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S Africa's women and gay-friendly Open Mosque under fire after peaceful launch

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Are you serious???
Remember ek dhakka aur do babri ko ger do???
Well I am sorry for the analogy but you people feel offended when your religion is brought in but think its a field day when it is about anyone else's...

Are you serious???
Remember ek dhakka aur do babri ko ger do???
BTW, I am surprised you didnt find @gibb 's statement to land in the "ARE YOU SERIOUS???" box....he is the one who was comparing this cult (which you guys are defending) with the likes of ISIL and Taliban....I am sure a little of your surprise is due there or is it only reserved for Muslims? :pop:
Since you have asked the question and I am assuming you dont know enough about islam I am taking the time to answer you. If you want to have an argument, please feel free to choose any other willing partners who infes this forum.
Firstly understand the basis of Islamic law. Its basis is the Quran and the Sunnah of our prophet. Where legislation has been made by either of the sources clearly and without doubt, then that law is definitive and cannot be changed by man. As Muslims we accept without reservation that Laws are legislated by AllahSWT and the Prophet did exactly as commanded by Allah SWT. Where no definitive legislation has come down, we look at the words and actions of the Prophet or his rightly guided 4 caliphs.
In the light of above homosexuality is an abomination in islam as it is in Christianity and Judaism and many other religions. Its practice is illegal and its perpetration is punishable. This is Allah's law and ignoring Allah's law excludes you from the folds of Islam. This is why this is regarded as a cult on grounds of catering to the whims of extewrnal sources other than the command of Allah SWT.
All mosques are open to women and to outsiders. We in London have a mosque where we are regularly visited by adults and chi;ldren of different religions and this is welcomed by one and all. Same is the case with women. During the times of the prophet the women sat at the back of the men. As numbers increased it was considered expedient to have a designated area for women . However a lot of women reached very high status after the time of the proiphet as teachers and scholars, chief amongst them the mother of the believers Ayeshas bint Abu Bakr (RATU). So islam has never excluded women from the mainstream although we prefer to separate the sexes.
Anyone who defies the laws of Allah and his Prophet with regards to fighting or jehad (and believe me there are quite a few rules including not killing people unnecessarily, not harming trees and environment, protection of women and children and preservation of the rites of the minorities to name just a few) is in error and he will have to answer for his deeds. No one can condone what the ISIS has done and this has been widely condemned. Same goes for other wrong acts that havew been p[erpetrated in the name of Islam. The problem is we have as a unit gone so far from our religion that we dont even know the basics much less the intricacies of Islam.
I would like to say that I would be very happy to answer any genuine question that you have in relation to your confusion in this regards or in relation to my post. I will however not bother with a useless debate so please dont waste your time.

Does the same apply to Shia's, Ahmeddiya's and other sects ? A strict adherence to the book ? Fair enough that all Abrahamic organized faiths have an archaic belief to homosexuality but it may not be a choice (Im born a Catholic myself).. How about those living in a closet in the Islamic world ? So is it ok as long as nobody else knows about it ? Does'nt that make it a farce ? And how practical is it to implement a book that was written in tribal Arabia over a millenia ago to it's word in the 21st century ? Does'nt that make it fundamentalist ? And what about Sufi's, Javanese, Sumatran and Malay's ? People that are very pious Muslims but practice their faith along side more aesthetic customs that preceded Islam in South East Asia ? Are they considered heretics ?

I'm asking these questions in good faith.. Since you seem to be the only poster that have taken time to explain without getting offensive.. Is it a crime to question or pose queries regarding Islam according to some ? Would'nt it be more prudent to clear misconceptions rather than embedding the thoughts of intolerance on non Muslims ?

A religion is a set of laws and rules from a divine power ...Anything that opposes them goes into a different category...

Like you dont see female pundits, female popes, female bishops, female pastors, female archaka ....why?

@JonAsad has answered that

Actually, we do have female archakas as we have female goddesses...
The temple of my native is maintained by woman priest who also is my relative..

Don't talk out of ignorance... Role of woman is different in abrahamic religions.. Don't insult us by comparing
Actually, we do have female archakas as we have female goddesses...
The temple of my native is maintained by woman priest who also is my relative..

Don't talk out of ignorance... Role of woman is different in abrahamic religions.. Don't insult us by comparing
yet it is fine for your community to insult us out of ignorance and love of comparison?

I am unaware of female archakas as it is not found online at least when I googeled it....so it is not mere ignorance but maybe you need to educate google too....

As for comparison not until I compare something close to your sentiments you people refuse to understand that of another mans!

Never mind found a website for female archakas...

As for goddess...so does ancient Greek and Roman religions....as well as same goes ancient Egyptian, Chinese and also African...

That wasnt even part of the topic....
so what is Islamic final solution for Homosexuals !
Well I am sorry for the analogy but you people feel offended when your religion is brought in but think its a field day when it is about anyone else's...

BTW, I am surprised you didnt find @gibb 's statement to land in the "ARE YOU SERIOUS???" box....he is the one who was comparing this cult (which you guys are defending) with the likes of ISIL and Taliban....I am sure a little of your surprise is due there or is it only reserved for Muslims? :pop:
I don't feel offended or anything.
The line which I wrote in hindi was said by sadhvi ritambhara who was also one of the main culprit behind the fall of babri masjid.
I am a liberal and hence i think all of you religious nutjobs including those hindus or others should mind your own business.
You have no right to call anyone anything. If a hindu while praying to allah wants to be called a hindu then I'll have no problem.
Religion is a personal matter.
One thing that I find interesting is that one cannot follow the entire set of rules.for eg it's forbidden in islam to take interests but many muslims have bank accounts from which they get interests. Are they not muslims???
Another eg. worshipping more then one god is forbidden in Bhagavada gita(i've read that particular verse my self) .
Am I not a hindu??
So why can't we make another exception for fags and gals?
Please don't get offended and think logically.
The mainstream Muslims will lose any application to court. The South African constitution is way too lenient to stop the worshipers from attending this mosque, even if it goes against Islamic practices

Actually according to comments on the site the main Muslim council in South Africa has been given jurisdiction to declare what constitutes a Muslim by the GofSA. I don't know how true that is though so we shall see what becomes of this.
Actually according to comments on the site the main Muslim council in South Africa has been given jurisdiction to declare what constitutes a Muslim by the GofSA. I don't know how true that is though so we shall see what becomes of this.

The Muslim Judicial Council has jurisdiction to regulate Halal certifications. The government has no say in who can practice any religion and how they may practice such religion. The only authority which can do so is the courts. From my time spent there, it is highly unlikely that any court will place restrictions on anybody including this group from practicing a faith in the manner which they see fit unless of course if they slander that faith by being derogatory or condescending towards it. So, if this group claims to be Muslims and claim that they are practicing Islam and worshiping in a mosque, the courts are more likely to say "go ahead and knock yourselves out"

It WILL be bombed. Bet on it !

Not in South Africa it wouldn't. Trust me
The Muslim Judicial Council has jurisdiction to regulate Halal certifications. The government has no say in who can practice any religion and how they may practice such religion. The only authority which can do so is the courts. From my time spent there, it is highly unlikely that any court will place restrictions on anybody including this group from practicing a faith in the manner which they see fit unless of course if they slander that faith by being derogatory or condescending towards it. So, if this group claims to be Muslims and claim that they are practicing Islam and worshiping in a mosque, the courts are more likely to say "go ahead and knock yourselves out"

I don't think courts need to do anything at all, such mosques will close down on their own from lack of practitioners. The mosque will still have to give rent which will be impossible without donations so it will face a swift death pretty soon.
yet it is fine for your community to insult us out of ignorance and love of comparison?

I am unaware of female archakas as it is not found online at least when I googeled it....so it is not mere ignorance but maybe you need to educate google too....

As for comparison not until I compare something close to your sentiments you people refuse to understand that of another mans!

Never mind found a website for female archakas...

As for goddess...so does ancient Greek and Roman religions....as well as same goes ancient Egyptian, Chinese and also African...

That wasnt even part of the topic....

All non abrahamic religions give equal rights to woman.. Roman/greek religions had priestessess so does most native african cultures
I don't think courts need to do anything at all, such mosques will close down on their own from lack of practitioners. The mosque will still have to give rent which will be impossible without donations so it will face a swift death pretty soon.

The issue here is that this mosque has been strategically placed. Cape Town is known as the "Pink City" since it has a huge population of gays and lesbians which includes people from the Muslim community. The gay and lesbian community in South Africa are quite vocal in the enforcement of their rights and live an open lifestyle where they are not discriminated against. Same sex marriages are legal in that country. Gays and lesbians in Cape Town in particular, including Muslims, openly flaunt their sexual preference by displaying affection in public and this is not frowned upon by that community. Whether this mosque was opened for the purposes of giving those Muslims a religious haven where they can feel comfortable being Muslim and gay or whether it was opened to irk the Muslim community is something which has to be discussed. If it was for the latter purpose then I can only wish them luck. After all, Allah is the best judge
All non abrahamic religions give equal rights to woman.. Roman/greek religions had priestessess so does most native african cultures
this is a one BIG lie
Well, original Muslims like us know the best of differences between FAKE groups and REAL groups since we memorized what the Quran told us clearly. In fact, non-Muslims or Hindus choose to praise fake groups, that's all.

Ignore them.
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