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Nov 23, 2007
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A Russian Air Force MiG-29 fighter crashed on Thursday near Chita, in Siberia, the Defense Ministry said.

“The plane crashed near Domna airport, 27 kilometers from Chita,” ministry spokesman Col. Igor Konashenkov said.

The pilot’s body was found by a rescue team, he said, adding that a Defense Ministry commission is on its way to the scene to establish the causes of the crash.

According to first reports, the plane crashed into a hill.

All MiG-29s have been grounded pending investigation into the causes of the crash, Konashenkov said.

The MiG-29 is a multirole fourth-generation fighter. At present there are 270 MiG-29s in the Russian Air Force and 40 in the Navy.


A Russian Air Force MiG-29 fighter crashed on Thursday near Chita, in Siberia, the Defense Ministry said.

“The plane crashed near Domna airport, 27 kilometers from Chita,” ministry spokesman Col. Igor Konashenkov said.

The pilot’s body was found by a rescue team, he said, adding that a Defense Ministry commission is on its way to the scene to establish the causes of the crash.

According to first reports, the plane crashed into a hill.

All MiG-29s have been grounded pending investigation into the causes of the crash, Konashenkov said.

The MiG-29 is a multirole fourth-generation fighter. At present there are 270 MiG-29s in the Russian Air Force and 40 in the Navy.


ohhhhhhhhhh bad news for russia is there fault in the jet or human error ????????

Holy smokes! WTF was the pilot doing!? The fuselage seems to have been run on by a road-roller or something.

May the deceased pilot find eternal peace in the hereafter and may his family have the strength to bear his loss.

On technical grounds, I think MiG-29s really need to be phased out of both VVS and our IAF. the MiG-29A variants are ancient now. They have served well and it is time we let the new war horses take over.

I don't know what is Putin upto. What does he want to replace the 29s with?
The Mig-29 is a failure of a jet. For all intents and purposes all Mig-29s urgently need utter and total destruction and grinding ASAP.

They only give a false sense of security so it is mainly a negative effect not a positive one.
Picture #2 is actually the Yugoslavian Mig-29 shot down by a Dutch F-16C in a direct BVR hit during the Balkin war.
The Mig-29 is a failure of a jet. For all intents and purposes all Mig-29s urgently need utter and total destruction and grinding ASAP.

They only give a false sense of security so it is mainly a negative effect not a positive one.

You have no clue as to what you are talking. The Mig-29 even the early export versions have more than proven that they are worthy aircraft. The Germans spanked other NATO aircraft using their Mig-29's.

The fact of the matter is that the early Mig-29's can match or surpass most modern aircraft in most flight regimes, that should tell you something about the design and the know-how involved in the design. For instance, the Mig-29's angle of attack is so great that even the old versions with no trust vectoring can perform a cobra. Most aircraft even the newer more expensive ones that taunt of their performance fall short of this, Yep must be a failure :lol:

The Mig-29 has evolved greatly since its introduction, much of the short comings have been fixed. The nose has been redesigned and enlarged to accommodate larger more capable radars, ones that offer AESA.

The fuel capacity has been increased, thus increasing range.

Flight control surfaces have been enlarged for better performance.

The cost of maintenance and overhauls has decreased greatly.

Air-to-ground capability has been added.

In flight refueling has been added.

Easy integration of foreign avionics are offered.

Man-machine interface has been improved.

Engines with TVC and greater MTBO's as well as increased trust are offered.

RCS has been decreased.

Different versions are offered, ex: Naval, single seat, WSO version, ect.

Opponents that faced the Mig-29 in combat as well as in exercises all have great respect of the aircraft. The pilots that fly the Mig-29 all have great confidence and admiration for the aircraft and then we have armchair generals that have likely never seen the Mig-29 in person let alone have insight into the aircraft’s avionics and performance are calling the aircraft a failure. :lol:
what do you expect from the russian junks or maybe the pilot have heard of the kamikaze and wanted to take a shot of that :lol:
what do you expect from the russian junks or maybe the pilot have heard of the kamikaze and wanted to take a shot of that :lol:

Kamikaze is still the noble way to go, far better than colliding with allied fighter jets for no purpose at all than pure incompetence.

If you know what I mean....
We got some ignorant and arrogant Saudis that think they know something. Reality is this, both are clueless when it comes to the modern day Mig-29 and also since when were the Saudis in a position to call anything trash? What do you have that's comparable? You not only have nothing to contribute to the aerospace community but have not contributed anything in general.

You may think you're something special but you're at the bottom of the totem pole :lol:
We got some ignorant and arrogant Saudis that think they know something. Reality is this, both are clueless when it comes to the modern day Mig-29 and also since when were the Saudis in a position to call anything trash? What do you have that's comparable? You not only have nothing to contribute to the aerospace community but have not contributed anything in general.

You may think you're something special but you're at the bottom of the totem pole :lol:

well we contributed during WWII militarily and economically, the consequences speck for itself. :wave: your junks didn't help :tongue:
I dont value some Indian's post therefore your post is neglected

well we contributed during WWII militarily and economically, the consequences speck for itself. :wave: your junks didn't help :tongue:

I was talking about contributing to science and engineering. With all the trash talking Saudis do you would think that you guys were some kind of engineering geniuses that have something to show for it, yet you guys have not contributed a thing.

And no you didn't contribute military in ww2, you provided oil :lol:
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