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Sarah Palin: "Waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists"


Mar 6, 2013
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United Kingdom
(CNN) - Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin told a capacity crowd at a National Rifle Association rally how she would baptize terrorists if she was an elected official.
“If I was in charge,” Palin said Saturday in Indianapolis, “they would know, waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists.”

Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona, who ran against then Sen.-Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election, with Palin as his running mate, has spoken out against waterboarding, calling it illegal and ineffective. During the Vietnam War, McCain endured years of torture and imprisonment as a prisoner of war under the North Vietnamese]

Palin: ‘Waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists’ – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

The world sure would have been an interesting place with her as the VP and John "Russia_justagasstation"-Shotgun" McCain as the President of the US.:usflag: :undecided:
The world sure would have been an interesting place with her as the VP and John "Russia_justagasstation"-Shotgun" McCain as the President of the US.:usflag: :undecided:
The U.S. wouldn't have nabbed OBL nor would the Russians have dared invade Crimea, as Ukraine would already have been a NATO member and McCain might very well have supported the 2009 Iranian Revolution rather than stand by and see it suppressed.

I'm not sure the world would be more interesting, but it sure would be different.
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