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Saudi Arabia is about to appoint an advisor for its first nuclear projects within two months

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Sources to CNBC Arabia: Saudi Arabia is about to appoint a consultant for its first nuclear projects within two months

Sources told CNBC Arabia that Saudi Arabia is about to decide on the winning company to provide advisory services for its first nuclear projects within the next two months, at a time when the Kingdom intends to use nuclear energy as an energy source as part of an ambitious plan to diversify the energy mix in the largest Arab economy.

The source added that the King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy, which is the government agency responsible for implementing the Saudi nuclear program, is close to finalizing its decision in choosing the winner to provide financial audit services for the project after a competition between international companies that included Deloitte, EY, HSBC, and PwC.

According to the sources, the winner will receive a 4-year contract whose work includes presenting a feasibility study for all project works and selecting the best offers from among the companies that will bid to build the Saudi nuclear reactor until the project is completely closed.

Saudi Arabia has an ambitious nuclear program through which it aims to generate energy for peaceful purposes, in which the Kingdom relied on pressurized light water reactors as an ideal option for energy-producing reactors.

The source added that the selection process may take place in the coming September or October.

While another source said that the appointment of the financial advisor for the project may be done by using the current mandate or issuing a new mandate to one of the international investment banks that will be selected later.

The Saudi government plans to build two reactors in its first nuclear projects to generate up to 2.8 gigawatts of electricity.

The source added that competition is fierce between Chinese, Russian, French and Korean companies to build the new reactors, as many companies in those countries have expressed their desire to implement the project.

The demand for electric power in Saudi Arabia is increasing annually by more than 7%, which represents an increasing demand for hydrocarbon resources, at a time when the country is seeking to transition to an economy that is not based on oil and gas.


The source added that the King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy, which is the government agency responsible for implementing the Saudi nuclear program, is close to finalizing its decision in choosing the winner to provide financial audit services for the project after a competition between international companies that included Deloitte, EY, HSBC, and PwC.

So based on the highlighted companies, this tells me this project will be managed by India as that's majority of the employees at all ranks in these organizations.

Secondly, this isn't about "KSA's will to generate electric energy, this is a step 1 towards KSA going nuclear like they said they would if Iran wasn't stopped.
Nearly two decades later, Saudi Arabia is still deciding. Even the Americans are leaving Afghanistan as we speak.

Saudis are not going to be allowed to build nuclear power plants.
Nearly two decades later, Saudi Arabia is still deciding. Even the Americans are leaving Afghanistan as we speak.

Saudis are not going to be allowed to build nuclear power plants.
Not allowed by whom???
"The source added that competition is fierce between Chinese, Russian, French and Korean companies to build the new reactors, as many companies in those countries have expressed their desire to implement the project."

Did you know that KSA has mastered Nuclear reactor's technology..


SMART (System-integrated Modular Advanced ReacTor)


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Not allowed by whom??? ...
The combined West.

You can check this post 20-years later and "competition" between the interested parties will still be fierce and nothing built by then.

Saudi Arabia acquiring nuclear power is a joke of the 21st century.
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The combined West.

You can check this post 20-years later and "competition" between the interested parties will still be fierce and nothing built by then.

Saudi Arabia acquiring a nuclear power is a joke of the 21st century.
Saudi Arabia acquiring civilian nuclear power is already a reality.. but hard to accept by some people.. that is the joke of all centuries..HaHaHa!
And where exactly is this nuclear power?
They may have one IAEA-approved small-size civilian use nuclear reactor and are signatories of NPT.
They have an underground city with nuclear missiles in al-Sulayil, south of the capital Riyadh. They have 90,000 tons of ore reserves. But still, even Libya was provided full equipment they failed to even produce a simple centrifuge. They may hire Pak tech. We have already set up their missile factory and put it on production.
They may have one IAEA-approved small-size civilian use nuclear reactor and are signatories of NPT.
They have an underground city with nuclear missiles in al-Sulayil, south of the capital Riyadh. They have 90,000 tons of ore reserves. But still, even Libya was provided full equipment they failed to even produce a simple centrifuge. They may hire Pak tech. We have already set up their missile factory and put it on production.
The only nuclear thing that the Saudis have is that they are under Pakistani nuclear umbrella since 2015. That is should Saudi Arabia face an imminent military invasion, Pakistan will militarily intervene.

Saudi Arabia is the only country Pakistan has provided this guarantee to

Instead the resolution said Pakistan should play a mediating role, though it also promisese to “stand shoulder to shoulder” with Saudi Arabia in the event of an invasion or any threat to Islam’s holiest sites in Mecca and Medina – at present an unlikely scenario.

This guarantee is to nullify Saudi acquisition of nuclear power. And, that's that.
And where exactly is this nuclear power?

I don't understand the bitterness in your posts.. It is like someone hurt your vagina take a deep breathe. Saudi Arabia has Nuclear project going for energy purposes... By the way Saudis can get the Bomb at will overnight.. They invested in Pk nuke assets.. Don't bite the hand that feed you
The only nuclear thing that the Saudis have is that they are under Pakistani nuclear umbrella since 2015. That is should Saudi Arabia face an imminent military invasion, Pakistan will militarily intervene.

Saudi Arabia is the only country Pakistan has provided this guarantee to

Instead the resolution said Pakistan should play a mediating role, though it also promisese to “stand shoulder to shoulder” with Saudi Arabia in the event of an invasion or any threat to Islam’s holiest sites in Mecca and Medina – at present an unlikely scenario.

This guarantee is to nullify Saudi acquisition of nuclear power. And, that's that.
Remember our Nuclear facilities are fully under IAEA surveillance. We can provide the brain but not the equipment anymore. Our nuclear facilities security is set up and organized by the US govt, not to move any equipment out of Pak border. Clusters of satellites hanging on Pak land.
Plus, Holy land is not under threat. It is all useless talk. Surah Al-fil
Remember our Nuclear facilities are fully under IAEA surveillance. We can provide the brain but not the equipment anymore. Our nuclear facilities security is set up and organized by the US govt, not to move any equipment out of Pak border. Clusters of satellites hanging on Pak land.

Pakistan can if it wants... Think deep and hard about this. It can even transfer to a 3rd country some war-heads. There will only be some complaints here and there nothing more really perhaps even sanctions but who cares if it was necessary
Saudies if they decide they can be a nuclear power before the sunrise tomorrow..... This is the power of money.... Nothing is impossible for them.....
And Saudi Arabia is a peaceful country who have never attacked any country till date inspite of having the most advanced military in Asia comparable to Japan, SK, Israel.... they deserve to possess nuclear weapons.....
Saudies if they decide they can be a nuclear power before the sunrise tomorrow..... This is the power of money.... Nothing is impossible for them.....
And Saudi Arabia is a peaceful country who have never attacked any country till date inspite of having the most advanced military in Asia comparable to Japan, SK, Israel.... they deserve to possess nuclear weapons.....

I am starting to think Indians are better than Pakistan.. I seriously mean it. This was a sensible comment a peasant brain-dead pakistani couldn't put together even if his life depended on it

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