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Russian S-400 Missile Deal May Impact Indo-US Defence Ties: Official

It's a done deal, the US does not have enough levarage over India to stop it.

Better luck with your NATO ally, Turkey, uncle Sam. What is the latest on that one, btw ?
interesting times. I hope India takes a stand. Unkil sam has jero credibility among its friends.
So when is S400 scheduled to be delivered? :D
So when will Indians bend over next? I'm surprised their defence minister hasn't keeled over already the petroleum minister responded within minutes of Iran sanctions.:pop:
i dont think US wont put any sort of sanctions on india. they need india against pak and china . they wont let them go.rather they must be extending more support to india keeping in view their military defeat at the hands of much smaller military on 27 feb
i dont think US wont put any sort of sanctions on india. they need india against pak and china . they wont let them go.rather they must be extending more support to india keeping in view their military defeat at the hands of much smaller military on 27 feb

Wrong they're going to look for alternatives since they've realized India is incompetent. US is efficient India is failure militarily and they're buying Russian weapons? That's a big no.
Wrong they're going to look for alternatives since they've realized India is incompetent. US is efficient India is failure militarily and they're buying Russian weapons? That's a big no.
and who is going to be their alternative in the region???
I think this is a good time to trade.. Will US offer F35 and their defense system in lieu of not buying S400... would be fun to have F35 to the west of china for US as well, given that no one else on the chinese western/southern border has them :-)
US and India have already come to a understanding that there won't be any CAATSA sanctions on India for purchsse if any Russian arms by India and US might not offer F-35 to India.
India is Ok with that as F-35 is a strict no-no for India since it requires daily key codes from US to even carry out one combat sortie.
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