapons, let's post some Turkish barking against Syria that how the mighty Turkey will invade Syria within days if Syria doesn't head the demands of the super duper power Turkey. Syria's fate is in Turkey's hands. Just a wrong move and the mighty Ottoman empire will crush you in a blink Assad! You know!!! LOL.

(Pardon me other Turkish forumers like Erdogan, Bronze Plaque, and others that are reasonable people, but this fella deserved a response)
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