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Russian Paratroopers to Get Flying Armored Vehicle Hybrids by 2030


Jan 10, 2013
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MOSCOW, August 1 (RIA Novosti) – A hybrid combat vehicle that combines features of an airborne infantry fighting vehicle and a helicopter will be developed for the Russian Airborne Forces (VDV) by 2030 to meet the demands of modern warfare, the military branch’s commander said Thursday.

“Armed conflicts of the 2020s-2030s will most certainly demand a combat module that would be something between an armored vehicle and a helicopter,” Col. Gen. Vladimir Shamanov said.

“We are thinking about developing a hybrid of a light combat vehicle and an attack helicopter with a crew of three-four people,” the general said.

Shamanov reiterated that the airborne forces were planning in the near future to acquire advanced BMD-4M airborne fighting vehicles and Rakushka armored personnel carriers, as well as BTR-82 armored personnel carriers equipped with a 30-mm 2A42 automatic cannons.

The airborne forces commander also said an advanced tactical command-and-control (C20) system, dubbed Andromeda, would be gradually introduced in all paratrooper units.

The Andromeda-D is as a division-to-soldier system, with stationary points for commanders down to battalion, and vehicle-mounted systems for tactical units. The system has passed troop testing and has been put in service with the 76th Guards air assault division, based in Pskov.

Russia’s airborne forces consist of about 35,000 men deployed in four divisions and a brigade.

Shmanov said earlier this week that the military branch be assigned an additional three air assault brigades to boost its rapid reaction capability in future conflicts.

Russian Paratroopers to Get Flying Armored Vehicle Hybrids by 2030 | Defense | RIA Novosti

@Abingdonboy intresting na.....?
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