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Saudi Arabia capabilities to counter the Israel

today if fight b\w Israel & Saudis occur that will finish the Israeli state.today Saudi has full support by Pakistan.and we can do every thing.remember past Arab-Israel wars.we have atomic bombs its means Saudi also have atomic bombs

Pakistani Wmd programe is financed By Ksa, in case of emergency they can used them..remember , saudi crown prince visit of Kahota
If the war between saudi arabia and israel is limited to oil fields and bordering areas fine.

But the moment these yahood's threaten holy place like Mecca and Madina.

Jihad will become Fard ( absolutely obligatory ) on every living able muslim in this world.

Anyone who has excuse for not participating can keep his excuse till Akhira ( Day of Judgement ).

Now u can come up with ur senario's :tup:

The term jihad and its actions have been heavily used politically that it is hard to distinguish between real jihad and the political one.
The term jihad and its actions have been heavily used politically that it is hard to distinguish between real jihad and the political one.

I know that, but if israel attacks holy places, iam not going to watch it on CNN.
I know that, but if israel attacks holy places, iam not going to watch it on CNN.

they are not that stupid to attack those holy places. what is the benefit of attacking mecca and medina to them?
they are not that stupid to attack those holy places. what is the benefit of attacking mecca and medina to them?

Nothing in normal times...both these sites along with others are allegedly to be targeted for nuke strikes as part of the "Samson's option" if ever Israel is in danger of being over run though.
Nothing in normal times...both these sites along with others are allegedly to be targeted for nuke strikes as part of the "Samson's option" if ever Israel is in danger of being over run though.

Wouldn't that result in their destruction anyway ?
This is a curious thread, Saudi Arabaia has neither the capability nor more importantly, the Will, to counter Israel. In fact Israel is a ally of Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arbia's enemies are arab Islamists, and to some Saudis'. the Iranian - both enemies of Israel as well. Similarly both US and Israel are US allies.
The term jihad and its actions have been heavily used politically that it is hard to distinguish between real jihad and the political one.

plz define Real jihad and political jìhad
Both the countries are in the US camp, so they won't go against each other atleast in the near future.

But if they go against each other in the future, Saudi will score over when it comes to land mass, oil reserves and funds and Israel in technology and tactics
Similarly both US and Israel are US allies.

Whats that sir?
plz define Real jihad and political jìhad

Political jihad is the al qaeda and taliban one.
Israel has 58 F-15 Strike Eagles Blocks A-D

Israel also has 25 F-15S Eagles

Israel Israel has 276 F-16 Fighter Jets, 101 them are F-16I, custom made Israeli Avionics from Israel Aero Space Industries. 65 of those 276 fighter jets are Block B-D.

International reports state that Israeli's have anywhere from 250-500 Warheads, 200 Warheads was estimated back in the 1980's thanks Isreali scientist Vanunu who took information at the nuclear powerplant Negev. Now enough with the little history lesson now back to my point, Israeli's have Intercontinental Ballistic missiles with MIRV capability one of the missiles being the Jericho III with a range of between 7000-11000 km, with a MIRV capability of several warheads with payload of 1,300 kg.

-Saudi Arsenal well I don't really want to talk about it, but if it was attack on Israeli the House of Saud will be sent back to the Middle Ages, Ohhhh Wait....
Wouldn't that result in their destruction anyway ?

Yup..the "Samson option" is that if Israel is going to be destroyed they will take along a large part of the middle east with them including all the holy muslim sites.
Why on earth will Israel attack Saudi?
-Saudi Arsenal well I don't really want to talk about it, but if it was attack on Israeli the House of Saud will be sent back to the Middle Ages, Ohhhh Wait....

Saudi's have 57 F-15C, 25 F-15D, 72F-15 SA,71 F-15S, 72 Euro Fighter's to be delivered 6 already in service & 5 E3 Sentry for air borne early warning & control.

An image depicting the coverage of the DF-3A ballistic missile when fired from Saudi Arabian garrisons to a range of 4000 km

If you think that Saudi's cannot retaliate with a nuclear strike then you can continue to live in your happy little delusional world.:pop: pop corns any one????
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