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Russia concluded with Iran "space contract"


Jun 23, 2013
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Russian Federation
Roskosmos signed a cooperation agreement with the Iranian Space Agency , the newspaper Izvestia . According to the contract Russian missiles will deploy in space Iranian satellites and Iran will train in Star City near Moscow cosmonauts of Islamic Republic. Iran is also interested in buying pictures of the Earth from Russian satellites .

Roscosmos source told the publication that the contract was signed in Tehran on April 10 . On the Russian side it was signed by the Deputy Head of the Federal Space Agency Anatoly Shilov , and Iran - Acting Head of the Iranian Space Agency Hamid Fazeli .

Under the treaty, Russia will provide Iran with Russian photographers Earth satellite "Resource -DK " and " Resource-P ." In addition , Russian specialists can help partners to establish their remote sensing (RS ), which can make such pictures.

Iran, which last year announced the completion of work on the country's first spacecraft intends train pilots in the Russian Star City. It is interesting that the same time US cosmonauts training before being sent to the ISS , which means they have a chance to meet with Iranian counterparts.

Россия заключила с Ираном «космический контракт»
Great news, this will move us way ahead and will save us great deal of budget and time !! Nice slap in the face for NATO and their puppets in the region. :yahoo:
Russia is the most advanced space power in the world. No other country comes even close to their rocket engine capability.
Compared to their space program Iran's is not only an infant, but was born a few second ago.
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