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Russian Prime Minister Mishustin says tested positive for coronavirus


Sep 24, 2016
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President Putin signed executive order to appoint First Deputy Prime Minister Belousov as acting PM while Mishustin recovers from coronavirus

MOSCOW, April 30. /TASS/. Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has announced that he contracted coronavirus.

"It has just been revealed that my coronavirus tests have come back positive," he said during a video conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin. "In light of this and in accordance with Rospotrebnadzor (Russia’s consumer watchdog - TASS) requirements, I should self-isolate and follow doctors’ orders."

Mishustin explained, "it is necessary to safeguard colleagues."

"The government will continue working as normal, I plan to be in active contact via phone with colleagues <…> on all key issues," he noted, adding that he will be constantly available for video calls with Putin. He also assured the Russian leader that the government "is taking and will continue to take all the necessary measures" to fight the virus.

Moreover, the Russian head of cabinet proposed First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov should serve as acting prime minister while Mishustin himself recovers from the virus.

Mishustin also addressed the nation, urging them to stay home to curb the spread of the virus. "In the current conditions, I would like to once more address all the citizens of our country to ask them to treat the coronavirus infection and its spread with utmost seriousness," he noted. "I am certain that we can together defeat this infection and return to normal life."

"I ask you to remember that the date when our country can return to full-fledged life depends on the discipline and willpower of every one of us. Look after yourself and your loved ones!" the prime minister concluded.

Putin signed executive order to appoint First Deputy Prime Minister Belousov as acting PM while Mishustin recovers from coronavirus.

The Russian leader has extended wishes of speedy recovery to the Russian Prime Minister. "I would like to wish you a speedy recovery, get well soon," Putin stressed.

Coronavirusis taking its toll on the world. Surprise after surprise.
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