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Russia now the 8th largest Market for Chinese Exports


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
China’s Top Import Partners - World's Top ExportsChina’s Top Import Partners

Although officially nicknamed The Middle Kingdom, China could easily be called the Land of Big Exporting.

The world’s largest exporter, China shipped US$2.2 trillion worth of products around the globe in 2013. That figure represents 12.2% of overall global exports estimated at $18.06 trillion.

China’s Top Import Partners
Below is a list of China’s top 15 trade partners that imported the most Chinese shipments by dollar value during 2013. Also shown is each import countries percentage of total Chinese exports.

  1. Hong Kong: $384,854,022,000 (17.4% of China’s total exports)
  2. United States: $369,111,212,000 (16.7%)
  3. Japan: $150,388,804,000 (6.8%)
  4. South Korea: $91,196,702,000 (4.1%)
  5. Germany: $67,364,998,000 (3%)
  6. Netherlands: $60,328,824,000 (2.7%)
  7. United Kingdom: $50,957,385,000 (2.3%)
  8. Russian Federation: $49,601,249,000 (2.2%)
  9. Vietnam: $48,594,333,000 (2.2%)
  10. India: $48,449,347,000 (2.2%)
  11. Malaysia: $45,931,114,000 (2.1%)
  12. Singapore: $45,879,931,000 (2.1%)
  13. Taiwan: $40,664,980,000 (1.8%)
  14. Australia: $37,563,451,000 (1.7%)
  15. Indonesia: $36,948,166,000 (1.7%)
Over two-thirds (69.1%) of Chinese exports in 2013 were delivered to the above 15 trade partners.

Every country on the list increased its imports from China from 2009 to 2013. Our studies showed a minimum gain of 34.9% for Germany up to 198.1% for Vietnam.

See also China’s Fastest-Growing Import Partners and Highest Value Chinese Export Products

Research Sources:
International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database (GDP based on Purchasing Power Parity). Accessed on March 7, 2014

The World Factbook, Field Listing: Imports, Central Intelligence Agency. Accessed on March 7, 2014

Trade Map, International Trade Centre, www.intracen.org/marketanalysis. Accessed on March 7, 2014

China's Fastest-Growing Import Partners - World's Top ExportsChina’s Fastest-Growing Import Partners

After analyzing 2013 data for the 50 countries responsible for consuming the greatest dollar value in Chinese imports, we found 15 countries that boosted their imports by 130% or more since 2009.

Seven of these 15 import-leading nations are in Asia, which makes sense since they share share the same continental neighborhood.

Still, five countries from distant South America (Peru, Colombia, Chile, Brazil and Argentina) were among the nations growing their shipments from China by the highest percentages. So was faraway Mexico.

China’s Fastest-Growing Import Partners
Listed below in descending order below are China’s fastest-growing import partners. These nations boosted imports from the People’s Republic by the greatest percentage over the five-year period ending in 2013.

  1. Iraq: $6,895,185,000 (up 275.1% since 2009)
  2. Myanamar (Burma): $7,349,194,000 (up 225%)
  3. Vietnam: $48,594,333,000 (up 198.1%)
  4. Peru: $6,186,305,000 (up 194.7%)
  5. Colombia: $6,829,561,000 (up 185%)
  6. Russia: $49,601,249,000 (up 183.2%)
  7. Chile: $13,109,071,000 (up 166%)
  8. Brazil: $36,192,015,000 (up 156.3%)
  9. Argentina: $8,750,546,000 (up 151.2%)
  10. Indonesia: $36,948,166,000 (up 151%)
  11. Thailand: $32,739,436,000 (up 146%)
  12. Mexico: $28,971,171,000 (up 135.6%)
  13. Malaysia: $45,931,114,000 (up 134%)
  14. Hong Kong: $384,854,022,000 (up 131.5%)
  15. Philippines: $19,835,685,000 (up 131.1%)
Iraq topped the list, while oil-exporting titan Russia was also among China’s fastest-growing import partners.

See also China’s Top Import Partners and Highest Value Chinese Exp
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