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Russian Land Forces can smash the British army

Of course Russia can smash British army and probably the whole West combined. But why should it? It is the West who throughout history attacked Russia not vice versa. Western Europe has no resources wich Russia lacks, Russia has plenty resources West lacks.
It is like thinking "army of Cuba can smash army of Solomon islands". May be it can. But what for?
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Having the ability to accomplish a job does not require using it. However, the ability to accomplish a job is used as a deterrent in international relations.
This is called showing strength. If you show your muscles, you're not an easy bite. Exercises are like a gorilla's demonstration of power. However, not every demonstration of power does not indicate war. Intimidation and threat is given in this way. As can be seen, diplomacy has its own way of language.
For example, if Turkey will do about 1500 km range ballistic missile exercise was ringing alarm bells in the neighboring countries.
Russia ............................................................and ................................................................UK. :undecided:

Am I missing something?
There was a time when lone USSR was capable of running over the whole of West Europe if not supported by the USA
Western Europe? Socialist armies without USSR could easily win Western pussies without any help from USSR. I suppose single Eastern Germany could defeat half of Western Europe.
Western Europe? Socialist armies without USSR could easily win Western pussies without any help from USSR. I suppose single Eastern Germany could defeat half of Western Europe.

the ammout of bullcrap people belife on this forum is amazing...
1. quantity is at a given point a burden not a plus... the supply lines would have collapesed in a vew days leaving the huge Army stranded without fuel and supply... the USSR experiende that in 1941 as the giant Read Army got toasted by the Wehrmacht with not even a quater of the equipment.. they lost 11.800 tanks in the first 18 days and 22.000tanks in less than 6 months
2. the western european are as pussys than the east europeans... or explain me the different between a east german guy and a west german guy in the 1960´s, 70´s or 80´s ...we had the advantage of far less alcohol problems in the troops
3. any attack in the cold war would have ended in a atomic strike which would have ended human history
the ammout of bullcrap people belife on this forum is amazing...
1. quantity is at a given point a burden not a plus... the supply lines would have collapesed in a vew days leaving the huge Army stranded without fuel and supply... the USSR experiende that in 1941 as the giant Read Army got toasted by the Wehrmacht with not even a quater of the equipment.. they lost 11.800 tanks in the first 18 days and 22.000tanks in less than 6 months
2. the western european are as pussys than the east europeans... or explain me the different between a east german guy and a west german guy in the 1960´s, 70´s or 80´s ...we had the advantage of far less alcohol problems in the troops
3. any attack in the cold war would have ended in a atomic strike which would have ended human history
1. Supply lines in tiny Western Europe is not the same as in USSR. It is quite easy to supply equipment from Berlin to French coast.
2. Western Europeans are pussies with no fight spirit you even can do nothing with migrants. If an army would came into Western countries - it would be even 10 times easier than in WW2. All of your liberal politics would surrender just for the sake of save people's life - because that is what you become you can not sacrifice your lifes for the Motherland. Eastern Germany army was high motivated army with true Prussian spirit remains both in combat training and moral. Western Germany army is a joke leading by a woman.
3. I am agree with that.
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The paper is not about defending Britain, but about challenges facing the British Army if it is engaged against Russia in Eastern Europe.
Britain is fine. Long before the Russkies get to London for tea with the Queen they got to tear through all of Europe giving time for Yanks to get the privilage of protecting us. So no worries. Let Russia do what it does best. Produce class A Vodka and class A+++ whores.
According to a report from the Royal United Services Institute for Defense and Security Research, British ground forces are not capable of surviving against Russia. The report has reached this conclusion by comparing the British ground forces with the Russian troops.
Britain needs to have around 120000 size Army at least. That should be the minimum number. What they have right now is a disaster in the making.
why do they need a 120,000 army. they currently have a total army of 108,500. what would a extra 11,500 soldiers do? what type of soldiers (jobs) would they have?
But conquering the British isle won't be a walk in the park.

Especially because they are a nuclear power (tactical nukes included) And have second-strike capability as far as I know.

Will one nuclear power, invade another nuclear power? I don’t think so..

Specially when large troop movements will be discovered long before they actually make land.

Russian troops invading the UK would be a doomsday event imho

Plus UK has nukes. thats a whole different angle too.

This ^^^^
Ivan's touch our Red Coat cousins we wipe 'em all out.

Tea anyone?

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