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SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate



First Picture F-22 and FC-31 comparson
So what if the external pods / weapons were coated with absorbent material? Would it reduce the additional RCS incurred by externally loaded weapons?
Few fuel tanks are designed for low RCS , other weapons are not configured or designed for low RCS. Its gonna be a whole new field of stealth design of weapons. Unless all Air forces are equipped with stealth fighters this trend is difficult to introduce
News confirm Air force discussing with Chinese for the acquisition of FC-31 stealth fighter. Around 30-40 birds. I think minimum order will be 36 aircrafts to raise two squadrons . If 40 then 4 aircrafts will be OCS sqdrn but i think no twin seater is built for training. First simulation training will be done.

The real info required is what type of avionics are available for this so called fifth gen fighter. The F-35 uses Fusion cockpit concept which replaces the glass cockpit technology. Its like 3D version of avionics. A back view of Radar emission and firing weapons in all 360 degree. Does such tech exists with china 5th gen.

With Russian RD-93 or may be RD-93MA (if it exists) there is no chance of cruise control. Is there a Full all electronic quadruple fly by wire control system. AESA Radar range and firing modes. Ability to track how many targets and simultaneously engaging how many targets. What new Air to Air weapons for internal bay apart from SD-10 missiles. Chinese have not given enough info of FC-31 on any site. If its really
Chinese F-60J31 Shen Fei (Falcon Eagle) 2.jpg
Chinese F-60J31 Shen Fei (Falcon Eagle).jpg
for export whats the price asked for it and with what package of avionics and weapons it has.
TVC is useless. It doesn't make a stealth aircraft do wonders. Simply because, if you intend on using it in the wvr domain, you are pretty dead already......no point in having stealth then.....look first shoot first.
Secondly, a HOBS missile offer a very high wide angle of attack so even if you pull 15Gs, the missile will come for you.
Same with BVR that can outrun and out turn any 'TVC' equipped fighter.
I can't agree with you more. TVC is useless when it comes to steathy fighters. But it may help to reduce the many rudder surface to lower RCS(like tail fins).
I dont know how old are these pictures, but i am 100% sure they are not photo shop. Clarity of weapons attached can be seen. All JF-17 weapon pictures are mostly PS. The arr ester hook is visible, It could also be a land platform made to the size of deck practice, which is not visible. The lower deck picture is taken from mobile camera and posted. It is a test prototype on the deck for sure.

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Chinese JSF copy-ish surfaces... J-31? - F-35 versus XYZ
Right now PAF should keep all its attentions on JF-17 and make it as lethal as possible, i am talking about AESA radar and better weapons (indigenous) and may be a naval variant as well. As far as J-31/F-60 is concerned we can not say anything until we get their deliveries or our pilots are training to fly them, similar news were heard about J-10 and their deliveries were supposed to have started by now.
The fact is J-31 wont be ready till 2030 or 2025 at least and when it is a reality the Chinese would first meet their own needs so there is no chance we will get it before 2035. So right now we need to concentrate on JF-17 since we are not getting any J-10s.
We still don't know if it can do anything right now, a questionable fact! Some say that it's a private gesture with company's investment targeted for export and less or no PLAAF/PLAN interest, hence slow development due to less capital may be wrong but even if you ignore it, there're other things to be taken in consideration as from PAF's view.

PAF can't afford two new platforms even if there were other options except Chinese, were available which unfortunately there're not. So whatever 5th gen. PAF's 'll choose, it would have to give most bang for less bucks. The number of jets too 'll be smaller, at least for initial years.

So where does J-31 stands right now? Nowhere close where we want it. First of all, it needs a new pair of engines. There's talk about WS-19 with 20,000lbs of thrust but I'm not aware of program's status or likely RD-93MA with aroun 17,000lbs. Anyway, it should have an engine comparable or surpassing M88 with supercruise most definitely AND TW only if service(PAF) thinks needed. There is certainty to limited extent that currently flying ones may not even be carrying a radar, which 'll take time with development and testing plus it's code is gonna take time too, to be written and checked. Without software related work completed and advanced avionics installed, its sensor-fusion capabilities(one of the most important for future fighters) are not even born yet. Robust radio attack and defence capabilities with integrated avionics should also be priority but only possible after when above mentioned goals are completed(I think I've gone too far in this line, haven't I?) and secure datalink among whole other things.

Advanced armament should also be considered. Advanced short-to-medium range missile with most likely heat-seeeking head with lock after launch capability and datalink is essential with good HMD(BTW, currently even U.S F-22 and F-35 with AIM-9X lack lock after launch capability only to be fulfilled by Block II.AIM-9X has to 'see' the target first before launch meaning open the internal-bay door lock first then launch). PL-12 optimezed to maximum or a ram-jet powered bvr is the choice for future with extended range to stand a chance against foes carrying similar weapons. I hope its AAQ-40 looking EO system under chin works great for both air and ground use. Satellite and laser guided PGMs are essential plus some long-legged weapon too.

Majority here should be critical or think I'm flying too high. All I'm saying is that J-31 is an infant and needs time before we start speculating, and for small fleet of 5th gen. PAF should consider quality the most important to counter emerging and future threats.
We still don't know if it can do anything right now, a questionable fact! Some say that it's a private gesture with company's investment targeted for export and less or no PLAAF/PLAN interest, hence slow development due to less capital may be wrong but even if you ignore it, there're other things to be taken in consideration as from PAF's view.

PAF can't afford two new platforms even if there were other options except Chinese, were available which unfortunately there're not. So whatever 5th gen. PAF's 'll choose, it would have to give most bang for less bucks. The number of jets too 'll be smaller, at least for initial years.

So where does J-31 stands right now? Nowhere close where we want it. First of all, it needs a new pair of engines. There's talk about WS-19 with 20,000lbs of thrust but I'm not aware of program's status or likely RD-93MA with aroun 17,000lbs. Anyway, it should have an engine comparable or surpassing M88 with supercruise most definitely AND TW only if service(PAF) thinks needed. There is certainty to limited extent that currently flying ones may not even be carrying a radar, which 'll take time with development and testing plus it's code is gonna take time too, to be written and checked. Without software related work completed and advanced avionics installed, its sensor-fusion capabilities(one of the most important for future fighters) are not even born yet. Robust radio attack and defence capabilities with integrated avionics should also be priority but only possible after when above mentioned goals are completed(I think I've gone too far in this line, haven't I?) and secure datalink among whole other things.

Advanced armament should also be considered. Advanced short-to-medium range missile with most likely heat-seeeking head with lock after launch capability and datalink is essential with good HMD(BTW, currently even U.S F-22 and F-35 with AIM-9X lack lock after launch capability only to be fulfilled by Block II.AIM-9X has to 'see' the target first before launch meaning open the internal-bay door lock first then launch). PL-12 optimezed to maximum or a ram-jet powered bvr is the choice for future with extended range to stand a chance against foes carrying similar weapons. I hope its AAQ-40 looking EO system under chin works great for both air and ground use. Satellite and laser guided PGMs are essential plus some long-legged weapon too.

Majority here should be critical or think I'm flying too high. All I'm saying is that J-31 is an infant and needs time before we start speculating, and for small fleet of 5th gen. PAF should consider quality the most important to counter emerging and future threats.
you are on the spot Mr:tup:
We still don't know if it can do anything right now, a questionable fact! Some say that it's a private gesture with company's investment targeted for export and less or no PLAAF/PLAN interest, hence slow development due to less capital may be wrong but even if you ignore it, there're other things to be taken in consideration as from PAF's view.

PAF can't afford two new platforms even if there were other options except Chinese, were available which unfortunately there're not. So whatever 5th gen. PAF's 'll choose, it would have to give most bang for less bucks. The number of jets too 'll be smaller, at least for initial years.

So where does J-31 stands right now? Nowhere close where we want it. First of all, it needs a new pair of engines. There's talk about WS-19 with 20,000lbs of thrust but I'm not aware of program's status or likely RD-93MA with aroun 17,000lbs. Anyway, it should have an engine comparable or surpassing M88 with supercruise most definitely AND TW only if service(PAF) thinks needed. There is certainty to limited extent that currently flying ones may not even be carrying a radar, which 'll take time with development and testing plus it's code is gonna take time too, to be written and checked. Without software related work completed and advanced avionics installed, its sensor-fusion capabilities(one of the most important for future fighters) are not even born yet. Robust radio attack and defence capabilities with integrated avionics should also be priority but only possible after when above mentioned goals are completed(I think I've gone too far in this line, haven't I?) and secure datalink among whole other things.

Advanced armament should also be considered. Advanced short-to-medium range missile with most likely heat-seeeking head with lock after launch capability and datalink is essential with good HMD(BTW, currently even U.S F-22 and F-35 with AIM-9X lack lock after launch capability only to be fulfilled by Block II.AIM-9X has to 'see' the target first before launch meaning open the internal-bay door lock first then launch). PL-12 optimezed to maximum or a ram-jet powered bvr is the choice for future with extended range to stand a chance against foes carrying similar weapons. I hope its AAQ-40 looking EO system under chin works great for both air and ground use. Satellite and laser guided PGMs are essential plus some long-legged weapon too.

Majority here should be critical or think I'm flying too high. All I'm saying is that J-31 is an infant and needs time before we start speculating, and for small fleet of 5th gen. PAF should consider quality the most important to counter emerging and future threats.

I believe the optronics (EOTS) on board the F-35 can provide the target guidance to AIM9X via the data bus.....so opening the door may not be necessary.....secondly, even if the door is open, the missile seeker would need an unrestricted view of the target, which is difficult to obtain if the missile is packed inside.
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