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Sarfaroshi Ki tamanna

So Mr Qsaark, you're not a proud Pakistani?I guess next time you'll be saying Balochistan should be independent and you're proud Balochi.You can still be a proud Indian anyway if you don't like Pakistan.Just surrender your Pakistani Nationality and get Indian nationality.

Let me remind u that even after partition on "two nation theory",india still has nearly same numbers of muslims as found in pakistan.And indian muslims are by no means doing less well than any pakistani muslims in their lives.

APj kalam, Azim premji, Amir khan, Ar Rehman, Sania mirza are few examples of sucessful indian muslims who prove that if u are talented and willing to work hard, only the sky is the limit .
Well said qsaark. Bismil's work is that of a true patriot and anyone who appreciates the sentiments behind this song will own it. The fight for freedom in this case was against the British empire and not for Hindu-Muslim rights.
Iqbal's "Sare jahan se accha hindostan hamara" is the unofficial national song of India and Indians whole-heartedly own it.

One doesn't have to be anti-Indian to be a patriotic Pakistani.
well because of the HINUD MUSLIM RIOTS OF 1928 when congress came into power....
Do you think only Hindus were responsible?

and its better we got our independence...because SIR we saw Babri masjid and other frication issues between HINDU & MUSLIMS would have flared up after 1940 and would have led to a lot more blood shed!!
It is possible hence I also support the creation of Pakistan.

sir i don't know if i am speaking to an INDIAN or a PAKISTANI with a statement like this sir....i mean JINNAH if he had the aim of politically gaining power and keeping it for himself sir he would have made sure alot of "WEALTH" from a NEW country went to him and him alone & his FAMILY became the offical HEIR of the country....but none of that happened...he left nothing for himself or his family...
Where did I say Jinnah wanted anything for himself? I said “even Jinnah was using the demand of a separate homeland for the Muslims as a political card to gain as much leverage for the Muslims of the India as possible”.

Zob, I respect your patriotism. But I urge you to read the history of Pakistan movement. There are things in there that we are not told in Schools, and that is why we find them weird. If there is one man I love after Muhammed (PBUH) may be it is Jinnah. A role model of a professional, a statesman, a hard working person. However, Jinnah was also a politician, a shrewd one. He kept all his option open, and played has cards well.

for me the history of PAKISTAN and our NATION starts on 14th AUGUST 1947
Muslims have lived in and ruled India for around 1000 years, if this fact does not ‘connect’ us from India than it is your choice.

exactly my point sir if we own these great poets then why not some pashtoo poets as in AFGHANI POETS....or BALOCHI POETS who were not a part of pakistan.... everyone will head out their own way...
I was talking about the Urdu poets not the regional ones.

now as for ghalib & co...well we own them for being MUSLIMS...
Ghalib & Co? This right there tells me how much you own them. And I can not own or disown literature based on the religion of the contributor.

you look back then i guess every small tribe community will want a part of their heritage...and the essence of the NATION of PAKISTAN gets diluted...
Nations build over time, and not at the cost of abandoning their heritage(s) altogether. There is a binding force behind the Pakistani nation, their religion. As long as we are connected well to our religion, the very basis of the two nation theory, we are fine.
NO NO NO NO NO! Do not turn this into another one of those threads!
I love this poem, regardless of who wrote it. In particular, during the days of the Lal Masjid problem, I would read this every single day. It was sobering to say the least. If we Pakistanis just got over the "who wrote it part" and take its message to heart, what is not possible.

Lastly, I have wondered this for a while. It is somehow considered "scholarly" to debate what never was, and to say "history should have been different". All these arguments against the creation of Pakistan fall into this same category. "It would have been better for the Muslims of India if Pakistan had never existed". "Intellectuals" will always have fun with this topic, and if you disagree, you're just not "objective" enough. BS. If I were alive in the 1940s, and sometimes I wish I had been, I would have fought for Pakistan as well. It is easy to like the idea of living like second class citizens in your own land, it is tough to do so.

As for a small group of Pakistanis and Indians on this thread, they have a history of fanning the flames. Pay no attention to the fake patriots and the real demons of stupidity.
Bhagat Singh's favorite poetry was from Allama Iqbal and he edited Urdu newspapers (Sardar Bhagat Singh)... And he abandoned religion after witnessing Hindu-Muslim riots.

If you can find it in a CD shop, watch the movie Rang de Basanti... a modern take on history and hence easily accessible.
Do you think only Hindus were responsible?

they were the ones in power sir....

It is possible hence I also support the creation of Pakistan.

thank you

A role model of a professional, a statesman, a hard working person. However, Jinnah was also a politician, a shrewd one. He kept all his option open, and played has cards well.

sir i beg to differ even if i agree with your theory that he was a shrewed politican who was trying to gain political leverage... beyond a certain point he had to stick to an idea and follow it inorder not to embarrass himself...and so the question of keeping his options open goes out of the window....unless and until you don't put your heart into the matter you can't really make others believe your dream....no matter how good of an orator you are...you have to believe inorder to achieve sir....

Muslims have lived in and ruled India for around 1000 years, if this fact does not ‘connect’ us from India than it is your choice.

sir with due respect read what i wrote that NATION of PAKISTAN came into being on 14th august before that you i didnot exsist....as for muslims sir we ruled andalusia that also connects me to spain...however as a PAKISTANI...my "connection" to Andalusia and muslim ruled india should be one!!

Ghalib & Co? This right there tells me how much you own them. And I can not own or disown literature based on the religion of the contributor.

sir i call them ghalib and company....i don't own them sir...i am looking at things strictly here from a PAKISTANI point of view...was ghalib a pakistani..NO....now when we talk about literature let's talk about FAIZ AHMED FAIZ...MUNIR NIAZI...ALLAMA IQBAL.... these sir are pakistani

Nations build over time, and not at the cost of abandoning their heritage(s) altogether. There is a binding force behind the Pakistani nation, their religion. As long as we are connected well to our religion, the very basis of the two nation theory, we are fine.

true sir religion connects us...but then were the arabs not muslims or the turks any less muslims....i say religion connects us to each other as pakistanis and to the middle east and the turks....however it doesn't mean that it only connects us to india...

anyhow sir i guess i am talking from strictly a dreamer prespective where being a PAKISTANI means you seize to exsist as a urdu speaking,punjabi,pathan,balochi & sindhi

where for me PAKISTAN histroy starts of in 1940 when the concept came to life....and before that nothing...before that my religion exsisted everywhere from india to Andalusia.. i own ghalib as much as i own umral-quais

i wish if all pakistanis can think that after religion comes the NATION all our constant bickering will end....but oh well i am a dreamer...
i would like to add one thing the small have to fiercely defend there ideology inorder to not be overwhelmed by the larger....the larger has the LUXURY to inherit the smallers "good points"...and still not seize to exist....
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