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Russia’s ties with China, Pakistan disturb India - experts

In another word, India have zero tangible plan B in case PAKFA fall through. India is asking for a full tech transfer which will not happen. So India is focusing on 4th gen plane, as you said.

In the mean time, still get in line for F-35. Its a long line, but it's still the best option. The only plausible choice.

As you aptly said it is plausible. But, I do not think India would be able to afford. That is the reason why US is offering F-16s not F-35s.

Also, Pakistan is growing at exponential pace. I foresee Pakistan getting F-35s prior to India.
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Going by the article, it says China is renting it from Pakistan, so where did you get that Pakistan is leasing out our sovereignty?
Renting is called leasing. Leasing out 40-50 years is a substantial number of years to give another country complete access over your lands/port. And one would be kidding themselves if they think the Chinese have not asked for terms that will give them continued access for another 50. No Sir, not the Chinese, not the Chinese when they invest in such high numbers. This what they have done in Africa too.
Renting is called leasing. Leasing out 40-50 years is a substantial number of years to give another country complete access over your lands/port. And one would be kidding themselves if they think the Chinese have not asked for terms that will give them continued access for another 50. No Sir, not the Chinese, not the Chinese when they invest in such high numbers. This what they have done in Africa too.

But none of that means that Pakistan has leased its sovereignty. Its a business deal in which Pakistan has leased a port to China for 43 years. Also compare this to Germany, or Turkey or Japan, the US has military bases their, does that mean Germany, Turkey and Japan have lost their sovereignty?
But none of that means that Pakistan has leased its sovereignty. Its a business deal in which Pakistan has leased a port to China for 43 years. Also compare this to Germany, or Turkey or Japan, the US has military bases their, does that mean Germany, Turkey and Japan have lost their sovereignty?

Yup, when you give up sovereign lands under NATO, those are nato bases, under their complete control. The ironic part is NATO agreements are loose and can be broken. Not the Chinese agreements.

You will have little to no legal or operational control over Gwadar. The Chinese will house their Navy and other arms under the guise keeping the channel safe. They can do whatever they please. They did not give up all this money without making sure their investment is locked up to their advantage for 100 years. They are not going have Pakistan do what Crimea did to Russia 40 years from now- higher than mountain friendship or not.

You are right it is a business deal, one where you have effectively given up your sovereign land for 100 years. They don't give up their money without a 20:1 advantage to them.
Let me fix the title for you
Pakistan ties with any country disturb India - experts
Yup, when you give up sovereign lands under NATO, those are nato bases, under their complete control. The ironic part is NATO agreements are loose and can be broken. Not the Chinese agreements.

You will have little to no legal or operational control over Gwadar. The Chinese will house their Navy and other arms under the guise keeping the channel safe. They can do whatever they please. They did not give up all this money without making sure their investment is locked up to their advantage for 100 years. They are not going have Pakistan do what Crimea did to Russia 40 years from now- higher than mountain friendship or not.

You are right it is a business deal, one where you have effectively given up your sovereign land for 100 years. They don't give up their money without a 20:1 advantage to them.

It still sounds more like your personal opinion than evident facts, you also mentioned previously that China did the same to Africa, i am unable to find anything like that when i google it. Do you have anything that you can share
But none of that means that Pakistan has leased its sovereignty. Its a business deal in which Pakistan has leased a port to China for 43 years. Also compare this to Germany, or Turkey or Japan, the US has military bases their, does that mean Germany, Turkey and Japan have lost their sovereignty?

You do not have to worry about losing sovereignty my Iron Buddy. Turkey has not lost any sovereignty if you read these two stories


In fact China has leased a seaport in Greece, Port of Piraeus. China is financially helping the troubled Greece amid economic crash plaguing our unlucky friend. Since we have been operating the port business has become booming for Greece.
It still sounds more like your personal opinion than evident facts, you also mentioned previously that China did the same to Africa, i am unable to find anything like that when i google it. Do you have anything that you can share
Okay personal opinion, fine.
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