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Russian embassy in Kiev attacked by thugs


May 31, 2010
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United Kingdom
A few hundred Ukrainian protesters rallying at the Russian embassy in Kiev have overturned several diplomatic cars and piled up tires to block entry into the building. They have also and thrown stones, smoke grenades, eggs, and paint at the premises.

Police stood idly by as the anti-Moscow crowd blockaded the site, expressing its anger over the Russian government’s alleged involvement in the Ukrainian crisis.

The protesters have thrown a Molotov cocktail at the embassy, causing a minor fire which has been extinguished. As of midnight local time, the situation had calmed down. However, protesters still remain at the site.


A fireman extinguishes the flames from a Molotov coctail thrown by a protester during rally against the Russian President Vladimir Putin in front of the Russian Embassy in Kiev on June 14, 2014 (AFP Photo / Sergey Supinsky)

The demonstrators also broke pavement and hurled rocks at the embassy’s windows, ITAR-TASS reports.

The situation became even more tense as dozens of masked and camouflaged radicals of the Maidan self-defense troops, the Right Sector, and the nationalist Svoboda party joined the protest in the evening. Rocks, smoke grenades, and some explosives were thrown at the embassy from over the fence.

Press-attaché of the Russian diplomatic mission to Ukraine, Oleg Grishin, confirmed to RT that the overturned vehicles belong to embassy staff. Police have attempted to talk to protesters, but refrained from detaining any of them, he said.

“Security is provided by the Ukrainian side. They do not prevent the damage being caused to property of the Russian diplomatic mission and to the facade [of the building],” Grishin told RT over the phone.

The embassy has been effectively blocked by protesters’ cars placed at the entrance, as well as by heaps of tires, Grishin said.


Pro-Ukrainian people overturn a car during a rally in front of the Russian embassy in Kiev June 14, 2014 (Reuters / Valentyn Ogirenko)

A handful of people with placards reading “Russia go home,” “No vodka!” and slogans insulting Russian President Vladimir Putin initially started picketing near the embassy.

Several protesters hurled eggs, while loud speakers play Ukrainian patriotic songs.

Some of the people appeared aggressive and started barring the embassy’s entrance with tires, witnesses reported.

The protesters defaced the embassy’s sign plate with insults apparently directed at Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Footage from the scene then showed protesters upturning several diplomatic cars parked in front of the embassy. The vehicles also had their number plates ripped off and were covered by graffiti. Someone drew several swastikas in the colors of the Ukrainian flag on one of the cars.

The Russian flag flying on a post in the embassy was hooked and dragged down by protesters over the fence. A flag of the nationalist Ukrainian Insurgent Army was then hung at the embassy’s gates.

Some protesters shouted slogans against the Russian government, while others shouted “For our boys!” while throwing eggs at the building – referring to the 49 Ukrainian troops killed when a military transport plane was shot down by self-defense fighters near Lugansk.

The protesters believe Moscow is behind arming and assisting the eastern Ukrainian militia, although no factual evidence of such claims has been presented.

However, calls to gather at the Russian embassy with tires appeared on social media well before the deadly Lugansk incident that took place overnight. Ukrainian agency UNN reported earlier on Saturday that “action in support of the Crimeans of Ukraine” is scheduled to take place in front of the embassy. The activists were told to come in traditional dress “and bring presents to forcibly displaced Crimeans.”

Users on Twitter have compared Saturday's action with the aftermath of the tragic events in Odessa on May 2 – in which nearly 50 people were killed. Back then, people laid flowers, candles, St. George ribbons, and Ukrainian flags at the Ukrainian embassy in Moscow.

The Ukrainian Interior Ministry said in a statement that it will “give legal evaluation” of the protesters’ actions. It did not elaborate further.

Moscow, Washington demand to stop violence in Kiev
The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement condemning the attack on the Russian embassy and demanded that Kiev provide security for Russian diplomats.

“Moscow is extremely outraged at the provocative actions of fascist-like thugs in Kiev against the Russian Embassy. Moscow demands the Ukrainian side take all necessary security measures to protect Russian diplomats in Kiev,” the statement said.

No such measures have yet been taken by Kiev, which is a “fragrant violation of Ukraine’s obligations,” the ministry said.

Russia has asked the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to respond to the attack on the Russian embassy in Kiev. A draft resolution on the issue has been introduced to the UNSC.

Washington on Saturday spoke out against the violent action and called on Kiev to ensure the security of Russian diplomats.

“The US condemns the attack on the embassy of the Russian Federation in Kiev and calls on the Ukrainian government to fulfill its obligations under the Vienna convention to ensure the necessary security measures,”
US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said, as quoted by RIA Novosti.
Zionist nazis assholes have no limits

They will make everything to ignite mass wars, as JEWS are always behind

JEW NATO (Obama, Nuland, Sarkozy, Bernard Henri Lévy, Hollande, Cameron...)
Hell its not that bad, Denmark/Norway had their embassies blazed across most of the middle east because of a drawing of Mohammed.

Zionist nazis assholes have no limits

They will make everything to ignite mass wars, as JEWS are always behind

JEW NATO (Obama, Nuland, Sarkozy, Bernard Henri Lévy, Hollande, Cameron...)

Honestly, what the **** are you on about? are you a anti jew spam bot. Throwing some paint over a car is the act of nazis trying to start a mass war? then you go off on a tirade against the jews which is a very nazi esque type of behaviour, sort your non functioning brain out.
Hell its not that bad, Denmark/Norway had their embassies blazed across most of the middle east because of a drawing of Mohammed.
What did the zionist slaves did?

What did Russia did? Nothing, they're just the victimes of the JEW NATO push

Yakunovitch has always been trolled in 2004 & 20014 by NATO nazis. He's replaced by Timochenko & Ioutchenko, hated in 2010 when they're gone

Honestly, what the **** are you on about? are you a anti jew spam bot. Throwing some paint over a car is the act of nazis trying to start a mass war? then you go off on a tirade against the jews which is a very nazi esque type of behaviour, sort your non functioning brain out.
40 000 nazis with hammers in Maidan, Trade Union massacre, Banderas worshippers, massacres in Donetsk...
Zionist nazis assholes have no limits

They will make everything to ignite mass wars, as JEWS are always behind

JEW NATO (Obama, Nuland, Sarkozy, Bernard Henri Lévy, Hollande, Cameron...)
conspiracy theory, jews are innocent.
What did the zionist slaves did?

What did Russia did? Nothing, they're just the victimes of the JEW NATO push

Yakunovitch has always been trolled in 2004 & 20014 by NATO nazis. He's replaced by Timochenko & Ioutchenko, hated in 2010 when they're gone

40 000 nazis with hammers in Maidan, Trade Union massacre, Banderas worshippers, massacres in Donetsk...

Why are they Nazis? elaborate please especially as you use the word so much you must know why you are using it correct?

Trade union massacre...Not a massacre, a terrible loss of life but having seen how little regard for life people in that region can have I doubt that there was an "innocent" side.

Banderas...ha please, no different from Russian nationalists, you think Russians are not xenophobic racists also, its a heartland of nationalist whites.

Massacres in Donetsk, STOP USING THE WORD MASSACRE...the definition of massacre,
An indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of many people
. Generally a massacre is something along the lines of "The Nanking Massacre" you know, the slaughter of huge numbers of people indiscriminately. Most the "innocent" people killed in Donetsk in incidents such as at the airport were armed rebels, clearly well armed if they are taking out aircraft and armour, a massacre generally occurs on large numbers of civilians, civilians dont wear balaclava and body armour and carry automatic rifles so dont make the pro Russians out to be some kind of persecuted people as they are bullies just like their Ukrainian counterparts.

The total death toll since the Kiev bullshit for the past 6 months isnt even close to a massacre let alone individual incidents, stop trying to use frightening words for provocation, the death toll is far worse on the Ukrainian side anyway, the aircraft shot down in their OWN LAND have equalled the amount that died in the trade union building alone.
Why are they Nazis? elaborate please especially as you use the word so much you must know why you are using it correct?

Trade union massacre...Not a massacre, a terrible loss of life but having seen how little regard for life people in that region can have I doubt that there was an "innocent" side.

Banderas...ha please, no different from Russian nationalists, you think Russians are not xenophobic racists also, its a heartland of nationalist whites.
So what's the link between Hochiminh the nationalist and the nazis?

Worshipping a traitor massmurderer pro-Hitler is not nazi for you?
Right sector with SS emblems
Massacres in Donetsk, STOP USING THE WORD MASSACRE...the definition of massacre, . Generally a massacre is something along the lines of "The Nanking Massacre" you know, the slaughter of huge numbers of people indiscriminately. Most the "innocent" people killed in Donetsk in incidents such as at the airport were armed rebels, clearly well armed if they are taking out aircraft and armour, a massacre generally occurs on large numbers of civilians, civilians dont wear balaclava and body armour and carry automatic rifles so dont make the pro Russians out to be some kind of persecuted people as they are bullies just like their Ukrainian counterparts.

The total death toll since the Kiev bullshit for the past 6 months isnt even close to a massacre let alone individual incidents, stop trying to use frightening words for provocation, the death toll is far worse on the Ukrainian side anyway, the aircraft shot down in their OWN LAND have equalled the amount that died in the trade union building alone.
So you're right i can peacefully burn 30 egyptians and beat to death the survivors, and it's not a massacre for you?

Russians are too nice, in all countries especially in JEW USA, any rioter trying to beat police with a hammer would be shot dead
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