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Russia has offered to jointly produce the 100-seater Sukhoi Superjet airliner in India.

Basically Russia can't produce shit because it's sanctioned so it tries to team up with India
We should open a negotiation with Japanese on their recently abandoned 'Mitsubishi Spacejet' to manufacture in India with full transfer of technology. Only Indian market can save that project now.

If colony of izzreal is a jewy land then who gased jewz? And most importantly who was those rats shipped from Europe?

China, India and many other countries side with Russia so?
One would thing that an allegedly conquered people would side with Ukraine and not Russia, but here you can see the monkeys siding with Russia, maybe they aren't conquered people, but conquerors?
It's a very good offer by Russia. We should grab it as an opportunity.

Likewise the fighters and helicopters, we started build and manufacturing locally, we should also start investment on civil airplanes. Boeing and Airbus will never offer such technology transfer for next few decades.

Certification will be a major issue with Russian engines and subsystems, and most sub systems on that jet is of western origin. Not to forget most of the destinations will be western countries.
It's a very interesting geopolitical scenario currently and in the near future. The west especially US has noted that it needs to do more and proactively "help" India unlike during the soviet era when India was pretty much pro USSR. They have been doing that by selling us crucial American stuff like Apache, Chinook, transport carriers, p8i, MQ9 reaper, partnering with us more on tech like engines and being participants in Indian fighter jet programs with TOT in consideration further down the line. (also possible TOT of Stryker)
The partnership is progressing in both domestic and military complex.
Now Russia is in a fix it doesn't want to lose a massive market as India, remember that India is the biggest market for Russian military complex and other domestic stuff too. India singlehandedly saved Russia's Uralvanganzavod from bankruptcy by placing a massive order for T90S tanks. Sukhoi too got out of financial difficulties when India placed a massive order of SU30MKI and it's maintenance deal with them.
Another thing is Russia can't finance the R and D aspect and mass produce these weapons, they need India's funding and co develop stuff so it can be easily inducted in Russian forces.
See Brahmos co-development project, submarine projects etc.
Russia knows India is an important partner and they are in a fix after Ukranian war both financially and geopolitically. They'll make further such offers with TOT. India should take decisions in it's best interests. Taking up Russian offers is a double edged sword so it must be taken after a lot of deliberation, plus point is it saves us a lot R and D money to research stuff by trial and error (t14 armata for example, India's current tank fleet is sub par at best and our domestic variant wasn't that good)
US wants to budge us from Russia's sphere of influence and Russia wants to keep us as a important partner, both sides will make compelling offers in the near future. This is possible due to the Indian policy of neutrality and "3rd world geopolitics" which has different meaning than what one would likely think.
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One would thing that an allegedly conquered people would side with Ukraine and not Russia, but here you can see the monkeys siding with Russia, maybe they aren't conquered people, but conquerors?
One would think that an "allegedly" Holocausted people who claims that they faced genocide and human rights violations would never do the same thing with other people but here everyone can see the jewy chimps doing exactly the same thing with Palestinians they claim to be victim of! Maybe holocaust never happened and jews deserve to be gased properly for their actions.
Certification will be a major issue with Russian engines and subsystems, and most sub systems on that jet is of western origin. Not to forget most of the destinations will be western countries.

No, it can easly replace with France engine. It looks very promising aircraft, and similrar as western standards and aircrafts compared old era soviet aircrafts.

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