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Russians not responding, UK says.

fox 2

Nov 6, 2015
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Press Association - Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said talks have been held in Moscow following repeated incidents of Russian aircraft 'incursions'

Defence officials have held talks with their Russian counterparts following a number of "incursions" by aircraft around Britain, the Defence Secretary has said.

Discussions were held in Moscow to find ways of heading off any "miscalculation or accident" following repeated incidents involving Russian aircraft over recent months, Michael Fallon said.

Typhoon jets were scrambled from RAF Lossiemouth in November to intercept two planes that were detected flying over the Atlantic.

Although Russian planes have not entered UK airspace they have flown close to the border, which is known as a "British area of interest".

Speaking at the Atlantic Council think-tank in the United States, Mr Fallon said: "There have been discussions with Russia about setting up some means of avoiding any miscalculation with its long range aviation.

"We have seen a number of incursions into the British flight information region over recent months. We've been pressing for ways of avoiding any miscalculation or accident because these aircraft have not been responding to communications from air traffic control, or indeed signals from the planes we send up to intercept them.

"There was discussion of that at a meeting over in Moscow."

Mr Fallon dismissed claims that Britain and Russia had made plans for "collaboration" over bombing campaigns against Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.

The Defence Secretary said there had been a "resurgence in Russian aggression" over the last five years.

"This attempt in the Crimea and Ukraine to change international borders by force, the constant pressure on the Baltic states, the increase in long range aviation, the increase in submarine activity, means we have to regard now, sadly, Russia as more of a competitor and a threat that we have to take measures against, not least because of the increase in their own defence spending both on nuclear and conventional forces," he said.

"So, yes, Russian aggression is something we have to counter and the Russian threat is something we cannot ignore."

So this is proves for the 6546. times how Turkey is right. Russian air mafia don't communicate with nobody or they lack of in this technology.

Press Association - Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said talks have been held in Moscow following repeated incidents of Russian aircraft 'incursions'

Defence officials have held talks with their Russian counterparts following a number of "incursions" by aircraft around Britain, the Defence Secretary has said.

Discussions were held in Moscow to find ways of heading off any "miscalculation or accident" following repeated incidents involving Russian aircraft over recent months, Michael Fallon said.

Typhoon jets were scrambled from RAF Lossiemouth in November to intercept two planes that were detected flying over the Atlantic.

Although Russian planes have not entered UK airspace they have flown close to the border, which is known as a "British area of interest".

Speaking at the Atlantic Council think-tank in the United States, Mr Fallon said: "There have been discussions with Russia about setting up some means of avoiding any miscalculation with its long range aviation.

"We have seen a number of incursions into the British flight information region over recent months. We've been pressing for ways of avoiding any miscalculation or accident because these aircraft have not been responding to communications from air traffic control, or indeed signals from the planes we send up to intercept them.

"There was discussion of that at a meeting over in Moscow."

Mr Fallon dismissed claims that Britain and Russia had made plans for "collaboration" over bombing campaigns against Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.

The Defence Secretary said there had been a "resurgence in Russian aggression" over the last five years.

"This attempt in the Crimea and Ukraine to change international borders by force, the constant pressure on the Baltic states, the increase in long range aviation, the increase in submarine activity, means we have to regard now, sadly, Russia as more of a competitor and a threat that we have to take measures against, not least because of the increase in their own defence spending both on nuclear and conventional forces," he said.

"So, yes, Russian aggression is something we have to counter and the Russian threat is something we cannot ignore."
UK defence officials discuss Russian aircraft 'incursions' with Moscow - Yahoo News UK

So this is proves for the 6546. times how Turkey is right. Russian air mafia don't communicate with nobody or they lack of in this technology.

Well, to be honest, there is nothing new in there that we don't already know.
As i said before, we have been playing such games with the Russians for over a century globally. So we know them quite well, and have a lot of experience dealing with them. It's just a power/Geo-political game, nothing much.
So yes Russia(more like Putin) will keep using aggressive/provocative means to test our response/action. We are aware of that, and we don't see/read much into that, since we also already have over a thousand troops being deployed to the Balkans states of Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania close to Russia's border and within striking range of its capital Moscow. Michael Fallon: UK to send troops to Baltic region - BBC News
Plus our Typhoons fighters have been deployed/based in these eastern European countries continuously since 2014 where they patrol the skies in these region to deter any Russian aggression.RAF Typhoons intercept 10 Russian planes over Baltic - Telegraph

That's without counting the hundreds of British special forces/soldiers we have in Ukraine helping train/advise Ukrainian Soldiers battling Russian separatists/special forces. Ukraine Today: Ukrainian soldiers utilize British army vehicles for training
UK announces doubling of military training for Ukrainian army – now for 2,000 soldiers — RT News

Plus we also have the British led European Expeditionary force which other European countries are part of/joining aimed against any Russian aggression and reassuring our eastern European/Scandinavian allies. Sweden Considers Joining UK-led Joint Expeditionary Force
UK Joint Expeditionary Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So dont worry bro. We are more experienced in playing such games than almost any other country, since we have been involved in Global politics/power games for a long time(spanning centuries) more than any other power/country.:D We sure can handle the Russian Bear, it takes two to tango.:cheers:
Good job Russia, ignore the british. We all know that the british are so anti-Russians, there's no sense in trying to establish communication with a hostile party.
Vodka vs Earl Grey .... :cheesy::cheesy:
:lol: you are funny.:D

Good job Russia, ignore the british. We all know that the british are so anti-Russians, there's no sense in trying to establish communication with a hostile party.

Nope. More like the two powers who are very serious when going about protecting their national interests. So when their interests conflict in a region, then it tends to be quite problematic, since none of the two wants to cede ground/compromise. lol
Two 'stubborn/ruthless/cunning' powers. as some will say.
Its all about interests/Geo politics my Chinese friend, nothing personal.:D:P
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