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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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White House troll with a cringey name, your former president George Bush jr and his comrade Tony B'liar are still on the arrest warrant issued by the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission on charges of war crimes against Iraq. And since you mention hospital supposedly bombed by the Russians may I remind you of the hospital in Baghdad bombed by the Americans in 1991 ?

So it shows Ukrainians would rather die than be under Russian domination.

Then so be it. And I am talking about Zelenksy's Nazis.

Ukraine's ugly racism and cruelty is coming to the fore. The people that they're typing to the poles are Roma people. I is unbelievable.

Your post had a Haha react by @mmr who's a Bangladeshi - a Brown person. Doesn't he know of the Ukranian Nazis mistreating the Browns and the Blacks ? Does Mmr think he's Nordic white ?

The soldier on the right is clearly wearing an Ukrainian uniform and armband.

And the soldier in the picture with a Roma girl tied to a pole and her face sprayed green, that soldier watching on had a Ukranian patch on the arm.
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No, even I can see the Russia are fighting 3 front separately and not in a mutually supported position a couple of days ago, you don't need a Major General to tell you that.

I thought you went to defence college??

This is not about fighting multiple fronts, WW2 have 8 fronts, (Eastern Europe, Caucasus, North Africa, Western Europe, Mediterranean, South Pacific, China and Burma), while you do have 8 commander on these 8 theatres, but you still have 1 single person (more like an office) in charge, that person is Dwight Eisenhower.

You need a person who control the overall battlefield so you can distribute the resource and divert troop and supply to exploit any gain or alter the course if things did not go right. You have to have a unified office to take care of the logistic, deal with the politics, and basically work thru the 3 commanders (in Ukraine case), in this case, you have 2 bogged down front with no correction (I know because they are still bogged down) and 1 front that were more successful than the other, but still being tied down by the defender in Mariupol. Which mean there are no one in charge of all 3 battlefield.

Their FOB for the south is Crimea — now likely lightly guarded because they threw everything on southern front into Marioupol.

And there is potential for cutoff.

Then, their only resupply route will be from Russia through M4.

When Russians invaded in 2014, I instantly noticed that they likely did it for a future supply route.

Russia has s**t roads, and it did not change in 25 years, so they are tied to staging with rail access.


If I were a Ukrainian general:

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Did you remember we had talked about who is in charge of the overall battlefield a few days ago and I have said that no one is (Well, I actually joked that Putin is in charge)

CNN did a very good discussion with Maj Gen. James Marks today about who's actually in charge of the Russian overall battlefield command (C2) in Ukraine, and according to DoD. They don't seems to be able to pin it on any particular general either.

God, that's good, because I thought I was the crazy one.

come up and comment when you are on.
I pulled out a Cold War era printed doc from my household goods storage about Soviet battlefield doctrine regarding the use of airpower. Something about the VKS behavior bugged me.

Ref the use of airpower in this war, the Russian air commander seems to have regressed back to his Soviet predecessors: airborne artillery. Basically, for this war, the Russian air commander is operationally, not just organizationally, under the Russian ground commander, whereas with Desert Storm, while Norman Schwarzkopf was the overall commander, Schwarzkopf just inform his air commander Charles Horner what he wanted and let Horner worked out the details. Whoever is the Russian air commander here, he seems to be waiting...and waiting...and waiting...for his orders.

Airborne artillery was the phrase I was looking for. The concept is old and operationally, it is unadaptable or at best limited utility to technological progress. Philosophically, aviation affects time (the actual phrase in this doc) so when the Soviets put the air commander under the ground commander, the entire pace of the war depends on how much knowledge the ground commander have about airpower in general. As such, Soviet airpower tends to attack targets that can affect the battle at best 24 hrs in the future. US airpower doctrine going back to the WW II US Army Air Corps days, attacked oil refineries and ballbearing factories, attacked targets that can affect battles weeks and months in the future, meaning crude oil do not become lubricants and avgas until days or weeks of refinement, then more time transport to the front. This is why USAAC commanders felt they had to be institutionally separated from the Army to develop their own war doctrines. So had there been a war on CONEUR, Soviet airpower doctrine would have the VKS cleared the battlefields before the Soviet Army as Army units, like armor, moves below. Strategic targets would fall under the Soviet Rocket Forces, re ICBMs.

For the Russian military today and here in Ukraine, it seems that while the VKS is apart from the Russian Army on paper, doctrinally, there has been little change since the Cold War yrs. The airborne artillery concept do not, or cannot, compensate for advances like drones, which are essentially airborne guerrilla warfare against advancing ground forces. If armor, for example, is slowed down for any reason, the air force must be proportionally restrained. But what if the Ukrainian Air Force managed to put up a fight? Then until the VKS achieve LOCAL air superiority, meaning maybe a few dozen klicks out front, the Russian Army must be proportionally limited. Currently, the Ukrainian Air Force is too few in numbers. So it seems good fortune for the Russian military that Ukrainian airpower is nothing like US/NATO.
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