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Russian army defends the civilians of Donbas where president Yanukovych was from from Kiev regime artillery

Oct 15, 2017
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Stealing others people is not any good for humanity. As the UN Ukraine ambassador said it those Russians will end in hell.
Stealing others people is not any good for humanity. As the UN Ukraine ambassador said it those Russians will end in hell.

One man's terrorist is another man's hero. Russians are terrorists according to Americans. Russians are heroes according to people of Donbas.
One man's terrorist is another man's hero. Russians are terrorists according to Americans. Russians are heroes according to people of Donbas.
Those in Donbas are separatists, extremists. Give me a country that supports extremists, separatists?
Stealing others people is not any good for humanity. As the UN Ukraine ambassador said it those Russians will end in hell.
Isn't that what the native Americans said in the Americas ,Aborigines said in Australia and the Aztecs said in South America?
Isn't that what the native Americans said in the Americas ,Aborigines said in Australia and the Aztecs said in South America?
You can’t use them as justification. The lands we both are standing on belong to someone else in the past. You can’t use Vietnam war or other wars as justification for Ukraine war. That’s stupid. Humans have brain we should become smarter thru evolution.
Those in Donbas are separatists, extremists. Give me a country that supports extremists, separatists?

US supported Kosovo secession, Taiwan secession, Cuba secession, Syria rebels. France supported America secession.

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I have a feeling that this guy is ultron the legend....

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