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Russian Air Force practiced attack on Sweden


Oct 8, 2009
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Russian flight practiced attack against Sweden

A Russian air force with heavy bombers practiced during the Easter weekend against attackmål in Sweden. The Russians came surprisingly middle of the night when Sweden lacked preparedness. NATO responded, however, and sent up his fighter.

The extraordinary event has so far been kept secret. It was on Good Friday night March 29 that the Russian aviation exercise against Swedish case occurred. Two months earlier, in People and Defense national conference in Salen on Jan. 15, beating Defense Karin Enstrom (M) in a speech that:

"Safety, emergency preparedness and defense policy is aimed at all times, day and night, be prepared for the unpredictable can happen."

According to the decision of Parliament is also Armed Forces' preparedness for incidents to be "immediately available". But the reality of the day Friday was another.

After midnight, saw the Swedish luftbevakningens staff on their computer screens six fast airplanes that appeared in the east. They came from bases in the St. Petersburg area, passed over the Gulf and east of the archipelago. Normal flying Russian planes then south across the Baltic Sea to land in the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad. But now swung plan against Sweden.

The core of the dressing were two heavy bomber Tu-22M3, which NATO called Backfire. They have four man crew and can carry cruise missiles and nuclear weapons. The bomber was protected by four advanced Russian fighter type Su-27, NATO designation Flanker. At 2 am, the Russian plan outside Gotska sandön, 30-40 kilometers off the Swedish territorial waters.

- I can confirm that there were two bombers - Tu-22 with fighter escort of Su-27 aircraft. They remained in international airspace at Gotska sandön and implemented some form of exercise. Then they turned back the way they had come, said Lieutenant-General Anders Silwer, Armed Forces mission command.

Anders Silwer do not want to respond to what the Russians practiced. But SvD's military sources describe how the Russian plan at anflygningen against Sweden split up in two tater. The bomber carried out mock attacks on two specific goals in the Stockholm area and Southern Sweden. The goals are two of Sweden's most important military installations.

The incident reminds of the Soviet Union's actions during the Cold War. Then they could attack planes fly directly to Swedish radar stations and air bases to abruptly turn on the Swedish border. In the 1990's, the Russian strategic bombers flying over the Baltic Sea, but returned in 2011. In July 2012, was seen Tu-22M3 fighters fly together with the Baltic Sea. But it was on the day - not in the dark of night, which is new.

In Sweden works luftbevakningens radars, tactical command and signals around the clock. In addition, there shall be an emergency incident with at least two ready-to Gripen. They should identify and document foreign aircraft and ultimately reject intruders. Every day there is this contingency, but how many hours it is running is secret. During Good Friday night, there were no pilots or plane ready.

- No, we did not plan the incident preparedness, confirms Anders Silwer.

NATO is however always 24 hours of hunting preparedness in the Baltics. Where did the alarm and two Danish F-16 plane took off from their base Siauliali in Lithuania. They did not really catch up without shadowed the Russian bombers and fighters in the distance.

One of Svenska Dagbladet's resources with deep knowledge of Sweden's Response Preparedness says:

- As soon as we discovered the plan away in the Gulf would have raised our preparedness and Swedish fighter sent up. The idea of ​​incident preparedness is to show the other state, "we see you, we meet you, we have an eye on you." Here we had apparently no contingency and track. This is serious.

The flight incidents could occur at Easter was foreseeable. Russia had warned about that in Easter week would keep a large air stridsövning, Ladoga 2013 with over 70 aircraft. A Russian news and blogs wrote about the exercise in advance. Earlier, the Armed Forces said that preparedness is increased when they anticipate increased flight activity, but that did not happen this night.

- But we usually have a good preparedness, declares Anders Silwer.

In the late 1980s, Sweden had 20 squadrons, today we are down to four. Moreover, no two of the four divisions according to the National Audit Office, staff members that they can not go into battle.

The increased Russian activity are instead part of a larger pattern. The same type of Russian planes did on 26 and 27 February simulated attacks using cruise missiles against an American frigate in the Pacific and a radar station in Japan.

That's like some nation attacking Switzerland.

The Russians were probably carrying out bomber training missions and decide rather than waste some fuel lets make a run over some Swed bases and gather some intel.

Nothing more, lets move on.
Soviet scare made Sweden strong..
their whole Grippen program and other highly successful defence products are a result of soviet scare....
The russians were showing off their arsenal.

Sweden reacted too slowly... Danish jets was out before Sweden`s.
Soviet scare made Sweden strong..
their whole Grippen program and other highly successful defence products are a result of soviet scare....

Can that count as bullying?

True, the modern Swedish military equipment took great consideration of major Swedish military bases being overrun by the Soviets.

Hence the simplicity, low maintenance costs, and quick turn around timing.

Its much less bullying than a show of force and projection of power.

Many nations do this, take the current Chinese 'intrusion' into India.

Pakistan/India crossing eachother's borders/ airspace etc.....

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