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Russian stealth

Russia invented stealth but the american mastered it..that's no secret!
Hardworking countries invent things while smart countries master them. That is how superpowers are made.
The Americans wre just shattered by the Soviet Union's Lunokhod Rovers.

Lunokhod 1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lunokhod 2 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I watched a Documentary where after the Cold War in 1992, America invited the scientist(Don't remember the name) who made the Lunokhod rovers. The First American rover was made by him the Mars Pathfinder.

The Americans were not capable of making one.

Mars Pathfinder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Americans wre just shattered by the Soviet Union's Lunokhod Rovers.

I watched a Documentary where after the Cold War in 1992, America invited the scientist(Don't remember the name) who made the Lunokhod rovers. The First American rover was made by him the Mars Pathfinder.

The Americans were not capable of making one.

firstly funny how the first Russian lander was rediscovered by Americans, and the second now owned by the british.

secondly stop dreaming, you act like America didn't have the viking missions finished decades before the mars pathfinder program, or that spirit and opportunity didn't land after the pathfinders.
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