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Russian Company Delivers Eight Il-76 Aircraft to 'Unnamed' Asian State

Russian Company Delivers EightIl-76 Aircraft to 'Unnamed' Asian State

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Ilyushin is a part of Russia's United Aircraft Corporation. Ilyushin specializes in manufacturing passenger, military and civil transport aircraft as well as special-purpose aircraft.

"In 2015, we delivered eight Il-76 aircraft to one of the Asian countries. Unfortunately I cannot name the state — we are bound by the formal relations. The contract is almost fulfilled, there are only two aircraft left to be supplied," Yury Yudin told reporters.

Yury Yudin said that negotiations with the same Asian country about the delivery of five more Il-76 aircraft were in progress.

Russian Company Delivers Eight Il-76 Aircraft to 'Unnamed' Asian State


So Gents, who is this mysterious customer?
I suspect India because they need to transport of goods from India to Afghanistan or central asia bypassing Pakistan but if they are then why do it secretly as they clearly have that kind of relations unless ofcourse they did not want to alarm Pakistan but how will Pak be alarmed .... North Korea is also a possibility ..... I dont think its Iran as they are not in need of it unless ofcourse they secretly wants to transport some missile tech............. it will be named soon i guess or will atleast be suspected
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