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Russia to give loan to Pakistan as well !

what wud yuo call someone who takes money from ''randi''? begairat? in pakistani language? because this what you just did. besides, its US who dumped you after owning you for 5 decades. and i am a Big Indian:D

Pakistan has pumped the entire world community. All we get is complaints from jealous lovers. ;) :lol:
Pakistan has pumped the entire world community. All we get is complaints from jealous lovers. ;) :lol:

really? why dont you go out and check for the presence of american drones in your skies, for it has ''pumped'' a lot of pakistanis:rofl:
Here we go. Another crack-pot based statement. For the record, I know MORE about your internals, your political system and daily events than you do. I can guarantee you on it. You guys have to wait and see it on the Media. I get real time updates. So PLEASE, run these silly, childish statements elsewhere.
Absolutely correct.. After to nights show. Birds eye view is from where you are seeing.
Oh GOD no, this will go straight into corrupt politicians pockets.
How long can a nation sustain itself on loans & grants ?
Globally - the market price for oil is quite low. Poses challenges for OPEC countries and for Russia --especially since they've collectively decided NOT to cut output and jack up the prices again.

so with that said, Russia which is already facing some levels of sanctions on state owned energy companies -- will have a tough time to be doling out moneys for social programs and loans to its own - let alone developing countries.

loans get paid back - but I think Russia should just keep the money.......best thing Pakistan could do right now is to put pressure on Switzerland - to STOP hiding money that was STOLEN from OUR national exchequer and stashed over there in several bank accounts. Bring to book and expose the corrupt people and practices.

maybe the media and judiciary should prove their worth, for a change....unless we want corruption to continue to be a part of our genetics and culture....a country of 180 million with the resources and talent we have should not be asking for any loans from anybody.

solve the problems, dont just go for easy short-cuts!
Without loans no developing nation can do anything.
U cannot print money in more amount as it will devaluate the currency and increase the inflation.So only option left is loans.

inflation has gone down somewhat -- partly thanks to reasons ive already listed in my rants and raves above
Russia will do much more for Pakistan, since it considers it of utmost strategic importance. The Russian Invasion of Afghanistan had for real aim some Pakistani ports, because some promesses were made by that time Pakistani government that was overthrown by Zia and the promesses overruled in US advantage.
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