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SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate

It's really strange how Pakistan seems to be stuck. If you walk into any engineering faculty at Ivy League colleges in US, you will mostly hear students speaking in Chinese, Farsi and Urdu. Pakistan has failed to produce a stable political environment for its large pool of oversea talents to return. Due to corruption and poor security situation, its economic growth has been held back.
It's not even the environment. Let's say the environment is bad, then what is to stop the Pakistani government from creating gated communities with simplified tax-rates, decent wages, etc? If you're going to spend on defence R&D, then you can connect the labour-end as well and manage it properly. This is true for China as well. It wasn't as if China was always a great place to live, some olive branches had to have been given to Chinese expatriates.
Well there are a few major structural issues, that if resolved, could encourage expats to return back.

1. People paying their taxes allows government to collect a lump sum to pay its debts and invest in development.

2. Corruption ending measures allows consumer confidence and people to have hope that they will get a fair shake. People will create new companies if allowed and are sure they wont be pushed out of what they created because some jackass with connections wants it,

3. Ending camera system and preventing nepotism will allow common man to have equal rights before the court instead of thuggish children of the rich being allowed to murder whomever they please and daddy threatening poor families into forgiving them and the courts allowing it.

Fix these and it will go a long way into expats returning.
It's not even the environment. Let's say the environment is bad, then what is to stop the Pakistani government from creating gated communities with simplified tax-rates, decent wages, etc? If you're going to spend on defence R&D, then you can connect the labour-end as well and manage it properly. This is true for China as well. It wasn't as if China was always a great place to live, some olive branches had to have been given to Chinese expatriates.
I wouldn’t really compare Pakistan’s situation to China’s, especially based on the points brought up. I wouldn’t credit Chinese returnees for China’s successes. CHINA was always a safe place to live for its nationals bar fear of Communism for overseas Chinese. Even then the ones that did return especially the famous ex nasa rocket engineer return regardless of China’s situation in the mids of the great famine, he was a patriotic Chinese though American reared. Overseas Chinese on a whole Only “returned” because China’s was growing, China didn’t grow because they returned. Furthermore Chinese borned student that return are mostly those who already would have returned because they had hight expectations of the West only for it to be no different from home expect when it comes to politics in which they are not interested in either way. They saw violence rape shootings, police brutality etc with democracy which they don’t care for vs peace of mind and cultural accept in China with communism which they cared for!
FC31 V2 credit to @Deino
Looks like two different planes. One has a single piece canopy, while the other has a two piece one.
I think the best product for Azm 5th gen project would be to use the parts bin, front section of the J-31, and the FCS, layout of the J-20. Make it single engined (WS-15).

But simplify it with no canards, and the rear twin "V tail" providing F-23 like dual control surfaces. Instead of the canards, use a larger LERX. This would create an airframe with phenomenal supercruise and range. not to mention, it would be inherently a more stealthy design than any other 5th gen.

just my layman thoughts.
It's really strange how Pakistan seems to be stuck. If you walk into any engineering faculty at Ivy League colleges in US, you will mostly hear students speaking in Chinese, Farsi and Urdu. Pakistan has failed to produce a stable political environment for its large pool of oversea talents to return. Due to corruption and poor security situation, its economic growth has been held back.

True. :tup:
Sorry but how can you say that the canopy is single or 2 piece when in the second picture it is not on! I did not understand this one.
Hi I think in second picture first part of canapoy is already laid down as well in first one it’s a full
Single piece I assume so hope not wrong
Sorry but how can you say that the canopy is single or 2 piece when in the second picture it is not on! I did not understand this one.
Look at the second picture just behind the nosecone there is a second piece in front of canopy whereas in the first picture there is no second piece in front of canopy
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