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Sandy Hook rage over Megyn Kelly's Alex Jones interview


Feb 10, 2017
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United Kingdom

Some are calling on NBC to pull Megyn Kelly's interview with Alex Jones, due to air on 18 June

An interview by NBC's anchor Megyn Kelly with InfoWars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has angered families of the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting.

Finance giant JPMorgan Chase has pulled all of its adverts from NBC News until after the pre-recorded interview is aired on 18 June. And Sandy Hook Promise, an organisation formed to protect children from gun violence, announced that Ms Kelly would no longer host their annual fundraising gala on Wednesday.

Some social media users have lambasted Ms Kelly for providing Jones with a national platform "to discuss controversies and conspiracies". Jones admits "some real kids" were killed at Sandy Hook but has helped push a theory that the Sandy Hook massacre was "synthetic, completely fake with actors".

Twenty-six people, mostly young children, died in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. For years, families of the victims have been targeted by conspiracy theorists who falsely claim that the tragedy was staged by the government in an attempt to tighten gun control laws.

Read the full article here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-40259209
No one forced Alex Jones to participate in the interview. I think he's basically a circus clown that pedals in mostly garbage.

That being said, I believe it was a huge mistake for NBC to air the interview on Father's Day of all days.

A devout follower of Alex Jones was actually convicted and send to jail recently for constantly threatening threatening the father of one of the Sandy Hook victims

Not that I support or am against Alex Jones but just for the sake of knowledge anyone interested should watch his Interview With Spy Master Lt Gen Hamid Gul about war on terror.
He talks about why American policies in Afghanistan are bound to fail and even goes as far as saying "God save America".
Denying a platform to Alex Jones or for that matter anyone in his position serves no purpose. It is the same as trying to deny a platform to Rush Limbaugh. Their fan following is on radio shows and podcasts, and mainstream media cannot affect that in any way.

OTOH, it makes sense to engage with these people. Liberals and conservatives, Left and Right have been living in their own echo chamber and it is about time they talk to each other instead of past one another. That is the only way of identifying and eliminating bad ideas.
No one forced Alex Jones to participate in the interview.
He's not saying he was 'forced' into it either.

I think he's basically a circus clown that pedals in mostly garbage.
That is no longer a valid critique of him and Infowars.

You could argue that in the past, like until a couple years ago when he was pushing the "fluoride in the water" and "fema/re-education camps" in America etc but they went full political sometime during the primaries and the Trump campaign in 2015.

Now it's mostly just political commentary and current events without that much of a conspiratorial spin on everything.

He's on target going after the violent intolerant far left destroying the SJW narrative.

go Alex ! :victory:

That being said, I believe it was a huge mistake for NBC to air the interview on Father's Day of all days.
Why ? He's a good man, probably a good father too (he won the custody battle for his kids)

President Trump is a great dad too, all his kids seem to have turned out good.

A devout follower of Alex Jones was actually convicted and send to jail recently for constantly threatening threatening the father of one of the Sandy Hook victims

unless you're the extremely bigoted kind who lumps in all "devout followers" of X/Y/Z and judges the lot of them by actions committed by a few bad apples..

#NotAllInfowarriors :whistle:

Denying a platform to Alex Jones or for that matter anyone in his position serves no purpose. It is the same as trying to deny a platform to Rush Limbaugh. Their fan following is on radio shows and podcasts, and mainstream media cannot affect that in any way.
True, and not just big media houses, it's regular people who deny themselves the bigger picture when they get stuck in echo chamber circle jerking.

The leftists can cry all they want but the facts are that Alex/Infowars were hugely instrumental in electing POTUS 45.

OTOH, it makes sense to engage with these people. Liberals and conservatives, Left and Right have been living in their own echo chamber and it is about time they talk to each other instead of past one another. That is the only way of identifying and eliminating bad ideas.
Check Dave Rubin and 'The Rubin Report' on YouTube, a rare common sense liberal (ex TYT) reaching across the isle but he's been labelled "alt right" by the regressive left there too :lol:
He's not saying he was 'forced' into it either.

That is no longer a valid critique of him and Infowars.

You could argue that in the past, like until a couple years ago when he was pushing the "fluoride in the water" and "fema/re-education camps" in America etc but they went full political sometime during the primaries and the Trump campaign in 2015.

Now it's mostly just political commentary and current events without that much of a conspiratorial spin on everything.

He's on target going after the violent intolerant far left destroying the SJW narrative.

go Alex ! :victory:

Why ? He's a good man, probably a good father too (he won the custody battle for his kids)

President Trump is a great dad too, all his kids seem to have turned out good.

unless you're the extremely bigoted kind who lumps in all "devout followers" of X/Y/Z and judges the lot of them by actions committed by a few bad apples..

#NotAllInfowarriors :whistle:

True, and not just big media houses, it's regular people who deny themselves the bigger picture when they get stuck in echo chamber circle jerking.

The leftists can cry all they want but the facts are that Alex/Infowars were hugely instrumental in electing POTUS 45.

Check Dave Rubin and 'The Rubin Report' on YouTube, a rare common sense liberal (ex TYT) reaching across the isle but he's been labelled "alt right" by the regressive left there too :lol:

Oh yes I watch Dave Rubin quite a lot. If I remember correctly, one of the reasons he left TYT was the way Cenk handled the entire issue with Sam Harris, who for my money is one of the sanest voices in the world. The liberal movement has clearly bifurcated between classical liberals (people like Dave and Sam) and the so-called "progressives". The arrogance, group-think and reflexive labeling. insulting and character assassination done by progressives has alienated them from the mainstream. Instead of learning lessons from the elections, they have just doubled down, which is really bad in the long term.

I for one can vouch for the fact that as a classical liberal, I find it much easier to talk to American and European conservatives. Part of what they wish to conserve is free speech and civil liberties, and I want to hold on to those as well. So there is at least a partial meeting of minds that is next to impossible with progressives today.
Oh yes I watch Dave Rubin quite a lot. If I remember correctly, one of the reasons he left TYT was the way Cenk handled the entire issue with Sam Harris, who for my money is one of the sanest voices in the world. The liberal movement has clearly bifurcated between classical liberals (people like Dave and Sam) and the so-called "progressives". The arrogance, group-think and reflexive labeling. insulting and character assassination done by progressives has alienated them from the mainstream. Instead of learning lessons from the elections, they have just doubled down, which is really bad in the long term.

I for one can vouch for the fact that as a classical liberal, I find it much easier to talk to American and European conservatives. Part of what they wish to conserve is free speech and civil liberties, and I want to hold on to those as well. So there is at least a partial meeting of minds that is next to impossible with progressives today.
Yep, 100% agree with all of your observations there. The far left in the US have gone completely bonkers and allied themselves with the likes of Linda Sarsour, a sharia pushing islamist.

Dave's Prager Univ vid, "why I left the left" nails it perfectly.
Yep, 100% agree with all of your observations there. The far left in the US have gone completely bonkers and allied themselves with the likes of Linda Sarsour, a sharia pushing islamist.

Dave's Prager Univ vid, "why I left the left" nails it perfectly.

It would be interesting to understand the dynamics at play between the far left and Islamists. Who are the "useful idiots"? On the face of it, I agree that there is that segment which reacts to these issues as human rights issues. But the larger group surely views it as an "enemy of my enemy" thing. I think in the American context the Islamists cannot make a grab for political power for a long time to come. The situation in Europe, on the other hand, is dire. Worst-case scenario in the States is that they manage to curtail free speech, like they have managed to do in Europe and Canada. That would be bad enough, in any case.
It would be interesting to understand the dynamics at play between the far left and Islamists. Who are the "useful idiots"?
It's pretty obvious the Islamists are playing 'murrican liberals for patsies. The Islamist worldview is the most illiberal thing on earth, the oppose literally everything true liberalism stands for.

but they're also the undisputed champions of the oppression Olympics..

"take me in, oh tender woman..."

On the face of it, I agree that there is that segment which reacts to these issues as human rights issues. But the larger group surely views it as an "enemy of my enemy" thing. I think in the American context the Islamists cannot make a grab for political power for a long time to come. The situation in Europe, on the other hand, is dire. Worst-case scenario in the States is that they manage to curtail free speech, like they have managed to do in Europe and Canada. That would be bad enough, in any case.
Scary situation brewing in Europe with the PC socialists refusing to even acknowledge that a problem exists, and branding everyone who dares to ask questions about Islam as "nazi" bigots. This will only lead to common sense regular folk being pushed to the right.
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