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S Africa's women and gay-friendly Open Mosque under fire after peaceful launch

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Oct 23, 2006
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S Africa's women and gay-friendly Open Mosque under fire after peaceful launch
Cape Town, September 23, 2014

Against a global background of rising Islamist militancy a new mosque where gay people are welcome, Christians too, and women are treated equally to men opened peacefully in Cape Town despite threats of violence.

The new Open Mosque also planning to have women as imams.

Launched by Muslim academic Taj Hargey, the South African-born director of the Muslim Educational Centre of Oxford, the first Friday prayers at the Open Mosque drew more media crews than worshippers.


Muslims walk near the entrance of the Open Mosque, on its opening day in Wynberg, Cape Town. (AFP Photo)

Fourteen national and provincial organisations representing the Muslim community across South Africa issued a joint statement condemning Hargey's plans.

"Hargey's cult has totally no affinity with the? Islam which the Muslims of South Africa follow," the statement read.

"We believe that it is illegal and highly deceptive for Hargey to call his warehouse of 'worship' a 'mosque', and his cult 'Islam'".

The religious leaders said they were considering the possibility of instituting legal action against Hargey, the Cape Town-born chairman of the Muslim Education Centre of Oxford which he founded in the UK.


An Algerian muslim man voices his displeasure about the opening of the Open Mosque in Wynberg, Cape Town. (AFP Photo)

Hargey has described his mosque as a "religious revolution" following on from the political revolution led by late former president Nelson Mandela when democracy replaced apartheid rule in South Africa in 1994.

In his sermon Hargey condemned the increasing hatred in the world between Muslims and Christians.

He blamed this on "warped theology" from countries such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan which he said gave rise to "fanatical" groups like the Islamic State organisation, the Taliban in Afghanistan and Boko Haram in Nigeria.

He said "contaminated Saudi money" was used to promote "toxic and intolerant manifestations of Islam".


A woman listens inside the Open Mosque, as she and other woman share the same area with men in Cape Town, South Africa. (AP Photo)

Hargey, whose controversial liberal views on Islam have received worldwide publicity, cited intimidation from the South African Muslim institutions for the poor turnout at his launch.

"There's been threats about castrating me, beheading me, hanging me upside down. But South Africa has the most liberal constitution in the world -- they cannot stop us opening today."

Asked about his qualifications as a religious leader he said: "I have a PhD in Islamic studies from Oxford University, unlike my opponents who went to some donkey college in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia."

South Africa has around 737,000 Muslims, or 1.5% of the population, according to figures from the Pew Research Centre.

- See more at: S Africa's women and gay-friendly Open Mosque under fire after peaceful launch - Hindustan Times
Against a global background of rising Islamist militancy a new mosque where gay people are welcome, Christians too, and women are treated equally to men opened peacefully in Cape Town despite threats of violence.

Either there is something wrong with the sentence or people are simply ignorant to see it...Its like advocating a female pope which never happened but godforbid Islam has some rules....

What do Christians want in a mosque? It isnt a shelter....Plus 99% of masjids over the world are open for all religions (never saw that in the newspaper)..its just SOME from SOUTH ASIA dont allow women or people of other faith in THEIR masjids (and mind you many are against it but that only means go try a different mosque) AND SOMEHOW MANY IN INDIA think it is common everywhere!

Lastly, until and unless its written on their foreheads, how can one possibly know one is gay? or how does that ever effect his admission into a masjid? The very fact that people feel the need to display and desperately require others to acknowledge their choice of being gay is stupid ...Does it matter if people accept or reject it? Its your life go be gay if you want to why force other's to accept u by proclaiming it as though you found the cure to cancer or something.....

And as general knowledge for you guys out there....Somalian, Ethiopian masjids allow women in and also people of other religion in but not during prayer times.....Not sure about S.African never been to one...

The new Open Mosque also planning to have women as imams.
Yea, lets put a female pope, female bishops, female dalai lama and a female pandit too!

Launched by Muslim academic Taj Hargey, the South African-born director of the Muslim Educational Centre of Oxford, the first Friday prayers at the Open Mosque drew more media crews than worshippers.
Either that kills the purpose of keeping faith too yourself or that was the sole purpose (attention seeker)

The religious leaders said they were considering the possibility of instituting legal action against Hargey, the Cape Town-born chairman of the Muslim Education Centre of Oxford which he founded in the UK.
And so legal action was on the way...of course no one highlighted that...

Hargey has described his mosque as a "religious revolution" following on from the political revolution led by late former president Nelson Mandela when democracy replaced apartheid rule in South Africa in 1994.
Wow lets compare race vs religion...

Well if you break a law and try to stuff it down one's throat you cant expect to be welcomed with open arms......Either you are too dumb or you seriously need a psychiatrist!

Prohibited to you are dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah , and [those animals] killed by strangling or by a violent blow or by a head-long fall or by the goring of horns, and those from which a wild animal has eaten, except what you [are able to] slaughter [before its death], and those which are sacrificed on stone altars, and [prohibited is] that you seek decision through divining arrows. That is grave disobedience. This day those who disbelieve have despaired of [defeating] your religion; so fear them not, but fear Me. This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion. But whoever is forced by severe hunger with no inclination to sin - then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. (Quran 5:3)

Something that is perfect doesnt require revolutions...

He blamed this on "warped theology" from countries such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan which he said gave rise to "fanatical" groups like the Islamic State organisation, the Taliban in Afghanistan and Boko Haram in Nigeria.
Yea highlight this but not all the other points! A cult telling a main stream religion is wrong...this is bound to get interesting :pop:

Soemtimes one has to wonder what the OP types to fall on such articles....

Title def is misleading as the mosque is far from under fire based on threats!

Hargey, whose controversial liberal views on Islam have received worldwide publicity, cited intimidation from the South African Muslim institutions for the poor turnout at his launch.
"There's been threats about castrating me, beheading me, hanging me upside down. But South Africa has the most liberal constitution in the world -- they cannot stop us opening today."
Asked about his qualifications as a religious leader he said: "I have a PhD in Islamic studies from Oxford University, unlike my opponents who went to some donkey college in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia."
South Africa has around 737,000 Muslims, or 1.5% of the population, according to figures from the Pew Research Centre.
Again I would repeat if someone in some corner of the world made a female pope in a town and called it Vatican, I would love to see who hugs them with open arms!

I am def amazed despite his PhD he broke 1 of the most fundamental rules....which should have differentiated him from the "donkey collage" ------yup PRIDE!
his cult will die down with him soon-

Dont take this as an anti Islamic tirade, It cant be because we're discussing about the same religion and it's followers

But on what reasons do you call it a cult ? Does it advocate violence ? Bigotry ? Damnation ? and other forms of discrimination towards it's non believers ? Does it force people to attend it through force or at gun point or by rape ?.. I dont see that.. On the contrary those who oppose it's alternate views seem to have taken the prejudiced stance

So how does this Mosque deem to be a cult but not what the likes of Taliban, ISIS, Boko Haram and other nut jobs believe in and propagated with Saudi Wahabbi's ?
Dont take this as an anti Islamic tirade, It cant be because we're discussing about the same religion and it's followers

Do you think you qualify to discuss on an Islamic issue?- do you even have the sense of even the basics of the said religion?-
What credibility you have to even defend that cult?-
Just because it opposes mainstream Islamic views and you happen to be a non Muslim?- you come out as just another bigot-

So how does this Mosque deem to be a cult but not what the likes of Taliban, ISIS, Boko Haram and other nut jobs

We also call Taliban, ISIS, Boko Haram as terrorists- in essence one step ahead of being a cult- as they kill people- advocate violence- Duh-
So what you are saying here is exactly why i didn't put it into terrorists category-

But on what reasons do you call it a cult ? Does it advocate violence ? Bigotry ? Damnation ? and other forms of discrimination towards it's non believers ? Does it force people to attend it through force or at gun point or by rape ?.. I dont see that.. On the contrary those who oppose it's alternate views seem to have taken the prejudiced stance

Again you are confused as hell- me calling it a cult does not equate it to Taliban, ISIS, Boko- and it does not have to follow the traits of any terrorists organizations to be called as a cult-

You need to revise your definition of a Cult-
Do you think you qualify to discuss on an Islamic issue?- do you even have the sense of even the basics of the said religion?-
What credibility you have to even defend that cult?-
Just because it opposes mainstream Islamic views and you happen to be a non Muslim?- you come out as just another bigot-

We also call Taliban, ISIS, Boko Haram as terrorists- in essence one step ahead of being a cult- as they kill people- advocate violence- Duh-
So what you are saying here is exactly why i didn't put it into terrorists category-

Again you are confused as hell- me calling it a cult does not equate it to Taliban, ISIS, Boko- and it does not have to follow the traits of any terrorists organizations to be called as a cult-

You need to revise your definition of a Cult-

What is a cult according to your definition ? Anything that is not related to your rigid form of belief ?.. Is'nt that exactly the thought process of Wahhabi inspired Taliban, ISIS and others ?

One does not have to be a Muslim to see hypocrisy.. You only need to be a sensible human being no need for special qualifications

How exactly do i come out like a bigot ?
the same religion and it's followers
I posted a verse from the Quran that rejects the cult all together...how can you say its same religion?
The mainstream Muslims will lose any application to court. The South African constitution is way too lenient to stop the worshipers from attending this mosque, even if it goes against Islamic practices
Dont take this as an anti Islamic tirade, It cant be because we're discussing about the same religion and it's followers

But on what reasons do you call it a cult ? Does it advocate violence ? Bigotry ? Damnation ? and other forms of discrimination towards it's non believers ? Does it force people to attend it through force or at gun point or by rape ?.. I dont see that.. On the contrary those who oppose it's alternate views seem to have taken the prejudiced stance

So how does this Mosque deem to be a cult but not what the likes of Taliban, ISIS, Boko Haram and other nut jobs believe in and propagated with Saudi Wahabbi's ?

Since you have asked the question and I am assuming you dont know enough about islam I am taking the time to answer you. If you want to have an argument, please feel free to choose any other willing partners who infes this forum.
Firstly understand the basis of Islamic law. Its basis is the Quran and the Sunnah of our prophet. Where legislation has been made by either of the sources clearly and without doubt, then that law is definitive and cannot be changed by man. As Muslims we accept without reservation that Laws are legislated by AllahSWT and the Prophet did exactly as commanded by Allah SWT. Where no definitive legislation has come down, we look at the words and actions of the Prophet or his rightly guided 4 caliphs.
In the light of above homosexuality is an abomination in islam as it is in Christianity and Judaism and many other religions. Its practice is illegal and its perpetration is punishable. This is Allah's law and ignoring Allah's law excludes you from the folds of Islam. This is why this is regarded as a cult on grounds of catering to the whims of extewrnal sources other than the command of Allah SWT.
All mosques are open to women and to outsiders. We in London have a mosque where we are regularly visited by adults and chi;ldren of different religions and this is welcomed by one and all. Same is the case with women. During the times of the prophet the women sat at the back of the men. As numbers increased it was considered expedient to have a designated area for women . However a lot of women reached very high status after the time of the proiphet as teachers and scholars, chief amongst them the mother of the believers Ayeshas bint Abu Bakr (RATU). So islam has never excluded women from the mainstream although we prefer to separate the sexes.
Anyone who defies the laws of Allah and his Prophet with regards to fighting or jehad (and believe me there are quite a few rules including not killing people unnecessarily, not harming trees and environment, protection of women and children and preservation of the rites of the minorities to name just a few) is in error and he will have to answer for his deeds. No one can condone what the ISIS has done and this has been widely condemned. Same goes for other wrong acts that havew been p[erpetrated in the name of Islam. The problem is we have as a unit gone so far from our religion that we dont even know the basics much less the intricacies of Islam.
I would like to say that I would be very happy to answer any genuine question that you have in relation to your confusion in this regards or in relation to my post. I will however not bother with a useless debate so please dont waste your time.
But on what reasons do you call it a cult ? Does it advocate violence ? Bigotry ? Damnation ? and other forms of discrimination towards it's non believers ? Does it force people to attend it through force or at gun point or by rape ?.. I dont see that.. On the contrary those who oppose it's alternate views seem to have taken the prejudiced stance
A religion is a set of laws and rules from a divine power ...Anything that opposes them goes into a different category...

Like you dont see female pundits, female popes, female bishops, female pastors, female archaka ....why?

So how does this Mosque deem to be a cult but not what the likes of Taliban, ISIS, Boko Haram and other nut jobs believe in and propagated with Saudi Wahabbi's ?
@JonAsad has answered that
Headline say it was peaceful launch but now...:o:
What is a cult according to your definition ? Anything that is not related to your rigid form of belief ?.. Is'nt that exactly the thought process of Wahhabi inspired Taliban, ISIS and others ?
Anything that goes against the very thing it is claiming to be....read post 2 for the verse this cult is going against! :tup:

One does not have to be a Muslim to see hypocrisy.. You only need to be a sensible human being no need for special qualifications
One has to know what they are arguing about to see the hypocrisy....
A religion is a set of laws and rules from a divine power ...Anything that opposes them goes into a different category...

Like you dont see female pundits, female popes, female bishops, female pastors, female archaka ....why?

@JonAsad has answered that
Are you serious???
Remember ek dhakka aur do babri ko ger do???
@Gibbs since you are coming out as quite an illiterate one on this issue- i will end this fast and quick-

Unlike Christianity or other religions No man has authority to change the laws written in Quran and Sunnah-
Unlike Christianity or other religion Not one thing has changed in Islam since the Holy Quran was completely revealed--
and according to Quran and Sunnah Homosexuality is a sin-
men can pray in a same Mosque along with women but segregated-

Thats why i say it is a cult lead by some self declared self knowing it all PhD- and all the cult leaders are similar in such way-

and dont bother me with your taliban and isis non sense again- no comparison at all-
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