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Russia's Links with Christian Terrorists & NeoNazis in the West

There's plenty of evidence of Russian support for White supreemists. You can see David Duke meeting with Dugin, Putins former advisor and mentor.
This is conspiracy theory and bull's mega shit. A few Russians can be involved but saying that Russian govt is involved is nothing but a big fat lie and an attempt to divert the attention.

Who has created the Islamophobia? => western media BBC, CNN, FoxNews, Hollywood and other news agencies controlled by Rupert Murdoch over that 30+ years.
While we have mostly seen Russian Today portraying Muslims in better light than any of western media outlets.
All the attackers were WASPs ...not a single Russian was involved.
Furthermore, Russia has a large population of Muslims and no such attacks have been reported against them. So we don't buy this bullshit and an attempt to create misunderstanding between Muslims and Russia and it will fail as the attempt to pitch Muslim world and China failed.

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