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S. Korea Weighs Designs for KF-X


May 5, 2010
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S. Korea Weighs Designs for KF-X


South Korea's state-funded Agency for Defense Development favors a twin-engine design for the KF-X program. (Jung Sung-ki)

SEOUL — A decadelong effort by South Korea to develop its own fighter aircraft has finally received approval, yet the feasibility of the ambitious indigenous project, dubbed KF-X, is still in debate.

The Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) announced Jan. 5 that it would begin the KF-X development with the allocation of 20 billion won (US $19 million). Seoul aims to produce 120 KF-X jets between 2023 and 2030, the agency said.

But the announcement sparked a dispute over key specifications for the KF-X, especially over the design of the future jet.

The state-funded Agency for Defense Development (ADD) has long studied a twin-engine concept, either of the C103 design that looks somewhat like the F-35 or the C203 design following the European approach and using forward canards in a stealth-shaped airframe.

Both of the twin-engine platforms would be powered by two 18,000-pound engines, ADD officials said.

Korea Aerospace Industries, on the other hand, prefers a single-engine concept, dubbed C501, which is to be built based on the FA-50, a light attack aircraft version of the T-50 supersonic trainer jet co-produced by Lockheed Martin.

The C501, powered by a 29,000-pound engine, is designed to be fitted with a limited low-observable configuration and advanced avionics.

“A single-engine concept is in pursuance of both affordability and combat performance, based on the advanced FA-50 technologies,” said Lee Myung-hwa, Korea Aerospace Industries spokesman.

The FA-50 entered service in August with the South Korean Air Force. Powered by a General Electric F404 engine, the aircraft is armed with air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles, machine guns and precision-guided bombs, such as joint direct-attack munitions and sensor-fuzed weapons.

In December, South Korea signed a $1.1 billion deal with Iraq to export 24 FA-50s, following a 2011 contract with Indonesia for 16 FA-50s.

The state-funded Korea Institute for Defense Analyses backs the single-engine design and questions the country’s technical readiness for developing an aircraft that could compete with fighter jets developed by US and European aerospace giants.

“A new jet fighter is a massive endeavor at the best of times, and widely unrealistic technical expectations do not help the project,” said Lee Joo-hyung, a senior researcher at the institute. He expects the KF-X development to cost at least 10 trillion won ($927 million), which is much higher than buying foreign aircraft.

Lockheed Martin is also supportive of the single-engine type. “Obviously, a derivative airplane will be cheaper and faster to develop than a clean-sheet, brand-new aircraft,” a Lockheed Martin official said. “But the bottom line is, we will give full assistance for whatever KF-X design that Korea chooses.”

The ADD, however, claims a plane that’s larger than the KF-16 and has two engines will provide more room for future upgrades.


Korea Aerospace Industries prefers a single-engine design for the KF-X program. / Jung Sung-ki

“A fighter with a new concept has better economic feasibility than one based on the existing platform in terms of total life-cycle costs,” said Lee Dae-yeol, head of ADD’s aircraft systems development bureau.

The ADD expects about 6 trillion won are needed to develop the KF-X, 8 trillion won for production and 9 trillion won for operation and maintenance costs.

“We’ve secured independent technologies enough to proceed with the KF-X,” Lee said. “Of the 432 technologies for developing an aircraft, we assess we’re only short of 48 items. Then we can push for the KF-X in cooperation with foreign partners.”

The ADD envisions KF-X Block 2 would have internal weapon bays, and Block 3 would feature further stealth improvements to the level of the B-2 bomber or F-35.

“The twin-engine design offers added space for new Korean-designed weapons and internal bays, but this feature will still be a notable design challenge,” said Kim Dae-young, a member of the Korea Defense and Security Forum, a private defense think tank.

Still, the Air Force prefers a twin-engine aircraft because of its flight safety and larger operational range.

“Normally, a twin-engine fighter features a larger combat range than that of a single-engine,” an Air Force officer said. “Obviously, it’s safer, too. Even though an engine quits in a twin, the pilot could prevent the airplane from going out of control.”

The Air Force believes an F-16-class fighter development is meaningless at the moment, as its regional rivals — Japan and China — are pushing ahead with air power modernization.

“The first deployment of the KF-X is to start in 2013 at the earliest. By that time, an F-16-class fighter will become an old model, definitely,” the officer said. “It’s meaningless to have that type of aircraft by the time neighboring countries are operating future-generation fighter fleets.”

DAPA spokesman Baek Yoon-hyung said, “We will listen to various opinions from different research institutes and experts before choosing KF-X specifications.”

The agency will hold a top executive meeting presided over by Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin to finalize KF-X requirements, he added.

Indonesia is the only KF-X partner. It joined in June 2010 to bear 20 percent of the development costs.

Turkey is referred to as a potential partner, but there has been no tangible progress over the Seoul-Ankara discussions. Turkey is said to demand that it take more control over the project than a 20 percent share.

S. Korea Weighs Designs for KF-X | Defense News | defensenews.com
Indonesia prefers two engines........And we are still continuing the development of KFX/IFX by ourselves with 100 engineers at PT DI after the postponing of the second phase.....And as the second phase is about to begin inshaALLAH...I believe the two engines is still prefered
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