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Russia was third largest foreign investment receicer in 2013, thanks to the BP Rosneft Deal


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
29 January 2014, 12:21
Russia world's third in foreign investment amounts due to BP-Rosneft deal

© Collage "The Voice of Russia"

The influx of direct foreign investment in Russia grew by 83% in 2013 to reach 94 billion dollars to list Russia as the world's third in terms of foreign investment amounts, according to a report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD.

The report points out that the fact that Russia moved from the 9th place in 2012 to the 3rd place in 2013 was largely prompted by the acquisition by the UK's British Petroleum company of an 18.5% stake in Rosneft. The UN economists are certain that the amount of direct foreign investment in Russia in the next few years will remain at the 2013 level, or may prove bigger still.

The United States is in the lead in terms of direct foreign investment (159 billion dollars), followed by China (127 billion dollars). Russia is the third; the British Virgin Islands are the fourth, with Hong Kong coming in the fifth.
Other than oil and gas there is no serious FDI in other sectors. Not a good trend.Russia needs a proper machine tooling industry or it will fall to third world status in coming years.
In fact, the economic influence of Russia in the world is growing. Not only oil and gas but also building of nuclear plants comes to the forefront of export. European and Asian countries choose Rosatom. Half of the world, including the United States, use Russian space engines in their rockets.
Than why did Russia had such a small GDP growth this year,1-1.4 % ? Keep in mind that it was a good agricultural year and this basically saved the situation a little.
Than why did Russia had such a small GDP growth this year,1-1.4 % ? Keep in mind that it was a good agricultural year and this basically saved the situation a little.

Corruption kills Russian economy.In normal countries(in terms of corruption) Russia would achieve >5% economic growth.

In Serbia,we start to rip off coruption.3 years ago we was in Light Red Zone with Russia,Belorus,China,Mongolia,Ukraine...
2 years after we are in Yellow zone with Slovakia,Cyprus,Turkey,Romania....
But we must advance more,a light Yellow zone with Austria,Czech..would be great.
@senheiser Well,those countries you've selected are in the EU(so,affected by the European crisis) and we (Romania) still managed to pull an 2.8-3% without great foreign investement this year.

It just seemed odd to atract so many foreign money and just pull an 1.4 %.
@senheiser Well,those countries you've selected are in the EU(so,affected by the European crisis) and we (Romania) still managed to pull an 2.8-3% without great foreign investement this year.

It just seemed odd to atract so many foreign money and just pull an 1.4 %.

so what last year russia had 3.4% now its a bit slower, last year was romania worse now youre catching up because last year you were below its normal economics. Russia has many investment but also many capital outflow because of western crooks who want to rob our country
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