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Caste based Discrimination is not a part of our ancient culture.
In past,Valmiki (considered as dalit) could become a maharishi,and write Ramayana.
The Yadavs are considered to be the followers of Krishna.So does that mean Krishna belonged to OBC ?

During the Golden ages they changed some of the scriptures and made it a rigid system.

There is no mention of todays caste system in Vedas.
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You see in the past, around the world, not only in India was education reserved only for the elite. There was no internet etc, and all books were in their control. Only very recently does everyone has access to knowledge.

Yes you are correct, there are commoners and then there are nobles.

But Islam and Christianity do not recognize this, these religions treat all the Muslims and Christians respectively as equals. This is where Hindus lost.

Because of discrimination and keeping Gods for themselves by elite and making 20 % of people as outcasts.

What the elite did is some kind of racism and they suffered for almost 1000 years, under invaders.
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Looks like my estimates were low. While looking for sources I found :

SCs, STs form 25% of population, says Census 2011 data - Indian Express

LOL. SC and ST were OUTSIDE the Caste system you fool.

They were dalits and tribals.

Yes you are correct, there are commoners and then there are nobles.

But Islam and Christianity do not recognize this, these religions treat all the humans equal. This where Hindus lost.

Because of discrimination and keeping Gods for themselves by elite and making 20 % of people as outcasts.

What the elite did is some kind of racism and they suffered for almost 1000 years, under invaders.

Hinduism survived in India because Hindus took harsh steps like creating "outcasts".

The is the only reason Hindus remain a majority in India.
Man stop using abuses. I am respectfully discussing this with you and open to learning something new.

How is SC outside caste system, SC stands for schedule CASTES.

I find it hard to respect people who spread propaganda and lies. Knowingly or unknowingly.

SC are DALITS. People who were OUTSIDE the caste system. They were the OUTCASTE.

People who were "cast" out of their "varna" for defiling Hinduism.

It does not matter what the constitution calls them. Constitution of India is not a religious book.
I find it hard to respect people who spread propaganda and lies. Knowingly or unknowingly.

SC are DALITS. People who were OUTSIDE the caste system. They were the OUTCASTE.

People who were "cast" out of their "varna" for defiling Hinduism.

It does not matter what the constitution calls them. Constitution of India is not a religious book.

Well because of my upbringing I have hardly any knowledge of Caste System, but I am willing to learn. Only because you know about it does not give you the right to go around abusing others. I am sure in other fields someone knows more than you.

On topic, so dalits are not considered hindus? It is confusing, so when we say India is 85% hindu, are we not counting them?

Please be kind and explain to me about this, I sincerely wish to know.
I find it hard to respect people who spread propaganda and lies. Knowingly or unknowingly.

SC are DALITS. People who were OUTSIDE the caste system. They were the OUTCASTE.

People who were "cast" out of their "varna" for defiling Hinduism.

It does not matter what the constitution calls them. Constitution of India is not a religious book.

You don't make them outcasts, you make them learn the things and integrate them in a constructive way.

It is pathetic attitude and the signs are already written for disaster after 7th century when these guys changed the scriptures and tried to hold on to their higher positions during the so called golden ages.

And these guys never learn !
Well because of my upbringing I have hardly any knowledge of Caste System, but I am willing to learn. Only because you know about it does not give you the right to go around abusing others. I am sure in other fields someone knows more than you.

On topic, so dalits are not considered hindus? It is confusing, so when we say India is 85% hindu, are we not counting them?

Please be kind and explain to me about this, I sincerely wish to know.

If you do not know say you do not know. Do not post propaganda and expect people to be forgiving.

Dalits are Hindus too, they used to be outside the caste system. Not anymore since we hardly practice caste except during reservation or during marriages.

Many Hindus became dalits and then became muslims, some became christians. Most remained hindus, but outside the caste system.

Dalits came from all castes. From Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras.

You don't make them outcasts, you make them learn the things and integrate them in a constructive way.

It is pathetic attitude and the signs are already written for disaster after 7th century when these guys changed the scriptures and tried to hold on to their higher positions during the so called golden ages.

And these guys never learn !

Nonsense. Not when we were being attacked and rule by Muslim fanatics and later Christian colonialists. For 800 years.

Imposing strict caste rules and creating outcasts was the ONLY way out to keeping the majority Hindus.

Otherwise like the rest of the world we would be either muslims or christians.
And these guys never learn !

No, caste system is on its was out. I am from the cities, everywhere I look, no one has much knowledge of the caste system, except for elders, younger people are falling in love and marrying regardless of castes etc. The next generation will be even more carefree once the elders who are the last torch bearers of the caste system dies out.

I feel the same is happening in vallages. As the Indian population is becoming increasingly urbanized, with higher penetration of education, soon the figments of the caste system will die out.
Nonsense. Not when we were being attacked and rule by Muslim fanatics and later Christian colonialists. For 800 years.

Imposing strict caste rules and creating outcasts was the ONLY way out to keeping the majority Hindus.

Otherwise like the rest of the world we would be either muslims or christians.

Do not try to be smart and twist the facts here.

Brahmins denied their Gods for these out casts and never let them into their Agraharas or Villages. They even hated the sight of outcasts. A GOD in Vedas who is supposed to be for all was denied for majority in the name of cleanliness, traditions and shastras.

And for 1000 years there is no sight of Hindu rule in India.

Making people of other religions as outcasts is a different topic.
254 students participated in a summer course (and most of them would be indian)

Indians are such drama queens
Do not try to be smart and twist the facts here.

Brahmins denied their Gods for these out casts and never let them into their Agraharas or Villages. They even hated the sight of outcasts. A GOD in Vedas who is supposed to be for all was denied for majority in the name of cleanliness, traditions and shastras.

Making people of other religions as outcasts is a different topic.

LOL. More Rubbish.

How can Brahmins ALONE deny anyone anything if it was not supported by the entire Hindu community that involved ALL casts ? :lol:

Brahmins were not even 5% of the total population and they did not even bear arms.

Outcastes were not even allowed to draw water from ANY caste well, so forget about temples. Once they became Dalits even there own caste, (whatever it was) refused them.

Don't give me that "secular" rubbish about "demon brahmins" and poor innocent rest of them who watched the world burn. :sick:

No one said anything about making people of other religion as outcastes. Its the outcaste's who converted. Not the caste hindus.
LOL. More Rubbish.

How can Brahmins ALONE deny anyone anything if it was not supported by the entire Hindu community that involved ALL casts ? :lol:

Brahmins were not even 5% of the total population and they did not even bear arms.

Outcastes were not even allowed to draw water from ANY caste well, so forget about temples. Once they became Dalits even there own caste, (whatever it was) refused them.

Don't give me that "secular" rubbish about "demon brahmins" and poor innocent rest of them who watched the world burn. :sick:

No one said anything about making people of other religion as outcastes. Its the coutcaste's who converted. Not the caste hindus.

These are facts happened !
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