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Russia, India 'likely' to sign 5G fighter contract in December


Nov 11, 2010
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Russia and India are highly likely to sign a fifth-generation fighter design contract in December, Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov said on Thursday.

Russia's Sukhoi holding and India's Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) agreed in early 2010 to jointly develop a fifth-generation fighter jet. India confirmed that it had finalized a draft contract at a meeting with Russia in early October.

"If all procedures are completed by the time of our president's visit [to India] in December, the contract will be ready for signing," Ivanov said.

The new aircraft will be based on Russia's T-50 prototype fifth-generation fighter, which has already made several test flights, and is expected to enter service with the Russian Air Force in 2015.

NEW DELHI, November 18 (RIA Novosti)

Russia, India 'likely' to sign 5G fighter contract in December | Russia | RIA Novosti
The new aircraft will be based on Russia's T-50 prototype fifth-generation fighter

So FGFA will be an offshoot of the T-50 ? I thought it'd be something like a Su-30MKI (PAK-FA with some Indian stuff)
FGFA will be a modified 2 seat version of PAK-FA with most likely different avionics on board.

Yeah that's what I thought. The Russians would develop the PAK-FA then we'd tinker around with it, install our own avionics etc.

But it seems like PAK FA and FGFA will branch off from the T-50 itself (that's what I understood from the article)
Yeah that's what I thought. The Russians would develop the PAK-FA then we'd tinker around with it, install our own avionics etc.

But it seems like PAK FA and FGFA will branch off from the T-50 itself (that's what I understood from the article)

“Indian FGFA will be real challenge for American F-22 ” claims German Defense Expert Helmut Hirsch , MR Hirsch in private conversation with our Admin ( idrw.org) , have said that FGFA which will be based on T-50 / Pak-FA will have major design changes to its fuselage due to twin pilot configuration and Indian Expertise in Composite will only enchance Stealth characters of the Aircraft .
MR Hirsch believes that Russians have compromised on stealth to keep the aircraft more maneuverable and under a tight budget to keep per aircraft cost under control , Russians simply cannot afford to have such a expensive plane in large numbers , but Indians seems to have realized that and will be doing 30 % of the design changes to improve stealth characters of the aircraft .

When asked if Indian Version will be more stealthy ? MR Hirsch seems confident on that matter , MR Hirsch also believes that real challenge for F-22 will come from Indian FGFA rather than F-35 or Chinese J-XX. MR Hirsch also adds that Indians will add best of technology (Avionics / Radars / Weapons ) from west in their version which makes it even more lethal then F-35 and a real challenge for F-22′s Superiority .

MR Hirsch also added that F-22 is excellent aircraft but production of it which will stop just under 200 makes any one believe that aircraft has some real issues which have been kept under wraps but issues of rusting in airframe has already surfaced , and recent reports of USAF already looking for F-22 Replacement by 2030 all points to that direction .

MR Hirsch was also critical of F-35 , and slammed it for being over priced and expensive , and also went on to say that European countries who will ultimately purchase it and are partners in the program could have built among them self a better 5th Gen fighter just like Euro-fighter which he believes can take on F-35 in BVR fight .

If what this defence minister says is true then FGFA would be more advanced to what even the Russians will field.
What are the parts of FGFA that india will manufacture on their own?
Good news indeed,,,finally things are going towards reality...:cheers:
Vimana1 said:
If what this defence minister says is true then FGFA would be more advanced to what even the Russians will field.

We're miles behind the Russian aerospace industry. Anyways how does the defense minister know that "Indians will be doing 30 % of the design changes to improve stealth characters of the aircraft ." ? :confused:

unicorn said:
What are the parts of FGFA that india will manufacture on their own?

Su30MKI used to be assembled by HAL but now it fully manufactured, so I guess HAL would have the expertise to manufacture the FGFA
What are the parts of FGFA that india will manufacture on their own?

The Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) being jointly developed by India and Russia will look substantially different for the two countries. While the Russian version will be a single-pilot fighter, the Indian variant will have a twin-seat configuration based on its operational doctrine which calls for greater radius of combat operations.

“The Indian FGFA is significantly different from the Russian aircraft because a second pilot means the addition of another dimension, development of wings and control surfaces,” said Ashok Baweja, chairman of the Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL), which is developing the aircraft along with Russia’s Sukhoi design bureau.
Russia and India fix T-50 fighter design contract cost at $295 mln




Russia and India have agreed the estimated cost of a design contract for their joint fifth-generation fighter project at $295 million, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) Chairman Ashok Nayak said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

"The cost of preliminary design is estimated at $295 million. The work is expected to be complete within 18 months," Nayak said.

Russia's Sukhoi holding and India's Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) agreed in early 2010 to jointly develop a fifth-generation fighter jet based on the prototype T-50 design. India confirmed that it had finalized a draft contract at a meeting with Russia in early October.

Nayak said the contract could be signed by the representatives of India's HAL and Russia's United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) during a visit by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to India on December 20-22.
The two sides agreed to develop both a single-seat and a two-seat version of the aircraft by 2016, focusing on the single-seat version in the initial stages of development. The costs will be shared equally between Russia and India.

The first Russian prototype T-50 made its maiden flight in January 2010.
The new fighter aircraft is expected to enter service with the Indian Air Force by 2020.

NEW DELHI, December 16 (RIA Novosti

Russia and India fix T-50 fighter design contract cost at $295 mln | World | RIA Novosti
So your country has been slowly inching towards a new generation of combat aircraft. I see. But has this news not been a news headline for quite sometime? Correct me if I am wrong, but this has been the most prominent news from the Indian sub-continent's defence news for quite sometime now.
So your country has been slowly inching towards a new generation of combat aircraft. I see. But has this news not been a news headline for quite sometime? Correct me if I am wrong, but this has been the most prominent news from the Indian sub-continent's defence news for quite sometime now.

The amount is the newer information.
India will eventually spend over $25 billion to induct 250 advanced stealth fifth-generation fighter aircraft (FGFA).This will be in addition to the huge investment to be made in co-developing FGFA with cash-strapped Russia, as also the huge infrastructure required to base, operate and maintain such jets in India.Air Chief Marshal Naik said the 30-tonne FGFA will be a "swing-role fighter, with very advanced avionics, stealth to increase survivability, enhanced lethality, 360 degree situational awareness, smart weapons, data-links, high-end mission computers and the like. Along with 126 medium multi-role combat aircraft, which India plans to acquire in a $10.4 billion project, 270 Sukhoi-30MKIs contracted from Russia for around $12 billion with another up gradation of already inducted Su-30MKI at a cost of more than $2 billion and 120 indigenous Tejas Light Combat Aircraft induction at a cost of $3.6 billion, the 200odd FGFA will be the mainstay of India's air combat fleet for the foreseeable future.This is apart from $2.2billion up-gradation of the 50 odd Mirage 2000 fighters and 61 MIG-29 SMT to be fighting fit till 2025 along with the 125 MIG-21 Bison operational till 2017.This will help IAF to reach the sanctioned healthy strength of 44 squadrons with more than 792 aircrafts(18 aircrafts each squadron) with a completely new air force at a cost of anywhere between $55billion to $65billion in the next 10years.

The joint-venture borrows heavily from the success of the Brahmos project. Russia and India had agreed in early 2007 to jointly study and develop a Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft Programme (FGFA).[13][14] On October 27, 2007, Asia Times quoted Sukhoi's director, Mikhail Pogosyan, "We [India and Russia] will share the funding, engineering and intellectual property [of the new project] in a 50-50 proportion."[15] The Indian version, according to the deal, will be different from the Russian version and specific to Indian requirements.[16] While the Russian version will be a single-pilot fighter, the Indian variant will have a twin-seat configuration based on its operational doctrine which calls for greater radius of combat operations. The wings and control surfaces need to be reworked for the FGFA.[17] Although, development work has yet to begin, the Russian side has expressed optimism that a test article will be ready for its maiden flight by 2009, one year after PAK FA scheduled maiden flight and induction into service by 2015.[18]

According to HAL chairman A.K. Baweja on 16 September 2008, HAL will be contributing largely to composites, cockpits and avionics. HAL is working to enter into a joint development mechanism with Russia for the evolution of the FGFA engine as an upward derivative of the AL-37. By February 2009 as per Sukhoi general director Mikhail Pogosyan India will initially get the same PAK FA fighter of Russia and the only difference will be the software. The first prototype was expected to rolled out by August 2009.[19] Xinhua quoted an Indian defense official in August 2009 saying that India will get its first stealth fighter aircraft by the end of 2009.:cheers:
Development of aircraft armament PAK FA will run parallel with the development of the fighter - CEO of a corporation Tactical Missiles

Ðàçâèòèå àâèàöèîííîãî âîîðóæåíèÿ ÏÀÊ ÔÀ áóäåò èäòè ïàðàëëåëüíî ñ ðàçâèòèåì ñàìîãî èñòðåáèòåëÿ - Ãåíäèðåêòîð êîðïîðàöèè "Òàêòè÷åñêîå ðàêåòíîå âîîðóæåíèå" - ÂÏÊ.name

Moscow. December 14. Interfax-AVN - Corporation Tactical Missiles, "Aviation has been developing weapons of destruction for the fifth-generation fighter, and successfully carries out the state defense order, and develop military-technical cooperation with foreign countries.
"Long-Term Complex Frontal Aviation (PAK FA), the first phase will appear in the 2012-2013 year, this time to be ready and arms under him. Then with the development of the PAK FA will develop weapons", - told Interfax-AVN CEO Corporation, Tactical Missiles, Boris Obnossov.
He noted that with all due respect to the aircraft that just a platform to accommodate different types of armament. Further increasing the combat efficiency of the fighter will be achieved mainly through the arms. "This roughly 20-30 percent increase in building aircraft," - said Boris Obnossov.
Responding to a question, how is the implementation of a prisoner at MAKS-2009 contract for the supply of various Air Force aircraft missile, B. Obnosov said that the contract is fully executed. "We have an annual capacity of one company covers it," - he said.
B. Obnosov reported that the volume of the parent company corporation, located at the Queen, is 8 billion rubles. The volume of production of enterprises of all corporations $ 38 billion
According to B. Obnossov successfully implemented export contracts. He reported that the production corporation Tactical Missiles today delivered to China, Algeria, Venezuela, India, Vietnam, Malaysia and other countries.
Previously reported that at MAKS-2009 was signed a major contract for the purchase of advanced aviation ordnance acquired for the Russian Defense Ministry family fighters Su. "The cost of the contract - about 6 billion rubles," - said the Air Force Commander Col. Gen. Alexander Zelin said. He clarified that the matter concerns more than 14 names of the new weapon, which is able to meet the challenges imposed on the new equipment purchased or upgraded aircraft for Russian Air Force.
At the MAKS-2009 was also announced three contracts under which the company "Dry" to 2015 for the Russian Air Force to supply 48 advanced Su-35s, 12 Su-27SM, and 4 - Su-30M2.
The first flight of the fifth generation fighter was held on 29 January this year. According to experts, the PAK FA has several unique features, combining the functions of attack aircraft and fighter. Fifth-generation aircraft is equipped with a fundamentally new avionics, the integrating function of the e-pilot, "and promising radar with a phased array. This greatly reduces the load on the pilot and allows you to concentrate on the implementation of tactical tasks.
In the inner compartment of the fighter can be placed as missiles, air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles. In air-to-air missile is a large and short-range and medium-range missile development Design Bureau "Vympel".
Originally planned to equip aircraft missiles, air-to-air long-range development of the design bureau "Innovator", but on the results of the contests were decided in favor of product development Corporation "Tactical Missiles.
In air-to-surface missiles in an internal compartment can be placed antiship missiles, rockets modular general-purpose bombs and guided the caliber of 250 kg. Besides aircraft can carry guided missiles and bombs for various purposes caliber to 1500 kg external sling.
All managed air attack, planned to equip the aircraft, designed Corporation Tactical Missiles.
again and again contract what the hell tell them make jets and handover us . itny ka jet nhi jitny ke paper waste ho gay hai contracts main.i read its 15th contract abut fgfa
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