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Russia’s Pantsir-S1 missile system will now repel attacks without an operator

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
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Russia’s Pantsir-S1 missile system will now repel attacks without an operator

Boyko Nikolov

Jul 28, 2020

MOSCOW, (BM) – The Pantsir-S anti-aircraft missile and cannon systems received a unique automated control system. It is capable of detecting, classifying and firing at aerial targets without operator intervention, learned BulgarianMilitary.com.

The developed algorithms instantly determine the importance of objects and arrange the order of their destruction, depending on the danger they pose. This is necessary to combat current threats in today’s fast-paced combat, when everything is decided in a matter of seconds. New opportunities, according to experts, will not only significantly increase the efficiency of the complex, but also save expensive missiles.

Ready to hit

Divisions and batteries of Pantsir-S anti-aircraft missile-gun systems (ZRPK) were able to operate completely autonomously, sources in the Ministry of Defense and the military-industrial complex told Izvestia. The new automated control system is designated in the documents as “having signs of artificial intelligence.”

Its software takes into account the tactical situation, the location of targets, the degree of their danger, other parameters and selects the optimal tactics for repelling the raid.

The system is designed specifically to protect against massive attacks by any airborne means of destruction – from homemade kamikaze drones to cruise and ballistic missiles. Under her control, combat batteries can also effectively cover each other with rocket and cannon fire.

At the beginning of the year, the chief designer of the Pantsirey Valery Slugin announced that it was planned to further increase the firepower of the complex. You can also install simplified controls on them and turn them into combat vehicles.

At the same time, such an auxiliary launcher will receive target designation from the command post of a battery, a battalion or another full-fledged air defense missile system. In this way, the unit will be able to double the ammunition load of missiles that are constantly ready for launch, which will be useful when repelling powerful attacks.

Modern anti-aircraft combat is fleeting – everything is decided by seconds, and human capabilities, unfortunately, are limited. With a massive air strike, the commander does not always have time to analyze the situation, especially if the attack is coming from different directions, explained the former chief of the anti-aircraft missile forces of the Russian Air Force,

Lieutenant General Alexander Gorkov said: “In this case, the commander should come to the aid of the computer equipment of the complex, – said the expert. – Special algorithms have been developed and programs have been created that can instantly determine the importance of targets and build the order of their destruction, depending on the danger they pose.”

The new capabilities will not only significantly increase the effectiveness of the complex, but will also make it possible to competently and economically use its ammunition, the general concluded.

Mobile air defense

As Izvestia previously wrote, the creation of mobile air defense reserve regiments equipped with Shells began as part of the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS). One of them has already been deployed in the Moscow region. This year it is planned to form similar units in the Far East and Siberia. They must be able to move quickly to an endangered target and protect it from massive precision attacks.

The shelves can be used as a whole or in parts to cover several objects at once. In addition, joint actions of mobile air defense groups are being worked out. In particular, in addition to “Pantsir”, they may also include shorter-range means – self-propelled anti-aircraft guns “Shilka” and SAM “Strela-10”.

The Pantsir-SV variant, which is specially designed to equip units of the Ground Forces and to cover their facilities, is also under development. Improved radars and missiles are being created for new combat vehicles. As a result, the maximum range of target destruction by the complex will increase from 20 to 40 km.

The use of modern communication equipment allows the regiment to remain in a single network, even when its units are dispersed tens of kilometers from each other.
Defender for the S-400

Now in the Aerospace Forces, most of the “Armor” is used to cover the modern long-range S-400 “Triumph” complexes. Each of their divisions is accompanied by a battery of short-range anti-aircraft missile-gun systems. “Armor” must reflect the strikes of high-precision weapons, anti-radar missiles, shoot down helicopters and small drones that threaten large air defense systems. It is ineffective to spend on such targets heavy expensive Triumph missiles. If necessary, rapid-fire cannons can also protect against attacks by ground enemies.

The command posts of the Pantsirey batteries can receive information from the more powerful and numerous radars of their “senior colleagues” and be included in their general control loop. They are able to connect to the work of the S-400 and participate in repelling massive attacks under the unified control of automated air defense systems.

In Syria, the “Pantsiri” from the very beginning of the military operation provide cover for Russian military bases and S-400 complexes. Thanks to the joint air defense system, the terrorist attack drones have never managed to break through to the protected facilities.

According to the developer company, in this and other modern armed conflicts, air defense missile systems have already shot down about a hundred drones, as well as dozens of unguided missiles.

Last year, a combination of S-400 and Pantsir-S was first tested in Europe. For the exercises “Slavic Shield – 2019” they were transferred to Serbia at the Batainitsa airbase. As reported in the Russian Ministry of Defense, the complexes solved the tasks of detecting, tracking, classifying and destroying air targets of a simulated enemy together with the air defense systems of the receiving side.

The Pantsir ZRPK, which is now in service with the Russian army, is a short-range air defense system. Its combat vehicles can operate both autonomously and as part of batteries or divisions. Each of them is capable of detecting targets at a distance of up to 40 km. The range of the missiles reaches 20 km.

They are capable of hitting targets at an altitude of 15 km. For self-defense, as a means of “last frontier”, the complex is equipped with twin 2A38M double-barreled cannons of 30 mm caliber, which are capable of firing at both air and ground targets of the enemy.

Russia’s Pantsir-S1 missile system will now repel attacks without an operator

Boyko Nikolov

Jul 28, 2020

MOSCOW, (BM) – The Pantsir-S anti-aircraft missile and cannon systems received a unique automated control system. It is capable of detecting, classifying and firing at aerial targets without operator intervention, learned BulgarianMilitary.com.

The developed algorithms instantly determine the importance of objects and arrange the order of their destruction, depending on the danger they pose. This is necessary to combat current threats in today’s fast-paced combat, when everything is decided in a matter of seconds. New opportunities, according to experts, will not only significantly increase the efficiency of the complex, but also save expensive missiles.

Ready to hit

Divisions and batteries of Pantsir-S anti-aircraft missile-gun systems (ZRPK) were able to operate completely autonomously, sources in the Ministry of Defense and the military-industrial complex told Izvestia. The new automated control system is designated in the documents as “having signs of artificial intelligence.”

Its software takes into account the tactical situation, the location of targets, the degree of their danger, other parameters and selects the optimal tactics for repelling the raid.

The system is designed specifically to protect against massive attacks by any airborne means of destruction – from homemade kamikaze drones to cruise and ballistic missiles. Under her control, combat batteries can also effectively cover each other with rocket and cannon fire.

At the beginning of the year, the chief designer of the Pantsirey Valery Slugin announced that it was planned to further increase the firepower of the complex. You can also install simplified controls on them and turn them into combat vehicles.

At the same time, such an auxiliary launcher will receive target designation from the command post of a battery, a battalion or another full-fledged air defense missile system. In this way, the unit will be able to double the ammunition load of missiles that are constantly ready for launch, which will be useful when repelling powerful attacks.

Modern anti-aircraft combat is fleeting – everything is decided by seconds, and human capabilities, unfortunately, are limited. With a massive air strike, the commander does not always have time to analyze the situation, especially if the attack is coming from different directions, explained the former chief of the anti-aircraft missile forces of the Russian Air Force,

Lieutenant General Alexander Gorkov said: “In this case, the commander should come to the aid of the computer equipment of the complex, – said the expert. – Special algorithms have been developed and programs have been created that can instantly determine the importance of targets and build the order of their destruction, depending on the danger they pose.”

The new capabilities will not only significantly increase the effectiveness of the complex, but will also make it possible to competently and economically use its ammunition, the general concluded.

Mobile air defense

As Izvestia previously wrote, the creation of mobile air defense reserve regiments equipped with Shells began as part of the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS). One of them has already been deployed in the Moscow region. This year it is planned to form similar units in the Far East and Siberia. They must be able to move quickly to an endangered target and protect it from massive precision attacks.

The shelves can be used as a whole or in parts to cover several objects at once. In addition, joint actions of mobile air defense groups are being worked out. In particular, in addition to “Pantsir”, they may also include shorter-range means – self-propelled anti-aircraft guns “Shilka” and SAM “Strela-10”.

The Pantsir-SV variant, which is specially designed to equip units of the Ground Forces and to cover their facilities, is also under development. Improved radars and missiles are being created for new combat vehicles. As a result, the maximum range of target destruction by the complex will increase from 20 to 40 km.

The use of modern communication equipment allows the regiment to remain in a single network, even when its units are dispersed tens of kilometers from each other.
Defender for the S-400

Now in the Aerospace Forces, most of the “Armor” is used to cover the modern long-range S-400 “Triumph” complexes. Each of their divisions is accompanied by a battery of short-range anti-aircraft missile-gun systems. “Armor” must reflect the strikes of high-precision weapons, anti-radar missiles, shoot down helicopters and small drones that threaten large air defense systems. It is ineffective to spend on such targets heavy expensive Triumph missiles. If necessary, rapid-fire cannons can also protect against attacks by ground enemies.

The command posts of the Pantsirey batteries can receive information from the more powerful and numerous radars of their “senior colleagues” and be included in their general control loop. They are able to connect to the work of the S-400 and participate in repelling massive attacks under the unified control of automated air defense systems.

In Syria, the “Pantsiri” from the very beginning of the military operation provide cover for Russian military bases and S-400 complexes. Thanks to the joint air defense system, the terrorist attack drones have never managed to break through to the protected facilities.

According to the developer company, in this and other modern armed conflicts, air defense missile systems have already shot down about a hundred drones, as well as dozens of unguided missiles.

Last year, a combination of S-400 and Pantsir-S was first tested in Europe. For the exercises “Slavic Shield – 2019” they were transferred to Serbia at the Batainitsa airbase. As reported in the Russian Ministry of Defense, the complexes solved the tasks of detecting, tracking, classifying and destroying air targets of a simulated enemy together with the air defense systems of the receiving side.

The Pantsir ZRPK, which is now in service with the Russian army, is a short-range air defense system. Its combat vehicles can operate both autonomously and as part of batteries or divisions. Each of them is capable of detecting targets at a distance of up to 40 km. The range of the missiles reaches 20 km.

They are capable of hitting targets at an altitude of 15 km. For self-defense, as a means of “last frontier”, the complex is equipped with twin 2A38M double-barreled cannons of 30 mm caliber, which are capable of firing at both air and ground targets of the enemy.

Russian Pantsir S1 will now be get attacked (and destroyed) without an Operator
India should totally get this. Less chances of shooting down its own air assets.
russia is continuously improving their weapons after learning from testing them in real wars in middle-east
Pantsirs's problem is not about the operater. You can not expect Pantsirs to do everything by itself there is no such system in the whole world. if you do not integrate Pantsir into a layered air defence structre with complementary radar coverages. it will contiune to be a prey. As seen in Syria it is not just about Pantsirs since we have hunted TOR and BUK as well. Further, keep in mind the fact that TB2 and ANKA are the first mass produced UAVs by Turkey and far more capable UAVs like AKSUNGUR and AKINCI are just about to enter service and jet engine powerd ones are in the pipe.
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