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Russian expert: COVID-19 may be a biological weapon created in U.S. laboratories

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CGTN proving they are clueless clowns spreading FakeNews when the first few sentences out of this guy's mouth are not logical at all.

336 labs across the world and no locals are allowed in..just US employees. Is he serious or just stupid?
CGTN proving they are clueless clowns spreading FakeNews when the first few sentences out of this guy's mouth are not logical at all.

336 labs across the world and no locals are allowed in..just US employees. Is he serious or just stupid?

Laughable until you read there're Covid-19 DNA sequences that were patented by Moderna some years before the Covid-19 pandemic. The chance of natural occurance of the sequences matching what Modern patented is 1 in 10's or 100's of billions. It's worth investigating by the UN and an international consortium of viral and DNA experts. US government should open up all its labs. If they're as Biden/Trump/Blinken/... /Franklin/Jefferson/Washington said, the labs and their tests are benevolent to human kind, then there's no reason to hide, is there? Why trying to study how to attach virus to birds to spread? Why study certain human group DNA's susceptible to a virus?
Laughable until you read there're Covid-19 DNA sequences that were patented by Moderna some years before the Covid-19 pandemic.

yes 19 nucleotides out of thousands matched and it was blown out of proportion by Eastern media.

No, study doesn’t prove Moderna ‘created’ COVID-19​


Dr. Bala Ambati, an ophthalmologist and a research professor at the University of Oregon, was first author on the study.

He told PolitiFact that the peer-reviewed article was "published as a perspective, the main purpose of which was to stimulate discussion."

"We understood from the beginning that this match could be random chance and stated this in the article very prominently," he said.
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yes 19 nucleotides out of thousands matched that was blown out of proportion by Eastern media.

No, study doesn’t prove Moderna ‘created’ COVID-19​


Dr. Bala Ambati, an ophthalmologist and a research professor at the University of Oregon, was first author on the study.

He told PolitiFact that the peer-reviewed article was "published as a perspective, the main purpose of which was to stimulate discussion."

"We understood from the beginning that this match could be random chance and stated this in the article very prominently," he said.

What a way to play down the random matches. Typical hypocrites. If it's anything remotely a Russian or Chinese lab that did what Moderna did, you will see all the Western media going ballistic. BTW, why are the western media so tamed, so conformed to US government guidelines? Please share your thoughts...
What a way to play down the random matches. Typical hypocrites. If it's anything remotely a Russian or Chinese lab that did what Moderna did, you will see all the Western media going ballistic. BTW, why are the western media so tamed, so conformed to US government guidelines? Please share your thoughts...

Why are people like you a perpetual sucker for those who intentionally interpret a research paper in a way that has already been highlighted by the authors as a non-event.

No wonder the Chinese government has to put up walls to prevent it's sheep citizens from readily believing everything and passing it around to the entire population like wildfire. It's like some child-block.


Don't worry children...I'll explain to you why this is not correct
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Why are people like you a perpetual sucker for those who intentionally interpret a research paper in way that has already been highlighted by the authors as a non-event.

No wonder the Chinese government has to put up walls to prevent it's sheep citizens from readily believing everything and passing it around to the entire population like wildfire.

What are you trying to hide? I had never been inside China's firewall. But for all the Chinese citizens or immigrants that came from China, the firewall never prevented them from accessing info outside of China. So, back to you and the American bio-viral researches, what are you trying to hide? You can do whatever you like and nobody can and should ask questions?
What are you trying to hide? I had never been inside China's firewall. But for all the Chinese citizens or immigrants that came from China, the firewall never prevented them from accessing info outside of China. So, back to you and the American bio-viral researches, what are you trying to hide? You can do whatever you like and nobody can and should ask questions?

I already showed you an article saying the 19 nucleotide claim was made by an anti-vaxer site and the original author of the research paper has come out and said the interpretation is faulty.

I then said that it is a ridiculous claim that 336 overseas lab sites are run by only Americans and that the locals are not even allowed to set foot in them.

What is your problem with my 336 lab assertion by the OP being illogical? Not your smokescreen tangents..
I already showed you an article saying the 19 nucleotide claim was made by an anti-vaxer site and the original author of the research paper has come out and said the interpretation is faulty.

I then said that it is a ridiculous claim that 336 overseas lab sites are run by only Americans and that the locals are not even allowed to set foot in them.

What is your problem with my 336 lab assertion by the OP being illogical? Not your smokescreen tangents..
Why is the interpretation faulty? In fact, why did the author use the term 'interpretation' after he/she found the connection? Should'nt it be called the 'finding'? Give credit to where it belongs, it's a finding then call it as such. Was the term 'interpretation' injected into the interview AFTER the White House or NSA consulted her/him?

I don't know where you interpreted the 'locals are not allowed to set foot' in the labs. I'm sure the American scientists hire local lab techs and custodians. But they must sign all sorts of non-disclosures where they know their livelihood and perhaps their physical lives depend on the performance of these contracts. Each of these lab techs would be allowed to perform a certain part of the research. It's very similar to how Lockheed etc. conducts their weapon developments... I could go on but that's your smokescreen (I must borrow your word. It's a good word describing your actions.).

Now, blowing away your smokes, I still would like to know why the US is still hiding the 'benevolent' researches it's been secretly conducting in all these 3rd-world poor countries that have no say, no knowledge, no whatever? If it's so benevolent, why fear some other people looking at the reports to clear the cloud? Why did the WHO quickly suggest these viral samples in the Ukrain labs be destroyed? We all know whom the WHO works for. Shouldn't WHO be pressing to investigate instead of trying to destroy the evidences?
I have zero doubt that Covid 19 was a deep state created virus given how politicized and politically charged it has been.
Why are people like you a perpetual sucker for those who intentionally interpret a research paper in way that has already been highlighted by the authors as a non-event.

No wonder the Chinese government has to put up walls to prevent it's sheep citizens from readily believing everything and passing it around to the entire population like wildfire. It's like some child-block.


Don't worry children...I'll explain to you why this is not correct
Shame on your IQ after reading your comment.
What the media conveys should be based on the facts of the investigation. If it deviates from this guideline, it will lose its basic credibility. This is the quality that the Western media voluntarily discard in recent years.
If you have evidence, please list it out, if not, please shut up your stinky mouth and don't make personal attacks on others here.
I already showed you an article saying the 19 nucleotide claim was made by an anti-vaxer site and the original author of the research paper has come out and said the interpretation is faulty.

I then said that it is a ridiculous claim that 336 overseas lab sites are run by only Americans and that the locals are not even allowed to set foot in them.

What is your problem with my 336 lab assertion by the OP being illogical? Not your smokescreen tangents..
Until now, you haven't explain why US refused to open up any of those lab for inspection. It just proves US is guilty. A thief will never open his house for others to investigate of find his loots.
Until now, you haven't explain why US refused to open up any of those lab for inspection. It just proves US is guilty. A thief will never open his house for others to investigate of find his loots.

Which overseas lab funded by the US were denied inspection...please list them and the countries they are in.

The only foreign lab funded by the US out of the "336" but having stalled access was Wuhan..and it wasn't the "US employees" that were doing the denying.

In Major Shift, NIH Admits Funding Risky Virus Research in Wuhan​

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Which overseas lab funded by the US were denied inspection...please list them and the countries they are in.

The only foreign lab funded by the US out of the "336" but having stalled access was Wuhan..and it wasn't the "US employees" that were doing the denying.

In Major Shift, NIH Admits Funding Risky Virus Research in Wuhan​

US funded lab vs US owned lab are 2 different thing. Nice tactics to avoid the inquiry. Do US control Wuhan lab despite funding part of the research?

Why fort detrick is not allowed for inspection by WHO? Dont avoid the topic. Typical tactics from you. And dont give cheapshot of telling me Fort Detrick allow those limited visitor free tour which are restricted from most of the lab facilities. We want transparent unlimited access to Fort Detrick facilities. Let me repeat, A thief wouldnt allow anyone to inspect his house for his loots.
US funded lab vs US owned lab are 2 different thing. Nice tactics to avoid the inquiry. Do US control Wuhan lab despite funding part of the research?

ok, which lab overseas "owned" by the US was denied inspection? Please list the lab locations and countries or I'm going to call out that alleged US location as basically "vaporware".

Why fort detrick is not allowed for inspection by WHO? Dont avoid the topic.

Where did you read Fort Detrick has denied WHO access? Members of WHO have likely been visiting for years with no complaints. Please show a WHO page where they are suddenly denied and are complaining...or I'll call that allegation basically "vaporware" too.
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