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S-400 Triumf deliveries to India have begun

it is , there is no doubt about it however in case of any conflict it will be primary target for rocket artilleries
Good point and close to reality. Considering their pathetic performance or lack of it in Syria, where the Zionists have repeatedly bombed Syria with stand off weapons these S-400 deployed at high altitude will be prime targets for 21st century PLA drones, loitering munitions and electronic warfare. Cumbersome SAM systems in isolated mountain terrain with poor transport infrastructure are sitting ducks as Armenia found out recently, when Turkish drones neutralized the Armenian S-300 and most AD systems.
Oh shid. Is gem chenjer
It changed the game years ago when it was announced, that’s how it works on the other side of the border, according to them things are in service as soon as intention to buy them is shown, while on our side things aren’t in service years after they’ve been procured, that’s how it is every time a comparison is drawn between the two countries.

On a serious note, It will take about a year or so from delivery for these systems to become fully operational, even longer for them to cover all of the needed airspace since deliveries will take time. It’s funny how india has been dancing about the S400 for years, saying it will make their airspace impenetrable (something they’ve said many times before too, yet 27th February still happened, but I digress), while it’s been Pakistani airspace which has had HIMAD coverage since 2018. They’re finally catching up it seems :)

it will be interesting to see how the addition of HQ-9P and S400 change how the Air Forces of the two countries operate.
Good point and close to reality. Considering their pathetic performance or lack of it in Syria, where the Zionists have repeatedly bombed Syria with stand off weapons these S-400 deployed at high altitude will be prime targets for 21st century PLA drones, loitering munitions and electronic warfare. Cumbersome SAM systems in isolated mountain terrain with poor transport infrastructure are sitting ducks as Armenia found out recently, when Turkish drones neutralized the Armenian S-300 and most AD systems.
It makes you wonder,why have the Russians not used their S-400s and even S-300s in Syria and elsewhere(there's rumors they used the S-300 elsewhere,but still...)and have let almost everyone get in and bomb. I don't think they even used them when NATO fired the 100+ cruise missiles. They used all other kinds of equipment and it was mostly the Syrian Air Defence who fired.

They deployed it in...when,2014? And haven't used it since,even if other aircraft were bombing. Of course the excuse is they don't want to escalate things with Israel.

But it makes you wonder. Is it that much of an epic AA system or is it just propaganda?
But it makes you wonder. Is it that much of an epic AA system or is it just propaganda?

Just because Turkey bought and the whole US-Turkey saga made it popular because it got alot of unnecessary media-coverage but the truth is Turkey was not buying it because it wanted to use it but it wanted componants inside it the joke was on everyone.

But interesting to see if CAATSA will come to play here. I hope it doesn't which will make it pointless because it lifts the cover of it being politicized kinda makes it fruitless 8-) The death of CAATSA
Just because Turkey bought and the whole US-Turkey saga made it popular because it got alot of unnecessary media-coverage but the truth is Turkey was not buying it because it wanted to use it but it wanted componants inside it the joke was on everyone.

But interesting to see if CAATSA will come to play here. I hope it doesn't which will make it pointless because it lifts the cover of it being politicized kinda makes it fruitless 8-) The death of CAATSA
I don't know,I thought Putin pressured them to buy it as part of some kind of a deal under the table. If I'm not mistaken,back then the Russo-Turkish relations weren't good. They probably had some deal about Syria and other stuff and the Russians pressured them to get the S-400s. The Turks also wanted a long-range AA system for years so...

The Americans will not nag about the Indians getting S-400s. They need them to keep the Chinese off. And besides,the Indians are not in NATO and they probably will not get any American 5th generation aircraft :P
It makes you wonder,why have the Russians not used their S-400s and even S-300s in Syria and elsewhere(there's rumors they used the S-300 elsewhere,but still...)and have let almost everyone get in and bomb. I don't think they even used them when NATO fired the 100+ cruise missiles. They used all other kinds of equipment and it was mostly the Syrian Air Defence who fired.

They deployed it in...when,2014? And haven't used it since,even if other aircraft were bombing. Of course the excuse is they don't want to escalate things with Israel.

But it makes you wonder. Is it that much of an epic AA system or is it just propaganda?
I believe it is also linked to politics. Both the Russian S-300 and S-400 have never been tested in combat. The Hellenic forces have had the S-300 since 90's as well. The S-400 on paper has a pretty powerful radar and should have been able to pick any intruding flight with the The 91N6E panoramic radar which claims to have anti-stealth targeting range of 150 km (93 mi)[ Maximum targeting ranges (detection ranges are wider) perhaps upto 200 kms plus. So all of Lebanon and Cyprus can be covered. The Syrians also have S-300 under Russian control, but that too is kept under wraps for political reasons as Russian Jews have a lot of influence.

Anyway, Russia is arming both India and China with similar arms, including the SU-30. So time will tell if they work against modern aircraft like Rafale, which the Indians have also bought and so far never used in combat.
I don't know,I thought Putin pressured them to buy it as part of some kind of a deal under the table. If I'm not mistaken,back then the Russo-Turkish relations weren't good. They probably had some deal about Syria and other stuff and the Russians pressured them to get the S-400s. The Turks also wanted a long-range AA system for years so...

The Americans will not nag about the Indians getting S-400s. They need them to keep the Chinese off. And besides,the Indians are not in NATO and they probably will not get any American 5th generation aircraft :P

Than why are they nagging Egypt? with their SU-35.. You do realize the Americans will be the losers here? Lose waves of allies because of Gangu? The US could lose the competition to China without a bullet being fired just people leaving their camp to go to the chinese because of conflicting policies nor a clarity of alliance guidelines. Losing of credibility is huge in this world.

Besides Turkey bought that thing because it needed componants for it's Hisar which it got even follow the timelines the Hisar came up after purchasing the S-400
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Than why are they nagging Egypt? with their SU-35..

Besides Turkey bought that thing because it needed componants for it's Hisar which it got even follow the timelines the Hisar came up after purchasing the S-400
Egypt's not in NATO either. But...good thought. Still though,they weren't getting F-35s like the Turks were going to. The problem was that Erdogan was playing on both sides and the Americans saw him as a loose cannon that can't be trusted.

I believe it is also linked to politics. Both the Russian S-300 and S-400 have never been tested in combat. The Hellenic forces have had the S-300 since 90's as well. The S-400 on paper has a pretty powerful radar and should have been able to pick any intruding flight with the The 91N6E panoramic radar which claims to have anti-stealth targeting range of 150 km (93 mi)[ Maximum targeting ranges (detection ranges are wider) perhaps upto 200 kms plus. So all of Lebanon and Cyprus can be covered. The Syrians also have S-300 under Russian control, but that too is kept under wraps for political reasons as Russian Jews have a lot of influence.
Bro,we've had the S-300s since the '90s like you said,but tested them for the first time in 2013. On paper both the S-300 and S-400 are some of the best AA systems in the world.

The thing is that both Syrians and Armenians,have old versions of the S-300.

Screenshot_2021-05-27 S-300 missile system - Wikipedia(1).png
It makes you wonder,why have the Russians not used their S-400s and even S-300s in Syria and elsewhere(there's rumors they used the S-300 elsewhere,but still...)and have let almost everyone get in and bomb.

It has been covered in media but you wouldn't find it here on PDF. The S300 deployed in Syria was strictly to protect Russian assets. Since the conflict was not between NATO/Israel & Russia, Syrian were left to their own devices to protect Syrian assets. Just as SU-57 deployed by Russia in Syria did not stop or fight NATO jets.

But most of people here on PDF take it as firm evidence that S300 failed in Syria.
Egypt's not in NATO either. But...good thought. Still though,they weren't getting F-35s like the Turks were going to. The problem was that Erdogan was playing on both sides and the Americans saw him as a loose cannon that can't be trusted.

Bro,we've had the S-300s since the '90s like you said,but tested them for the first time in 2013. On paper both the S-300 and S-400 are some of the best AA systems in the world.

The thing is that both Syrians and Armenians,have old versions of the S-300.

View attachment 793198

I recall Egypt running into CAATSA they are not NATO? For Russian fighter jets. I didn't use Turkey as an example here at all don't get me wrong they are NATO that is a different case
It has been covered in media but you wouldn't find it here on PDF. The S300 deployed in Syria was strictly to protect Russian assets. Since the conflict was not between NATO/Israel & Russia, Syrian were left to their own devices to protect Syrian assets. Just as SU-57 deployed by Russia in Syria did not stop or fight NATO jets.

But most of people here on PDF take it as firm evidence that S300 failed in Syria.
I know,I know. I always found that a bit of a two-faced policy by the Russians. I mean,you either go there to protect Syria or not. It was their chance to show the world they can firmly protect an ally when they want,but they didn't. They played safe and let the Israelis and Americans bomb whenever they wanted.
I recall Egypt running into CAATSA they are not NATO? For Russian fighter jets. I didn't use Turkey as an example here at all don't get me wrong they are NATO that is a different case
I don't know,the Egyptians have a unique talent for buying from everyone and making it work somehow. Lol!
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