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Saudi Arabia Declines U.N. Security Council Seat

Do you think Saudi Arabia was right for rejecting the U.N. Council seat?

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October 18, 2013 - 09:40
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia said on Friday it was declining its United Nations Security Council rotating seat, citing "double standards" that made it hard for the world body to end conflict and wars.

"The kingdom sees that the method and work mechanism and the double standards in the Security Council prevent it from properly shouldering its responsibilities towards world peace," the foreign ministry said in a statement carried by state news agency SPA.

It said it was unable to take its seat until reforms were introduced, but did not specify what reforms it wanted.

The Security Council has been divided on how to handle the civil war in Syria, with Western powers pushing for stronger sanctions against President Bashar al-Assad and Russia vetoing resolutions to that end. Saudi Arabia has been backing rebels in that conflict.

The United States, Britain, France, Russia and China are permanent members of the Security Council and hold veto powers. Other states are brought onto the body on a rotating basis.

(Reporting by Reem Shamseddine, writing by Sami Aboudi)


Saudi Arabia declines Security Council seat, citing failure to tackle conflict | Reuters
Wonderful decision. Who can take this organization seriously anymore? Why is it that only 5 countries out of over 200 have a permanent seat and a veto right? Where is the democracy in that, LOL?

As I wrote in the other post.

UN is a corrupt organization ruled by the West. We should boycott it until they do something about Syria instead of talk and other issues such as Palestine. Or the African countries they exploit.

While they speak in their expensive Armani suits small Syrian children are succumbing to drought in the year 2013 in Levant. The once ancient food bracket of the world where agriculture was first invented.

But ok, what do I know. This is maybe positive. I hope something comes out of this although I doubt it.

I once respected UN greatly but recently it turned into a coffee club where a few big bullies dictate the world policies and only interfere on the side of justice and the morals they preach when it suits those big bullies. Otherwise they keep silent. Look at Syria or Palestine or the African countries they left to root for themselves after they plundered them and exploited them for decades.

I hate to be negative but the current world politics and the state of the world disgusts me.

And I am a product of that world and not any better.


"O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest you swerve, and if you distort justice or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that you do." [Sûrah al-Nisâ’: 135]
I think Saudi Arabia is overstrecthing with the Syria situation. Only way to a solution is negotiated settlement between the Syrian government and legitimate portion of the opposition (which would exclude the heart-eaters in Al Nusrah/Qaida and ISIS).

A US led war against the country is the last thing anyone needs, and US public opinion is heavily against it anyway. Not to mention, its not what the Syrian people want.
Bring peace and stability, by starting a major war? Hmm...something about that logic just doesnt click well.

And highly unlikely now that there is progress on dismantling of chemical weapons. Whereas Al Qaeda is busy kidnapping human rights organization members and UN peacekeeping soldiers.
The world is starting to see that current Syrian government represents the best way to maintain security because they are the rational actor.
Even Turkey is starting to reconsider whether arming rebels is in their long term security interests.

Saudi boycotts of UN speeches and security council seat is not going to reverse anything.
KSA should become a member country of G4 nations if it wants any significant change in working of UNSC
Yeap...KSA did the right thing and gave the right speech I think.

UN is no more than a world representation council rather than 'U'niting 'N'ations as it was supposed to do that.

The whole world has admitted that UN is useless. But what I fear is a deadly false flag attack inside Turkish soils in order get NATO in.
Yes,the UN ,just like its predecessor the League of Nations is a joke.To much talk and bureaucracy ,to little action.It's not just about Syria but apparently any tin pot dictator out there can gas its nation,it takes one veto to allow him to do that unmolested by the UN.Why should any country back this joke of an organisation anymore ?
I don't think there's a country that refused a seat in the UN security council before :undecided:, Oh well, i think we should've accept it though, even though the UN is not fair and the world fate is decided by 5 countries only the'rs still no harm in accepting it, it was going to be useful for our interests, work like a boost, Lol.
@Yzd Khalifa , @al-Hasani , @ArabianLegend

Do you confirm this news? has it been officially announced in KSA yet?
I didn't expect KSA to decline the seat. If KSA wanted to decline it, why they applied for it at the first place? I know that UN is highly corrupted, and it has limited power, but having a seat in UN council will increase and promote your position and status in negotiations.
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KSA should become a member country of G4 nations if it wants any significant change in working of UNSC

None of G4 could have made any difference TBQH. I would recommend joining the BRICS though.
KSA should become a member country of G4 nations if it wants any significant change in working of UNSC

We are already a G20 member state alongside India btw. That organization is the only organization or at least one of the few that actually play any importance. Other than just making pre-recorded speeches for the masses that will never be followed up.

G-20 major economies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I completely agree that the UN need reforms. Why is it that a country like Russia can veto on the Syrian resolution and then nothing can be done by the international society? Why not include ALL 200 countries? Or 180 something? Would that not give a better picture of how the world views issue x or y? The 5 permanent countries with permanent seats and veto rights go counter to the so-called democracy the UN preaches.

I don't think there's a country that refused a seat in the UN security council before :undecided:, Oh well, i think we should've accept it though, even though the UN is not fair and the world fate is decided by 5 countries only the'rs still no harm in accepting it, it was going to be useful for our interests, work like a boost, Lol.

I think the fact that we have now done it should raise a few issues within the UN but I doubt that this coffee club will ever evolve, sadly. I kind of agree with your comment here but what influence are we talking about WITHIN the UN body? Just look at the 4 other countries that got a temporarily seat. Just LOL. We can make our influences visible in so many other ways as we have already done.
Excellent reply. I don't believe in any law, anyhow! :D

Biggest jokes:


Christian and near dear ones regimes:


Rest of the "coveted" prizes:

NOBEL etc.

Wonderful decision. Who can take this organization seriously anymore? Why is it that only 5 countries out of over 200 have a permanent seat and a veto right? Where is the democracy in that, LOL?

As I wrote in the other post.
@Yzd Khalifa , @al-Hasani , @ArabianLegend

Do you confirm this news? has it been officially announced in KSA yet?
I didn't expect KSA to decline the seat. If KSA wanted to decline it, why they applied for it at the first place? I know that UN is highly corrupted, and it has limited power, but having a seat in UN council will increase and promote your position and status in negotiations.

Well you have a point here just like Juba. I don't actually know if the country applied for a temporarily UN seat in the security council or whether this is something that evolves around a certain pecking order. But I doubt that they use such initiatives.

Maybe it was to make this statement? I don't really know. A temporarily UN security council seat or not then I doubt that anything would change.
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Yes, NY-based Saudi consulate reported the news a few hours ago.
@Yzd Khalifa , @al-Hasani , @ArabianLegend

Do you confirm this news? has it been officially announced in KSA yet?
I didn't expect KSA to decline the seat. If KSA wanted to decline it, why they applied for it at the first place? I know that UN is highly corrupted, and it has limited power, but having a seat in UN council will increase and promote your position and status in negotiations.

We were facing an external pressure from many member states including Reformist Rohuani.
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Excellent reply. I don't believe in any law, anyhow! :D

Biggest jokes:


Christian and near dear ones regimes:


Rest of the "coveted" prizes:

NOBEL etc.

Barack Obama the Nobel Prize winner in 2009:lol:

Thank you Obama for being half black and half white (so, so special!) and for killing many civilians with your drone attacks in various countries, for killing civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan during 2009. You really did a lot for peace. Sadly I can't remember any of your initiatives that resulted in peace. During the Syrian conflict you have been sleeping.

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